Bai Junjun explained in the living room at this time: "A Dao and the others are back."

"!!!" Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then joy appeared on their faces. At this time, everyone couldn't care less about this group of naked cannibals.

They all rushed into the living room happily, and sure enough, they saw the person they wanted to see.

Wu Nuan didn't expect to meet Shopkeeper Qiao in her lifetime, she showed a rare touch of excitement, and immediately knelt down and hugged Shopkeeper Qiao's leg.

"Uncle, Ah Nuan thought that he would never see you again in this life."

Wu Nuan's parents died early, and was brought up by shopkeeper Qiao. In her eyes, the poor shopkeeper is just like her father. She will never forget the moment when she saw the death of her uncle Shadow Gu.

It felt like the mountains had collapsed and the sky had collapsed.

Now that I finally saw my uncle, it was as if I had lost it and found it again.Even though Wu Nuan was not good at expressing emotions, she couldn't help crying.

Shopkeeper Qiao touched her head with emotion: "Don't be sad, uncle is fine, we will all live happily in the future."

Now Er Mao is used to interpreting for the gods, and he immediately spoke to the patriarch without the gods asking.

And the patriarch was even more happy when he heard that the god invited them to enter the fairy cave together.

I just think it's really worth saving people this time.

Just like that, Bai Junjun led them all in.

Bai Junjun asked the people from the Fire Swallowing Clan to put the patients into the room, and then checked their pulses. After finding out that they were only slightly poisoned and not a serious problem, he asked Xiaochan to drink some fairy water for them, and then went out.

The outside is already full of guests, and everyone is very polite when they come here for the first time.

Bai Junjun felt that he had nothing to entertain everyone, so he took out a large bucket of honey from the space and let everyone share it.

Honey is something that cannot be found, and the fire-swallowing people like sweetness very much.

The last time I saw Ermao eating honey, many children were very envious that they could finally eat it today, and the children of the Fire Swallowing Tribe were very happy.

The people of the Fire-Eating Clan were happily eating honey, and Bai Junjun and Li Wenli also began to ask them about the situation.

However, the noise in the living room finally woke up the sleeping people in the house. When they came out, they saw that the huge courtyard was full of naked people.

Whether it was Wu Nuan, the three of them or Danhe Shanhai, they were all taken aback.

Is this the lair captured by the Fire Eaters?

The big guys subconsciously wanted to close the door and look for a weapon at hand from the room, but just as they were about to close the door, they suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Ah Nuan." Shopkeeper Qiao said.

"Master!" Mrs. Lin also spoke.


Wu Nuan and Mr. Shanhai stopped the hand closing the door at the same time, and Danhe also felt that the situation was different from what he thought, so he also stopped.

Bai Junjun added from a distance in the living room: "A Dao and the others are back."


The five people, including Duo Duo Chuchu, were shocked. They looked through the crowd to the living room, and they saw that straight young man standing in the living room.

"A Dao!" Mr. Shan Hai was the first to rush over. During the few days when A Dao was there, he was his right-hand man.

For Shan Hai, this is a promising seedling who will become his apprentice.

Mrs. Lin didn't expect her master to run over not calling her name, but A Dao's name. Those who didn't know thought A Dao was his apprentice, and her whole body was going to be torn apart.

Shopkeeper Qiao also walked slowly outside the pillar, and called out again: "Ah Nuan."

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