Love sword robbery

Chapter 55 Who ordered

After the death of the magic soldier, Zhang Yingying's eyes became sharper. She slowly turned her eyes out of the window, giving people an indescribable feeling.

It was also at this time that a black figure outside the door suddenly jumped into the room, Qiu and Zhang looked up, and it turned out to be the monk who had left earlier, but the returning monk seemed panting and panicked.

"Be careful, everyone. I just found a group of people wearing night clothes. I don't know if they are coming for us." After the monk entered the room, he glanced at the soldiers who had fallen to the ground, and eagerly conveyed this information to Qiu and Zhang. in the ears.

As soon as the monk's words fell, Zhang Yingying once again covered her chest and spat out a mouthful of blood. If she didn't get medical treatment in time, she wouldn't last long.

"Yinger..." Qiu Yunfeng was concerned and prepared to go forward to support her, but Zhang Yingying's big hand waved him down, and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with eyes, and then looked at her again. to the window.

Just as Zhang Yingying was looking out the window, seven men in black suddenly broke in through the window. They were all masked in black cloth and held a shining machete, but as the monk guessed, they came running towards them of.

"Who is coming?"

The monk went up to the men in black and asked some questions, but the seven men in black didn't answer his question at all, and slashed at the monk with the machetes in their hands.

The monk is not weak, he waved his hands, and a cloud of black air hit the man in black in front of him. In an instant, they overturned the simple furniture in the room. In the end, he was no match for the powerful monk in front of him. After a hard fight, the monk actually gained the upper hand.


Just when the monk was about to kill a man in black, Zhang Yingying suddenly released a blood-red aura, saving the man who was about to be beheaded.

Seeing Zhang Yingying's strange behavior, the monk obviously slowed down for a while. He turned his head to look at her in confusion, and the man in black who almost died in the monk's hands was also pulled up by the other two, but They held the sharp blades in their hands vigilantly from the beginning to the end, and stared at the few people in the house. They could be regarded as having learned the power of the monk, and they were not in a hurry to make a move. They just watched everything in front of them vigilantly.

"Monk, they are from the Suwei camp. These people swear to be loyal to my Huangtian camp to the death. They must not be killed!"

For some reason, although Zhang Yingying was poisoned, she still tried her best to look like she was fine. She was pretending to be calm.

"How is it possible? Aren't the people in the guard camp all disabled? You see, they have sound limbs!"

Although these people in front of him were all using Huang Tian's magic spirit technique, their actions today were clearly aimed at Zhang Yingying and the others, so Qiu Yunfeng felt that since these people came to kill them, they must not be loyal to Huang Tian. People, not to mention all of them are able-bodied.

After listening to Qiu Yunfeng's words, Zhang Yingying waved the embroidered robe in her hand, and a powerful breath lifted the veils of the seven men in black in front of her. After the covering cloth was lifted, Qiu Yunfeng realized that there was indeed one of them. Three of them were disabled, one had his nose cut off, and the other two had their ears cut off, but he didn't notice that they were veiled just now.But the other four people looked no different from ordinary people, which also made Qiu Yunfeng feel a little doubt, that is, not all the people in the Huangtiansu Guard Camp are disabled!

After the veil was lifted by Zhang Yingying, the seven men in black looked very panicked. They all quickly lowered their heads and covered their faces. It was their actions that fully proved that they were soldiers of the Huang Tiansu Guards Camp , and the purpose of their trip was to kill them.

"Soldiers, you don't need to hide. Tell me, who ordered you, and why did you come to kill us?" Seeing the generals covering their mouths, Zhang Yingying stepped forward and asked loudly.

After listening to Zhang Yingying's words, the demon soldiers looked at each other in dismay. They once again raised their sharp blades in unison and rushed towards their saint.The monk was not idle when he saw this, after the collision of Daodao black energy and Huangtian's magic spirit technique, seven magic soldiers were also injured one after another.

In fact, what Qiu Yunfeng was most worried about at the moment was Zhang Yingying, because she was clearly poisoned, but why was she still able to walk among the demon soldiers with ease? Could it be that she had already detoxified the poison through some secret method?What's more, he himself ate the food on the table, but apart from the disturbance of the fairy breath in his body, there was no sign of poisoning. Why?

Just when Qiu Yunfeng's thoughts broke down, the monk and Zhang Yingying had already knocked down all the demon soldiers who rushed into the room, but none of the seven demon soldiers in front of him was in danger of life. When he opened his mouth to ask something, wooden stakes the size of a bowl were suddenly shot from the window. These wooden stakes were all sharpened and ignited. The seven disguised people in front of them were not the only ones who wanted to kill them. Huang Tian's general, and someone else!

After the stake was shot into the room, it instantly ignited all combustibles in the room, and the pungent smell filled the whole room.Seeing this, Qiu Yunfeng quickly helped up Wu Wenqing and Tieniu who were still unconscious, intending to take them away, but at this moment, the burning stake outside the window was still shooting rapidly into the room, and the high temperature and thick smoke made him It was extremely difficult to breathe at this time.

