After a while, the tiny buds grow strong branches, then grow leaves, and then grow a small flower bud at the flower head.

The buds are getting longer and redder, and after a while a small red flower like a bamboo flower slowly opens.

At this moment, its rhizome also absorbs enough nutrients from the surrounding ashes, and the faint floral fragrance slowly drifts away, quietly waiting for the bees to pollinate it.

Bai Junjun seized the opportunity to extract the water from the pendulum flower.

Drop after drop of orange-red liquid rose into the air.

Li Wenli opened the empty cup and filled a large jar in no time.

The drooping flower that had its juice extracted suddenly slumped.

And Li Wenli became excited when he smelled the pot of energy-boosting liquid.

This... is absolutely similar to the fire-type supernatural energy booster that later generations drank.

Li Wenli glanced at Bai Junjun, didn't say anything, just raised his hand and drank the energy booster.

This kind of fire-type power enhancer has no effect on Bai Junjun, and it doesn't take much effort to extract them, so Bai Junjun doesn't feel bad.

When Li Wenli drank the enhancer and meditated to stimulate the sleeping fire ability, Bai Junjun also began to study this little weeping flower.

Thinking of the ease with which she was connected to the pendant flower just now, Bai Junjun pulled out a flower, but found that the root of the flower was very long.

It took her a long time to tear the stem completely out of the rock.

Moreover, this stem is quite tough. She polished it with a stone awl for a long time, but she couldn't tear it off.

Thinking of the loss of a self-defense vine because of the giant python just now, Bai Junjun began to think about collecting new weapons.

She activated her supernatural ability to connect with the pendant flower, following her heart, the long pendant flower also suddenly moved.

The flowers and the rhizomes were intertwined, and after a while, they turned into a beautiful flower bracelet, which was wrapped around Bai Junjun's hand.

Green leaves, red flowers and brown rhizomes, with white and slender wrists, look quite beautiful.

The mood of Bai Junjun who got a weapon by accident is also beautiful. It seems that this adventure is quite profitable.

This is a pendant flower forged by millennium magma. It is tough and not afraid of fire. I can't wait to try its power.

It's a pity that the anaconda has been sent away by the fox.

So Bai Junjun inexplicably missed the bull sharks in the waters. It is said that the skin of bull sharks is also thick and he doesn't know whether he can bear it or not.

"???" Bull shark.

After about an hour, Bai Junjun almost put all the diamonds on the ground into cloth bags, and Li Wenli slowly opened his eyes.

When Bai Junjun saw that he woke up while meditating, he couldn't help being curious: "Is it done?"

"Yeah." Li Wenli got up suddenly: "I'm going down."

Li Wenli slowly turned his wrists and ankles to warm up, and Bai Junjun silently gave a thumbs up.

"Come on, pioneer of mankind."

After all, there are really not many people who dare to go to the volcano to hunt for treasure in the flesh.

Li Wenli laughed: "You have to help."

"?" Bai Junjun was at a loss: "You want me to go down with you?"

She doesn't have the fire ability, so if she goes down, she will just turn into a puff of green smoke, okay?

"I need your vines." Li Wenli pointed to the beautiful wreath on her hand.

"Weeping tube flowers are not afraid of high temperature, and it is most suitable to have it as a life-saving rope."

Bai Junjun was speechless, didn't this person close his eyes and go to practice just now?He also knew how she weaved garlands.

But complaining about it, Bai Junjun could only silently sacrifice this handy tool.

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