village pigwoman

124 Yi Miaomiao

After cleaning both legs, feet, and the seams between the toes, Zhao Yuanle quickly washed his feet with the clean water here. After checking several times and making sure that there was no small leech, Zhao Yuanle was relieved.

The sister who was doing laundry smiled.

"You don't even know?"

Zhao Yuanle shook his head: "I didn't pay attention. If you don't tell me, I might never see it."

Sister Wa: "There are locusts in those places with a lot of grass, but there are no places where you can wash clothes. Why do you go there? Fishing?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm fishing for shrimps."

Sister Wa: "Oh, I thought you were picking clam shells. I also wanted to say that the meat of clam shells is not tasty, and it will shrink after frying."

Zhao Yuanle sighed.

Now her filter for the natural environment here is also gone.

Sure enough, the beautiful pastoral life is just what she takes for granted, and there is nothing more than comfortable on the surface.

At this time, the sister who was doing laundry started talking to Zhao Yuanle.

"Are you from the Zhao family?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "You know me?"

Sister Wa also nodded: "I have seen you a few times, I know you, but you probably don't know me, my grandma's house is here, I sometimes come over to play."

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

no wonder...

The original owner has no memory of this little girl.

Zhao Yuanle thought about it, and said with a little emotion: "You rarely come here and you know that there are leeches here."

Sister Wa laughed.

"No matter how infrequently I come here, I have been here since I was a child. I must know it. If you don't know, it must be because you seldom go to these places to play."

This is true, Zhao Yuanle nodded.

Seeing that she hadn't worn shoes, Meiwa took a dry wool handkerchief of her own.

"Wipe your feet, put your shoes on first."

Zhao Yuanle took it, said thank you, then hurriedly used up his shoes, washed the wool handkerchief and returned it to the girl.

Seeing the kindness of the younger sister, Zhao Yuanle asked, "What's your name?"

Sister: "My name is Yi Miaomiao, and your name is Zhao Yuanle, right?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

The two started talking, and Zhao Yuanle also learned that Yi Miaomiao's grandmother lived in the yard on the other side of the river. Her surname was Wang, and she seemed to be related to Old Man Wang's family. Not much contact.

Yi Miaomiao: "My family lives in Taoshu Town, sometimes I come here, especially in the past few years, my grandma's health is getting worse and worse, but my mother is busy, so it's not easy to come here often, I'm the only one who comes to see I am a grandmother."

Zhao Yuanle let out a cry.

Wait, she suddenly thought of something.

What about her grandmother's house?No, is it the original owner's grandmother's house?

After searching the memory in his mind, Zhao Yuanle remembered that the original owner's grandmother's family adhered to the principle of throwing water out of married daughters, and they were very indifferent to their daughters and grandchildren. people meet.

Especially after the original owner's mother died of dystocia, the so-called grandma came to have a feast, and rushed home without crying a few times, because she didn't want to help.

So in the past two years, Zhao Ercheng simply refused to let his two children go there, and Yao'er never thought that he still had a grandmother's house.

Yi Miaomiao: "My mother actually wants to come too, but she's afraid that my grandma won't like it. Besides, my aunt doesn't want my sister-in-law to go back to her mother's house, or me, a niece, to come. She will show her face if she stays for two more days.

Anyway, I came to see my grandma, so I didn't bother to talk to her. "

Because of his gossip mentality, Zhao Yuanle chatted with Yi Miaomiao next to him.

After Yi Miaomiao finished washing her clothes, she wanted to wring them dry, but Zhao Yuanle went straight to help her wring them all.

Yi Miaomiao: "You are a bit strong."

Zhao Yuanle: "Humph, it's natural."

Yi Miaomiao: "I'm going back."

Zhao Yuanle: "Exactly, I'm going back too."

Yi Miaomiao: "I have to wait until Qingming Festival, and we will go back together after my mother comes. Come and play with me when you have time."

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

"You must come when you are free."

The two said goodbye, and Zhao Yuanle carried the Shau Kei and a crock full of shrimps and went home humming a little tune.

Back home, Zhao Yuanle quickly found something to spread out these small shrimps to dry.

He Ju glanced at it, and then at the sky.

"If it rains in the next few days, you will stink."

Zhao Yuanle: "Then there is only a fire."

He Ju: "That will take a lot of firewood. Do you want to go up the mountain to cut firewood again? Are you not tired?"

Zhao Yuanle shook his head: "Not tired."

She really didn't feel tired just chopping firewood, the main reason was that the journey was a little tiring, and it was too far to go back and forth.

Zhao Yuanlan and Yao'er also approached, and Yao'er reached out and picked up a small shrimp, looking at it curiously.

Zhao Yuanle: "It's better to use fire to dry at night. It's so difficult to dry at this time. I'll cut the firewood after I use it up."

It would be great if we could meet wild boars on the mountain again, that would be another fortune.

There are no wild boars, if you can meet wild ginseng, herbs and the like are also very good, and you can sell them for money.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help patting his head.

There is always a herbal medicine book at home, she can read this when she has nothing to do, remember the shape, and then remember the specific value, so that she can recognize it when she encounters it in the future.

Seeing Zhao Yuanle's actions, Zhao Yuanlan once again confirmed that the second sister was stupid.

After dinner, Zhao Yuanle was in high spirits, found out the herbal medicine book, and lit the night to fight.

He Ju walked over and blew out the kerosene lamp.

"Too expensive."

Zhao Yuanle had no choice but to light a candle, but the candle was also put away by He Ju.

He Ju: "It's bad for your eyes if you look at it at night. Then take a look at corn eyes, and then look at it during the day."

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Once again, she misses the days when there was electricity.

Zhao Yuanlan hummed beside her: "Second sister, my mother just can't bear to part with candles, she is very stingy."

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yuanlan hit He Ju.

He Ju: "Looking at it during the day, but watching it at night is a useless candle and useless eyes."

After speaking, she carried Yao'er into the house.

Zhao Yuanle glanced at Zhao Yuanlan: "Do you have to say something? So you want to be beaten? Does it hurt?"

Zhao Yuanlan didn't care much about the pain or not.

She snapped her fingers, and even said to Zhao Yuanle proudly, "Let me tell you, this time, I haven't been beaten for seven or eight days!"

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Zhao Yuanlan: "Except for the New Year, I usually suffer every day. This time, I have not been beaten for so many days. I am so good."

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

She didn't know what to say, so she got into the bed silently and started to sleep.

In the dream, she returned to the modern society for a short time, enjoying the lights, mobile phone and Internet, and the last rooster crow brought her back to reality.

When Zhao Yuanle didn't time travel, she thought that the rooster crowed at dawn just like in the cartoon, but now she realized that the rooster started to crow at four or five o'clock in the morning.

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