Generally, after harvesting the last wave of wheat or rice, they will leave the field free to allow it to recover and recover nutrients. Of course, those who really lack food and need to stockpile food will also plant some suitable for autumn and winter, such as lettuce, cabbage, potatoes, radishes, etc. Wait.

These green vegetables grow fast and are not afraid of freezing, so they are really suitable for planting now.

As for seasonal grains such as rice and wheat, even if they germinate now, they will not bear fruit. In the end, they are just busy work.

Bai Sasha was stunned when he heard what these elder brothers said.

It is said that after the people rushed to harvest, they spent a lot of time planting, but now the uncles said that they were just working in vain, wasting their energy and wasting food, and they really lost their wife and soldiers.

Seeing the cracked expressions on the children's faces, more than [-] big men quickly comforted them: "Of course, there are exceptions. Maybe there will be miracles here in the land of gods."

"Even if it's a fairy land, it's under our control now. I'm afraid we have to follow the laws of nature." As the county magistrate's think tank, the master is not only responsible for flattering the county magistrate, but also responsible for making suggestions, so he sees the problem from the perspective of It is also broader than ordinary people, and everyone fell silent when the words came out.

The old monk shook his head regretfully: "Even so, we have nothing to do, after all, we have no seeds."

These words hit the point at once.

Almost everyone here fled in embarrassment, how could they have seeds?What is currently available is just the rice that was originally used in the rice fields.

Uncle Qiu stroked his beard and said: "It's okay, it's okay, anyway, we don't eat any vegetables except meat in winter, after a while, we will find a way to go out and get some seeds. Of course, we know how to farm during this time." All of you should also pay more attention, go to the jungle to see if there are any wild vegetables suitable for transplanting, let's get some back first, and it will definitely be fine to survive this period of time."

Uncle Qiu's family is hunters, and they have long wanted to transfer to farmers and learn farming techniques.Now there are more than 30 ready-made teachers, which is simply a gift from God.

Bai Sasha also nodded and said: "We also found a lot of wild vegetables and planted them on the side of the fruit trees. If you are interested, you can visit them later. Now I will take you to the school building."

"Can we also go to the school building?" The thirty or so big men who came from bandits looked surprised.

According to the past, their backgrounds are not worthy of appearing within a five-mile radius of the school building, but now this cute little girl wants to take them to visit the school building.

Everyone couldn't believe their ears.

Bai Sasha smiled and said, "That's right, the school building is employing people, maybe all of you will become the teachers of the school building."

"Impossible, impossible." Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing. After all, it was the little girl who said it, so it can't be true.

Mud legs like them, even with the name of rogues, even if they have been recruited, the past cannot be erased, how can they be qualified to be teachers, and they don't know Chinese characters, what can they teach.

Bai Sasha smiled and waved her hands, and she knew it as soon as she talked to them.

So the group of more than 40 people returned in a mighty way.

When I came here, I visited it all the way. I didn’t think that when I went back, everyone found that it was really big enough.

From the cultivated land to the livestock shed, workshop, and market, it has been a long journey.

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