"The fire is too big, let me take a step first." After the monk finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

"That's right, we have to drive our spiritual power away quickly."

Thinking of this, Qiu Yunfeng hurriedly drove the breath in his body to leave, but at this moment he realized that he couldn't use the spiritual power in his body at all, and he didn't even have the power to release the sky. No wonder Zhang Yingying didn't use the magic technique to escape , it seems that poison has imprisoned the mana in their bodies.

Just when Qiu Yunfeng was puzzled, Zhang Yingying snatched Wu Wenqing and Tieniu beside him, turned into a blood-red light, and disappeared without a trace.Qiu Yunfeng was stunned by Zhang Yingying's mana, because her cultivation had reached the point where she could turn into a streamer, but what also surprised Qiu Yunfeng was why her poison didn't restrain her mana?


With Zhang Yingying's departure, only Qiu Yunfeng and seven demon soldiers were left in the room, but fortunately, they were still flying into the wooden posts densely outside the window, and the seven demon soldiers were waving their sharp blades with all their strength to resist the attack from outside the window , and had no time to care about the brown-haired boy behind them, which put Qiu Yunfeng in a relatively safe position. At least with the current strength of the brown-haired boy, he was no match for the seven demon soldiers in front of him.

A moment later, the monk and Zhang Yingying, who had left first, fell back into the room at the same time.Qiu Yunfeng was puzzled, he thought to himself: "Zhang Yingying took the unconscious Wu Wenqing and Tieniu away to save them, but why did the monk turn back halfway? Could it be that he came back to save them because of his conscience?"

"Damn it, someone pulled a huge net in the sky, and I couldn't fly out at all."

After listening to the monk's words, Qiu Yunfeng understood the real reason why they went and returned, it was because the two of them were stopped by the big net with mana above their heads.

The monk is impatient, his obsession is to find Zhu Yiyi's whereabouts, as long as he returns to the Spiritual Demon Continent, he can find the murderous Yuan Qian, so there is absolutely no need for him to partner up with Qiu Yunfeng and the group of people they just met. Little life.

"Next!" After Zhang Yingying returned to the room, she pushed the unconscious Tieniu and Wu Wenqing into his arms, and then continued to drive the magic skills in her body to resist the dense wooden piles flying in from the window.


Following Zhang Yingying's anxious cry, a demon soldier was hit on the chest by a wooden stake outside the window. The demon soldier uttered a scream and then fell to the ground. Seeing this, the kind-hearted Zhang Yingying quickly helped him up, and the guard behind.

The other six demon soldiers saw that their saintess was not afraid of danger and wanted to protect the fallen brother. They were all taken aback for a moment, and then slowly leaned towards Zhang Yingying.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, it's useless! I didn't expect them to kill us, we can't escape from this big net." The magic soldier stammered out this long series of words with despairing eyes, and finished speaking He turned around and died.

After the demon soldier died, another demon soldier suddenly pushed Zhang Yingying away like crazy, and hugged the dead demon soldier into his arms, wailing for a while.At this moment, Qiu Yunfeng discovered from the mouth of the howling demon soldier that his tongue had also been cut off. Only then did Qiu Yunfeng understand that the four demon soldiers he discovered just now were not disabled because they had their tongues cut off , if they do not open their mouths, it is difficult for ordinary people to detect that they are also disabled.

After the demon soldier whose tongue had been cut off wailed for a while, knowing that it was impossible to escape, he put the knife around his neck and killed himself with the knife.

Seeing this, the remaining five demon soldiers also gave up their resistance. One of them, whose nose was cut off, walked quickly to Zhang Yingying's side and said, "Your Highness, the military order must not be violated, and someone wants to kill you!" The person who killed you is..." The demon soldier glanced out of the window with some hesitation, but before he finished speaking, he put the knife on his neck after a wry smile, without the slightest hesitation, and wiped Lost his own neck.

"and many more!"

Zhang Yingying originally wanted to stop it, but it happened so fast that she didn't have time to stop it. One after another, they swung their knives and killed themselves in front of the Holy Maiden of Huangtian!

After the death of the seven demon soldiers, Zhang Yingying looked at their corpses with tears in her eyes, and was speechless for a while. Only the monk was still struggling to resist the wooden stakes flying into the room, but at this time the thick smoke in the room had already disappeared. They were almost suffocated, otherwise the seven demon soldiers would not have committed suicide in despair.

"Take it!"

Suddenly there was a shout from outside the window.In an instant, the sounds of fighting and shouting outside the window sounded one after another, and a fierce fight kicked off outside the window separated by a wall.

With the opportunity of the two groups of people fighting outside the window, the room ushered in a moment of peace. The monk pulled Zhang Yingying and walked towards the window. Bounced him back again.

Listening to the fierce battle outside the window, Qiu Yunfeng thought to himself: "Who is going to kill them? And who set up such a big net to block their way? What happened to the two groups of people fighting fiercely outside the window? Are they here? Who saved them? But at this moment, the only thing Qiu Yunfeng can be sure of is that the person who ordered the black-clothed demon soldiers to kill them must be outside the window separated by this wall!"

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