This time I went to the town, no need to take a bullock cart.

Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Sancheng walked directly.

Zhao Sancheng was carrying a big strap, and He Ju had ordered him to buy a lot of things today, and only a bigger strap would be enough.

Zhao Yuanle took a look around along the way, and was very interested in everything around her, especially the pigweed on the roadside.

Zhao Sancheng: "Chang Wang Bao lives in this town, let's stop by and see him then."

Zhao Yuanle's complexion changed.

Neither she nor Zhao Yuanlan told her family about what happened in the county before, so Zhao Sancheng didn't know.

But the maid of Wang Baochang's family will definitely tell Wang Baochang the news.

Zhao Yuanle felt that if he and Zhao Sancheng came to the door, they would inevitably ask about this matter.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuanle said, "But we didn't take anything, so we went empty-handed?"

Zhao Sancheng also reacted.

"Yeah, let's go buy some later."

Zhao Yuanle said again: "He still lacks these things at home. Let me tell you, or we will give them away from our own home, or we won't go. Forgot this time, let's go next time."

Zhao Sancheng hesitated.

"It's all gone there, it's not good if you don't go to the door."

Zhao Yuanle: "It's okay, we're just going to buy something, and this isn't a real in-laws, maybe people think we come to the door as soon as we come, just like the autumn wind."

Hearing this, Zhao Sancheng immediately said: "That's impossible, fighting the autumn wind? We don't lack food, clothing and clothing. Even if we lack, it is impossible to fight the autumn wind. It would be embarrassing to say it."

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "That's right."

Zhao Sancheng: "Forget it, we won't go, we'll go back after buying something. Oh, by the way, don't you still want to sell that thing? How are you going to sell it?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I don't have any acquaintances to introduce here, so I'll just go to a shop that sells makeup and powder to ask."

She figured it out, even if the owner of the makeup shop doesn't want it, she can still squat around the women who come to buy things.

After discussing it well, the two of them talked all the way and arrived in this town.

This town is relatively large in the vicinity. One street extends along the only flat land by the river, and there are two or three branches in the middle, with a large number of residents.

The most important thing is that this is a small estuary wharf, and there are large families living in the town, who have business and need labor, so it attracts many young and middle-aged people who have spare time nearby.

And because young and middle-aged people gather here, there are small restaurants and small stalls selling things around.

It's pretty lively here.

Zhao Sancheng has been following behind Zhao Yuanle because he is a bit road-crazy.

Zhao Yuanle was very attentive looking at the scene on the street.

The people in this town are poor by the naked eye.

The clothes the people here wear are much worse than those worn by people in the county, and they are not so clean, with one patch on top and another patch on top.

It's still spring, and it's not very warm. Many people wear straw sandals, and some even go barefoot. These people don't have the money to wear cloth shoes or good shoes.

Zhao Yuanle glanced over the faces of passers-by, and what he saw was not yellow-skinned and thin, but black-skinned and thin.

Many of them have tanned skin, heavy wrinkles, and exposed necks that look like lumps of black mud that haven't been bathed for a long time. When they grin, most of their teeth are yellow. .

Zhao Yuanle watched the whole journey, and saw that the children's teeth were white when they laughed, but they were also very sparse, like the teeth of a mouse.

After seeing it, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help but sighed.

Zhao Sancheng wondered: "What's the matter, why are you sighing?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I think we are so poor."

Zhao Sancheng doesn't think so.

"We're not poor, are we?"

He thinks that his family is pretty good. Not only do they have enough to eat, they also have meat and vegetables, and they can afford new clothes and live in tile-roofed houses.

Zhao Yuanle: "Maybe."

Her "we" is actually not referring to her family, but the small farmers who have seen along the way and who are also farming for a living.

Zhao Sancheng smiled: "You are joking, we are still poor? Let's go, third uncle is rich today, I will take you to eat something good."

Zhao Yuanle: "What to eat?"

Zhao Sancheng: "What do you want to eat?"

Zhao Yuanle thought for a while and said, "Fat intestines!"

Zhao Sancheng: "Then let's go eat fat rice rolls at noon, let's buy things now."

As he spoke, Zhao Sancheng began to recite what He Ju told him.

"To make Qingming vegetable dumplings, you need special flour. Also, buy some rice cakes and pears. The most important thing is to buy yellow label paper, incense candles and incense, oh, and half a catty of white wine."

Zhao Yuanle nodded, and then asked Zhao Sancheng, "Can I buy some butter?"

She wants to eat butter hot pot and burn her belly.

Zhao Sancheng: "Your Sanniang brought some back yesterday. I know you want to eat hot pot, so I prepared it for you."

Zhao Yuanle chuckled.

"Then you don't need to buy it. But I think you can also buy some sweet potato powder, konjac, and bean skin. These are the best when boiled. Well, duck blood and duck intestines are also fine."

Zhao Sancheng looked at Zhao Yuan with a smile and counted these things.

He told Zhao Yuanle: "Anyway, your Sanniang gave me so much money. After we finish buying those, as long as there is money left, I can buy these for you."

When Zhao Yuanle heard this, he squinted and smiled.

"Okay, then I'll bargain hard."

That being the case, she will have to bargain desperately later, as much as she can!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuanle suddenly scolded Yi Li in his heart.

Damn it, if her silver dollars and change hadn't been robbed, why would she be searching like this!

Yi Li in the county town suddenly sneezed, and he concluded that it must be that stupid Zhao Yuanle who was scolding him.

At this moment, Zhao Yuanle clenched his fists thinking about the essential oil and pure dew on his body.

She said that she should keep the money from the sale this time.

Just when Zhao Yuanle swore secretly, Zhao Sancheng saw a woman selling rice cakes with a sash on her back, so he hurriedly called Zhao Yuanle and hurried over.

Zhao Yuanle collected his mood and asked the woman how to sell the rice cakes.

The woman coaxed the baby in her arms and replied, "Three rice cakes for one, buy ten and get one free, and buy twenty and get three free."

As she spoke, she flipped the cake wrapped in banana leaves beside her.

"This one is made of rice cakes. There are two pieces for one. If you buy more, you can still buy ten and get one free, and twenty get three free."

Zhao Yuanle, who was about to bargain, stopped when he heard the offer and saw the woman's rough hands and the skinny baby.

Zhao Sancheng lightly touched Zhao Yuanle.

He lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "No more bargaining?"

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Ah, here, the clothes and shoes of the person in front of me are all torn, and the baby is so small and so thin, she really can't say what she bargained for.

Seeing that Zhao Yuanle was silent, Zhao Sancheng asked.

"Only at this price? Can it be cheaper?"

------off topic-----

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