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Chapter 256 Yu Yege's Wife

There was silence for a few seconds.

"Yu Yege, I'm not joking with you." Ning Tan said helplessly, "If you help Qi Shi this time, it will be good for you later."

"I'm serious too."

"I only accept this method."

Yu Yege's lazy voice made it hard to tell if it was real or not.

Ning Tan was silent, it was not good for this guy to be sullen, and now he was sullen, and sighed: "Forget it, excuse me."


Yu Yege's exquisite facial features were in a trance for a moment, hiding his disappointment, the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile that was not a smile: "Don't get excited, it's just a little joke."

"Can't you see that I'm sitting on the ground and raising the price?"

"Double it, my worth is there anyway, and I have to pay liquidated damages."

"Okay!" Ning Tan was afraid that he would go back on his word, "I'll give you half of the deposit first, and I'll give you the other half after the hot searches are suppressed."

but 2 minutes

Yu Yege's account received a huge sum of money.

His eyes darkened, he got up and moved around, raised his fingers and threw his clothes back on his shoulders, and said lazily: "Gecko, tell the director, I'll go get a certificate, and I'll be right back."

"Oh, okay."

The gecko walked towards the director, realized after walking a few steps, and screamed: "What are you doing?!"

Yu Yege put his arms around a female extras: "Will you come with me to get the certificate?"

The female extras were stunned.

She, she, she won the lottery? ! !

"Yes!" She nodded desperately.

Yu Yege smiled magnificently: "Then let's go."

"Yu Yege!" The gecko was so excited that its expression was distorted.

It's a pity that his two feet can't catch up with the 7 cars with four wheels.

half an hour later

The hot search exploded.

"Actor Yu Yege appeared at the Certificate Bureau, suspected of receiving a certificate!"

"His wife is suspected to be an outsider who has been in love for many years!"

The picture is extremely blurry, but no matter how blurred it is, fans can still recognize their idols.

Unrestrained and is indeed their husband.

Huh huh hubby don't!Husband, you belong to all of us, you cannot get married!

Not only his own fans, but also fans of Yu Yege's previous ex-girlfriends became restless.

Who is this woman who came out halfway.

Why compare their goddesses!

Ning Tan was shocked to see half of the online crusading and half crying, and even shouting to show his will on a hunger strike to stop Yu Yege's marriage.

Is this the national idol?

Not everyone is his fan, but everyone knows him.

As soon as this incident happened, the hot search for the accident disappeared instantly.

"Huh." Everyone in the Qi family heaved a sigh of relief.

No more hanging their underpants left.

Ye Tao was excited: "Second Master, you see it's gone in the hot search!"

Qi Yijing glanced at the hot search with a sullen face, that blurred man's face, it was obvious that the other party helped him, but for some reason, he actually felt a strong sense of displeasure.

Even a little disgusted.

Ignoring the subtle emotions, Qi Yijing asked: "How was the scene?"

"A lot of people can't get in, the board of directors is preparing for the press conference...the hot search is up again!"

Ye Tao watched in shock as he stubbornly climbed to No.10 in the hot search.

Can you come back like this? !

The young master is dragging the Qi family to die together.

Qi Yijing narrowed his eyes slightly, sharp danger flashed through his eyes.

This is not the level that Qifeng can do.

Looking at the scene surrounded by groups, he said in a deep voice, "Give me the computer."


"Yu Yege, are you crazy?" Gecko chased after the Bureau of Evidence and cursed angrily, "Are you trying to ruin your stardom or me?! Do you know how many calls I received along the way?" ?!"

It's all about representatives.

He dare not take it!

The instigator was holding the mobile phone, and the faces of thousands of girls who were confused were full of surprise, and he muttered to himself: "Is this going to go down?"

"Looks like I have to be a bit harsh."

He contacted several marketing accounts and sent them a video.

The rest will naturally be made up for him.

"Little Ching, my sacrifice this time is too great."

"Yu Yege, what are you going to do?!" Gekko saw that he didn't listen to his words at all, and his face was bloodshot with anger.

"Get married." Yu Yege spread his hands, "Can't you tell?"

"I'm trying to get married."

"What a fart!" The gecko swears, "Come with me!"

Yu Yege pushed him away and straightened the crumpled clothes: "Just leave, don't be so rude."

Then he sighed heartbroken to the female co-stars: "He won't let me get married."

The female extras wished they could kill the gecko with their eyes.


There was already a circle of entertainment reporters outside the Evidence Bureau. Seeing the master come out, they wished they could put the microphone in Yu Yege's mouth, flashing and turning off the lights, and kept shooting.

"Crack clap."

"Yu Yege, may I ask if you really got the certificate?"

"Who is your girlfriend and how long have you been talking?"

"Why did you give up the actress Ke Ke and choose an amateur? Do you really have feelings for your previous girlfriends?"

"Don't squeeze me, you..."

In the face of the reporters' continuous questioning, Yu Yege didn't behave like a top-notch person who was caught, but like walking on a red carpet, calmly and calmly raised a wicked and unruly smile, full of publicity.

"Don't squeeze, come one by one."

"Yes, my girlfriend is very beautiful."

Suddenly a reporter received a call and asked loudly: "Yu Yege, are you sure you got married because of love, not because you need someone to act as a shield for you and Bai Xiao?!"

The peers were shocked.

bro what are you asking?

Although someone said earlier that Yu Yege might be gay, everyone knew that it was just a smear, and all his previous partners were women.

Yu Yege felt uncomfortable for a moment, then raised his eyebrows: "Did you buy it from Bai Xiao?"

"Stop pretending!" The reporter said excitedly, "The video has already been released, no wonder you got married so suddenly, Yu Yege, just admit it!"

Yu Yege restrained his smile and said, "Excuse me, I still have a job."

The gecko had long wanted to take this ancestor away, but it was a pity that Yu Yege didn't cooperate.

Let the bodyguards make a way now.

"Yu Yege, please answer."

"What video?"

"Yu Yege..."

The reporters frantically asked questions, and some took out their mobile phones to surf the Internet.

I was dumbfounded by this look.

Yu Yege and Bai Xiao's house opening video? !And the affectionate hug of the two?


The Internet has already exploded.

The fans were directly bombarded.

Some people want to brainwash themselves, saying that it is a still photo, but unfortunately there is no such scene in any drama.

Some fans found out what Bai Xiao's father said on a variety show a month ago: Abnormal sexual orientation of his son is absolutely unacceptable, and once he finds out, let him marry immediately.

So it was discovered that Yu Yege married himself in order to prevent Bai Xiao from getting married?


For a moment, I didn't know whether to sing the praises of great love, or to sympathize with myself.

Yu Ye sang about fake marriages, true love, Bai Xiao... These words gradually rushed into the trending searches, dominating the rankings.

There is no other trending search that can rush up.

Ning Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi's stock stopped falling, and everyone went to watch the fun.

I didn't expect Yu Yege to sacrifice to such an extent... Ning Chen's mood is very complicated.

Pay him more later.

There was an argument outside, the familiar voice of selfishness, swearing.

"You can't go in."

"We are Ning Chan's parents!"

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