It seems that Bai Xiong is not as cold as the rumors outside, maybe H Base is really expected to make friends with Bai Xiong.

The corners of Li Wenli's mouth also curled up slightly.

The children forgot their sorrows under Bai Junjun's coaxing, and they all fished seriously. In fact, there was no bait or rod, and they didn't stop in one place. Might catch a fish.

Although everyone had high hopes at the beginning, after all, the eldest sister is a good fisherman, so what she said must be correct.

However, everyone stretched their necks and waited and waited, but they still did not see any fish, showing a little disappointment in the end.

Maybe there was just a flood and the fish hid at the bottom and dared not come out.

Everyone only saw the situation on the surface, but they didn't know that the few aquatic plants soaked in the water were also working hard silently.

They consciously grow longer and longer, and the tentacles almost reach the bottom of the river.

The tentacles are also like an octopus constantly searching the bottom of this river, and will automatically catch any live fish.

In this way, after several attempts to catch, the aquatic plants really "caught" a few shiny fish.


The children were both surprised and happy, and couldn't believe their eyes.

The instigator, Bai Junjun, looked at all of this calmly, and there was nothing strange about it.

Li Wenli sat down cooperatively and mingled with the children.

"Since we're hungry, let's eat Yusheng."

As he spoke, he took out the dagger he carried with him and quickly cut open the belly of the fish, removed the scales and sliced ​​it into slices.

Thanks to this pollution-free ancient times, they would not have the guts to eat raw fish in the last days.

"It's a pity that there is no carbon, otherwise it would be the most beautiful enjoyment to go boating and grilling fish at the same time." Li Wenli looked up at Bai Junjun after muttering.

"Can you make carbon?"

Li Wenli's question is naturally not the normal method of making carbon,

Bai Junjun has a wood-type ability, so if she can make a wooden boat, she should also be able to make charcoal, right?

After all, carbon is also wood.

Bai Junjun sneered, took a mouthful of raw fish and asked, "Can you generate electricity directly?"

The implication is that electricity is generated by wind energy. Can he also generate electricity directly because of his wind power?

Li Wenli was at a loss for words.

After a while, I touched my nose in embarrassment: "Ah, I can't, it's okay, I will do my own way, and I will get some charcoal to improve everyone's food another day."

Bai Sasha was very surprised.

"Brother Wenli, do you know how to make charcoal?"

Charcoal fire is something that no one would touch for nobles, after all, it is detrimental to the elegance of a gentleman.

Unexpectedly, Li Wenli could make carbon.

Bai Junjun, however, was not surprised: "He can even make beeswax, so what's so strange about making carbon?"

Li Wenli echoed with a smile: "That's true, Missy is right."

Bai Sasha glanced at the two of them, for some reason, she just felt that the two of them had gained an inexplicable acquaintance since yesterday.

She couldn't tell what it was, anyway, the gap between them seemed to have narrowed again.

Bai Sasha consciously saw through the secret again, so she quickly tightened her mind and ate seriously.

This fish is sweet and delicious, even if it is eaten raw, it feels delicious, not to mention that Li Wenli has a lot of spices.

He only took out oil and an unnamed spice powder, but the combination of these two has a unique taste.

A few people went boating on the lake and ate raw fish. The panic of last night and the confusion in the morning were all temporarily forgotten in the mountains and rivers.

A small boat drifts leisurely forward without knowing the end, but it is happy.

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