Looking back on the way we got along, Bai Junjun has always done what he can do by himself, and he has never seen her beg for help or show weakness.

Only when she sees food, treasures or books, will the eldest lady show some of the expressions that a girl should have.

Of course, occasionally she would be gentle with Bai Sasa and Xiaoyu.

So in general, Captain White Bear is a very interesting person.

Especially tonight, she didn't go to bed until she came back. Does this mean that Captain White Bear has started to treat him as a partner?

Li Wenli was so happy thinking about it, he also gradually slowed down his breathing, and slowly fell asleep.

However, Li Wenli didn't sleep for long, and there was the sound of beating boards outside, indicating that it was time to break camp.

Li Wenli yawned, knocked on the baskets and said, "Little piggies, let's go."

The fool saw the giggling, and the one-eyed uncle who rushed back from the dust could not help laughing.

"..." Bai Sasha.

After walking for a long time, the team became a long queue, and there were no soldiers watching around, and then the one-eyed uncle said in a low voice: "After two hours of walking, we will pass a village, and there will be a time to relieve ourselves. Get ready, and go straight to the village." Go into the village and hide."

Li Wenli and Bai Junjun looked at the one-eyed uncle at the same time: "So fast?"

"It's already the second day of the march, and there's not much time left. And the more villages ahead, the more the Eastern Army is roaming around. It's best for you to leave here."

Li Wenli and Bai Sasha nodded: "Thank you."

"Hey, we still have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would have to be a wall of flesh in this war. Remember what we told you before, we must climb down the inheritance Yanwren doctor."

"Okay, you have to take care of yourselves too."

"Of course, we will meet again in the future!" The one-eyed uncle showed a gentle smile.

The conversation of several people ended in a hurry, followed by a long walk.

Finally, when the sky was bright and white, they saw the village between the valleys.

In order to save raw materials, the soldiers extinguished the torches, and everyone could only see the road with the faint light of white hair.

The cripple uncle gave an order to let everyone take a break and relieve themselves in batches.

Everyone walked to the bushes in twos and threes.

When they were transporting supplies, the thousand elite soldiers would be guarding around them. One was to guard against enemy attacks, and the other was to supervise the soldiers. What if some soldiers fled away pushing things.

But this kind of situation is rare, so everyone is very lax.

It was also this slack that gave everyone an opportunity to take advantage of.

They had three baskets in total, one for each of Bai Junjun, Li Wenli and the idiot, and they carried the baskets and ran towards the grass while no one was looking.

As soon as they ran, the people in Death Valley spontaneously covered them. One or two would usually go to hidden places such as tree roots to relieve their hands, but now they just stood in the grass and did not move.

Everyone was still dizzy early in the morning, but they didn't pay much attention.

In this way, several people successfully ran to the village. Bai Sasha and Li Wenli relied on their survival instincts in the apocalypse for many years, quickly locked on a broken house without an owner, and flashed in.

The dilapidated house was full of straw stalks, and they dodged to hide behind the straw and stopped moving.

Originally, the fool was just helping to carry the baskets, and he wanted to go back after arriving at the designated place.

But Li Wenli and Bai Junjun held him back at the same time.

"?" The fool looked at the two in confusion.

"You follow us and don't go back."

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