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Chapter 246 Buy a plane ticket to Guancheng

Bai Zixing ran to open the door, and apologized: "I'm fine, I was chatting with Xiao Tan, and I got a rather shocking news."

Only after returning to Bai's house, Bai Zixing knew what his real family was like and how warm it was.

Even though he has come back, Bai Zhi is still worried about her safety all the time.

For example, now, he wondered if there was a kidnapper.

"That's good." Bai Zhi heaved a sigh of relief, "Help me and Ning Tan speak up. If you need something, call uncle, or call the nanny and security."

Bai Zixing nodded and sat back on the bed.

"Has Xiangyang gone crazy, to be engaged to Qirou?" She was shocked, "Did he be threatened? He shouldn't. With your second master here, the Qi family dare not threaten Xiangyang."

Ning Tan sighed helplessly, and briefly explained what happened to Xiang Jia.

Bai Zixing expressed regret.

What a pity for such a campus male god.

"There is no good person in the Qi family." She said, "Of course, except for your second master."

Ning Li is barely satisfied, that is, her cheap husband is the best, okay?

"Xiao Jing, Xiao Jing."

Ning Li yelled twice, Li Jing came back to his senses, smiled at them, and typed: What's wrong?

"Taotao asked if you want to go to Guancheng to play."

History: No, I may have an inspection recently.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Ning Tan asked.

Li Jing smiled and shook his head: "No, you should have a good relationship."

Li Jing: Is Qi Yijing really that good?

Ning Tan thought she was curious and yearning for love, but Xiao Jing seemed to have never been in a relationship, or even had contact with a boy.

Someone once came up and asked for Xiaojing's contact information. Xiaojing had an illness at that time, and shrank into a ball in fear, scaring everyone.

If her autism is effectively controlled, she should be able to enjoy a relationship.

After all, Xiaojing is so beautiful.

Ning Tan nodded distressedly: "Well, very good. Although he has a bad temper, everything is for my own good."

"As long as I act like a baby, he will agree to anything."

What is heartbeat, heartbeat is to disintegrate the principle step by step for the other party and give up the bottom line.

Bi Ruqi Yijing can get used to picking up the schoolbag she threw on the ground.

Biru she would put up with his sensitivity and suspicion.

The more Ning Dan thought about it, the sweeter she became, the smile on her face became wider and wider, and she said many things and details in a gentle voice.

"Also, he..."

"Stop, stop!" Bai Zixing couldn't hold back and interrupted, "I can't take it anymore, is it amazing to have a partner?! I won't listen! I'm going out to find a boyfriend tomorrow."

Ning Tan: "Mine is my husband."

"...I wrote down this ton of dog food."

Li Jing looked at Ning Tong with a happy face, and a hint of hostility flashed in his clear eyes.

There is no tenderness there, it is clearly boiling the frog in warm water, making Xiao Tan rely on him step by step, get used to having him... and finally fall in love with him deeply.

At that time, he will show his true colors again.

She must not let Ning Tang go to the point where he must pray for the scenery.

"Xiaojing, are you free the day after tomorrow? Do you want to come to play?" The environment of Yinlou is quiet and quiet, which should be helpful for Xiaojing's psychological treatment.

Li Jing smiled and nodded: good.

Hang up the video.

Li Jing's smile changed from delicate and quiet to a terrifying sneer: "Where is Qifeng?"

"I raised the investment in him, not to let him enjoy the benefits."

"Qi's family is under the control of Qi Yijing, and they are very crowded. Even with our help, Qi Feng will not be able to compete with Qi Yijing in a short time." The boss of the thugs carefully persuaded after analyzing.

"Miss, I don't think Qi Yijing treats Miss Ning that well..."

Li Jing glanced at him with a half-smile.

The boss fell silent immediately.

"I don't need him to contend with Qi Yijing, I just want him to cause trouble for Qi Yijing." Li Jing casually tied up his hair, "If he can't even do this, don't blame me for venting his anger on On him."

"I will inform Qifeng."

Qijia old house

When Qifeng heard that the big customer was hesitant to reduce the investment, he lost his appetite for eating, and his face suddenly became gloomy when he learned the reason.

The other party actually said that he mistakenly thought that he was Qi Yijing, so he took the initiative to invest such a large sum of money.

Foreigners are somewhat face blind to Asian faces.

Qiyijing... It's Qiyijing again!

Qi Feng smiled speculatively: "Do you think Qi Yijing is foolproof? Then I'll let you see who is the most reliable person."

"How is the contact with the Lu family?" He asked the secretary with a sneer.

The secretary said: "Lu Yijin refused to cooperate, but someone from the Lu family contacted me and offered to help us."

"Hey." Qi Feng sneered, "It's a despicable villain who refuses to collude secretly."

"Go and answer him."

"I'll see the news by Monday."


Qi Rou came in wearing high heels, wearing a luxurious brand name. She has been very beautiful these two days. When she saw Qi Feng at home, she immediately complained: "Brother, why didn't you attend my engagement banquet?"

Qi Feng gave her a gloomy look: "I'm in a bad mood today, you'd better not mess with me!"

Qi Rou was frightened by his eyes, a little apprehensive.

Brother, what's wrong with you again!

Really, like a lunatic.

Qirou rolled her eyes and went upstairs, walking up the spiral staircase and accidentally saw Qifeng's phone light up, it was a WeChat message, and the avatar looked familiar.

Pray for doubts.

Who is it?

Qifeng walked to the garden, adjusted his mood, and said softly: "Hello."

"you're not feeling OK?"

Qi Feng didn't expect to say a single word, and Bai Zixing sensed that something was wrong with him, and smiled forcedly: "It's nothing, I just have a cold."

"Why did you send me a message all of a sudden?"

"Because my friend and I showed affection and laughed at me for not having a boyfriend." Bai Zixing suddenly changed the topic, "Qi Feng, in fact, you don't have to be so tired, you don't have to carry everything by yourself, you can talk to me."

Qifeng mocked when he heard the first sentence.

Are you fishing for him again?

It's a pity that he won't give her a clear answer. Who made her the daughter of the Bai family in Guancheng? Before she is completely infatuated with him, he won't easily put himself in danger.

Who would have thought that Bai Zixing would actually say the latter.

Qi Feng was stunned for a moment, complex emotions welled up in his heart, there was anger, but more of it was mania that came from unknown reasons.

Staring at the bright red roses blooming in front of her gloomy eyes, she subconsciously clenched her phone tightly.

Why was she so sure that he was in a bad mood? !

"I'm really fine." Qifeng's mouth curled up coldly, and he controlled his tone, "Probably because the cold is a bit serious, and I still have work, Taotao, I'll die first."



Qifeng touched the rose and stroked it gently.

The next moment, he broke off the rose ruthlessly, and the sharp thorn pierced his finger, and bright red blood dripped down on the leaves drop by drop.

Qifeng didn't care at all, and tightened his palms.

The rose was crushed directly, and then thrown to the ground ruthlessly.

He ordered gloomyly to the secretary: "Buy a plane ticket to Guancheng tomorrow."

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