from seventeen

Chapter 51 Want to change the initiative?

Xie Jun and the boys were eating. The taste of the food during this holiday was better than that of normal school hours.

Ginger duck, fried pork belly with onions, dried radish and bacon are all delicious and serve with rice.

Lu Yuanhang was talking to Tang Jing, "Monkey, there are still a few days off for the holiday, will you go to the Internet cafe on the day of the holiday?"

"Definitely go, I'll go home the next day, and I'm going to play until nine o'clock in the evening and go back to school to sleep."

"Not all night?"

"I can't do it, I can do it in the first year of high school, but I can't do it now. I have a stomachache all night, and it will take several days to get over it. The gain outweighs the loss.

You want to stay overnight? "

Long Chenghao said: "How could he stay up all night? I bet he can play until 06:30 in the evening at most, and then he will go home for dinner."

"I know, don't talk about it, it's boring!" Lu Yuanhang was a little depressed, "If you guys go to a dinner together, I will have an excuse to go home late, and the place will be at the small restaurant where I ate last time, how about it?

If you agree, I'll ask Brother Jun to call my parents to make sure it's all right. "

Long Chenghao and Tang Jing: "Let's do it! Let's do it!"

Listening to their conversation, Xie Jun really had no choice but to ask, "Why do you involve me again? I don't have much money with me."

Lu Yuanhang was very angry, "It's okay, I have it, you are in charge of making the phone calls, and I will help you pay for it when the time comes, and I will have money immediately, and my mother will give me living expenses."

There is no way to refuse this. My good brother even gave you money, so I can only do a little bit of lying. I did it a lot before, and I guess I will do it more often in the future.

Three of the four of them couldn't wait to go to the Internet cafes to kill the Quartet. Xie Jun thought about reminding them of some practical facts, "Recently, the arrest of minors online has become stricter. I heard that many Internet cafes will not allow them to go online."

Lu Yuanhang: "Don't panic, I know this better than you. Nothing will happen at night. Everyone else is off work, so you don't check. It's easy to check in at the Internet cafe. When the time comes, we'll go to scan pictures after dinner.

Itchy hands! "


Xie Jun thought how long had it been since he touched a game?I was obsessed like them when I was in high school in my previous life. I was obsessed with saving that girl. Later, I became obsessed with Summoner’s Canyon. I also got on a plane for a while. Finally, various mobile games came out. I thought I would have more fun playing them, but I quit mobile games soon. , Duanyou completely quit.

He listened to the words of the people around him, thinking that this is youth, he will always be attracted to a certain thing, even if he knows that spending a lot of time on it will have no results, but he still has it in his heart Like and yearn for.

He lacks such a state of mind at this stage. He obviously has an immature body and a slightly green face. Everything he does is much higher than that of his peers. To use Li Ying's words to secretly discuss him recently is boring.

The happiness of boys is mostly the same, but the happiness of girls is different from that of boys. In the class, girls are much more mature than boys. This is why girls' grades are getting better and better over the years. They are easy to calm down, not as good as boys They are so impulsive.

They have a lot of plans to sleep in after the holidays until the sky is dark and the sun and moon are dark.

Before the holiday, the teacher sent down the report card of the final exam and told them that after the Lunar New Year, there will be a preliminary exam in early March, another exam in April, and another exam in May. Two models and three models, let everyone go home and review well, don't be lazy.

In fact, the final exam just finished can be counted as a model.

Then the teachers of each subject were not idle, and sent out several sets of test papers a day. They thought that this was all for the holidays, but they sent some more the next day, and on the last day of make-up classes, they brought a lot of test papers.

The test paper you prepared to write a few days ago has not been done yet, and the test paper that will be handed out later has not been warmed up, and then a new test paper comes in. It is really more diligent than anything else, and there is no end to it.

The students not only complained in their hearts, but also said it out of their mouths, feeling very speechless about these behaviors of the teachers.

But no matter how much you don't like it, you still have to accept it, unless you give up the sprint for the college entrance examination.

Xie Jun looked at this familiar scene calmly, and could only say that if God could give him a choice, he would like to be reborn until the end of the English exam for the college entrance examination.

Although the current grades are better than before, he still doesn't want to study very much. Studying is a bit boring and hard, and he has to take all of them home, so he can't relax during the holidays.

I complain in my heart, but I am actually very grateful for such an opportunity. The process of hard work is very bitter, and the taste of the benefits is very sweet.

Very contradictory, very troubled, but also happy, disliked, but also liked.

Everyone knows their grades, but when they get the report card, they will still read it again and again. Xie Jun himself ranks No.16, and his grade ranks outside the top [-]. I have to say that there are many people in his school who are better at studying.

This score is here. During the college entrance examination, at least this score is like a reassurance.

When the last class in the afternoon ended and they left, everyone was still in a hurry, and various noises were heard in the teaching building.

In the whole school, only the third grade was still there. After a few minutes, the noise gradually became calm.

Lin Fei was waiting for Xie Jun with her schoolbag in her arms, but she didn't dare to rush him, so she talked to him, "Brother Jun, do you want to bring so many books home during the winter vacation?"

"I want to study hard, and I don't want to fall behind in every subject. I study from morning to night, and I prepare to study every day during the winter vacation. Eating, studying and sleeping are three things. Keep a high-intensity study state, otherwise there will be so many scores between us. What can I do to catch up?

I can only catch up like this, abandon some unnecessary things, and treat the most important things at the moment wholeheartedly. "

Lin Fei's eyes sparkled, and she was a little worried, "Will that damage my brain? It's too serious."

"You little girl, why do you think differently? I didn't do this because I wanted to go to the same place to study with someone."

Lin Fei's face turned red instantly, "That, that, then you have to be moderate, I know that studying is very tiring, don't just study during the day, take a break from time to time."

"I know, I'm just exaggerating, and occasionally I will be in a daze and let myself go."

"Hmm~" Although Lin Fei blushed, she still had a serious conversation with him. It is normal for her to blush, and it is not something she can control. "Then can I have breakfast with you during the winter vacation?"


How come it's all about breakfast?Is the little girl going to become more active?

Think about her character, exciting!

Xie Jun packed up the test papers that he was going to take home at the end, and he took it easy, "Of course we can have breakfast together. After all, our homes are quite close, but it's not convenient to contact. I don't have a mobile phone, but I have a computer at home. We said on QQ, and then decided whether to eat or not the next day, and what time to meet.

Also, why only have breakfast together, can't we have lunch and dinner together? "

"Yes...Of course!" She said nervously.

"That's more or less the same." Xie Jun was very satisfied with her answer. He didn't know when Lin Fei changed from the impression he remembered in his previous life.

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