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Chapter 212 What Does It Smell About You

Ning Tong was dumbfounded on the spot, why didn't he leave?

She thought it was time for Qi Yijing to make a move next, no, she was ready to stop it, but Qi Yijing ran away in anger?

Do you want to be so childish!

Lu Yijin's eyes darkened slightly.

She didn't even confront him head-on.

"Boss Lu, I'm sorry, he is quite possessive." Ning Li apologized to Lu Yijin awkwardly, and even turned around to pursue Qi Yijing.

"It doesn't matter to me, but you may have to work harder." Lu Yijin said helplessly.

"It's okay... Qi Yijing waits for me! You wait for me!"

Qi Yijing walked faster and faster with his long legs as if he had never heard of it.

Ning Chan changed from a brisk walk to a trot chase.

Lu Yijin stood in place and watched the two drift away, the gentle smile on her face gradually turned into nothingness, she took off her glasses and gently wiped them with a handkerchief, staring at the backs of the two, her eyes filled with jealousy and coldness.

Qi Yijing, you are just taking advantage of the right time, place and people, what are you proud of.

The person he likes will never let go.

One day, he will get Ning Chen.

"Patriarch." The driver came over and said in a low voice, "It's not a good time to confront Qi Yijing head-on."

"Head to head?" Lu Yijin put the handkerchief back into his suit pocket, put on his glasses, and gently pushed his fingers on the bridge of his nose, "You worry too much, I won't bet with Lu, and I don't need it."

Qi Yijing has too many weaknesses and loopholes. He is jealous and will not pretend, arrogant and arrogant, sensitive and suspicious, and will not trust anyone.

Just put all these in front of Ning Tong, and Ning Tong will clearly realize that he is not a good match to spend the rest of his life with.

"Make arrangements, I'm going abroad on Saturday."



Gecko and Pigeon searched the entire half of the villa area but couldn't find anyone, but the people living here are either rich or expensive, and not everyone can watch the surveillance.

Yu Yege looked at the pigeon with the look of wanting to eat him, the pigeon was a little guilty.

He didn't mean to either.

"If something happens to her, you will be condemned by your conscience for the rest of your life!" Yu Yege said angrily.

People disappeared in his territory, really... his face was completely lost.

"You're also half responsible." Seeing that Yu Yege's eyes were getting darker, Pigeon quickly raised her hand to admit her mistake, "It's all my fault, don't worry, my medicine works very quickly, she should be awake already."

"Nothing will happen, don't worry."

rest assured?When Yu Yege thought of Ning Chan's seductive appearance, even a man would be tempted, how could this make him feel at ease?

But she didn't take the mobile phone with her.

"Keep looking!"

"But Brother Ye, you have a film to shoot in two hours." Gecko reminded.

Annoyance flashed across Yu Yege's face: "Then find it within two hours, if you can't find it, push it away."

The gecko was shocked. If they pushed, they would be charged liquidated damages. They are very poor!

The pigeon was surprised, and leaned over and winked: "Honestly, are you interested in her? I kissed her just now, how do you feel?"

"Who do you think I am, in heat every day?"

Pigeon touched his nose, and after muttering something, he went to find someone: "It's not interesting."

Yu Yege was holding his mobile phone, and there was a photo of him kissing Ning Chen on it. It was a very pleasing and eye-catching photo. The expression of the evil handsome face flickered on and off, and the bright eyes flickered slightly. The action of pressing delete unexpectedly hesitated.

After a while, he slowly pressed his fingers.


"Wait, Qi Yijing, wait!" Ning Tang chased half a street and failed to catch up. Thirsty and gasping, he stopped on the road with his waist in his hands to breathe.

How long are your legs? !

What to run.

She stopped chasing!

"You go, you go far away, I won't chase!" she yelled.

The tall figure did not stop at all, its steps were decisive and ruthless.

Ning Tan: "..."

Ma Dan, I really don't save any sympathy.

Ning Chan angrily kicked the pebbles on the ground: "Oh! It hurts!"

She stood on one foot and jumped, with tears in her eyes from the pain.

Upon closer inspection, it was not a single pebble at all, but a pointy point protruding from the paving stones.

Really hit the iron plate.

Looking ahead again, Qi Yijing had disappeared.

"A childish ghost with a small belly." Ning Tan sat down on the grass with his legs crossed, feeling pained and wronged, "You also said that you like me, you are lying, you don't like me much at all."

She took off her shoes and tossed them aside, rubbing her red toes.

"I said it was a misunderstanding, so forget about it, and don't give me a chance to explain."

"Pull it down."

"This beauty is no longer serving me!"

"Who's there?" The pigeon poked its head out from behind the bushes, and felt a little distasteful towards the slightly embarrassed Ning Chan, "Beauties can't be made like this, don't pay attention to the image at all...Forget it, I finally found you, and I let's go."

Ning Tong was confused: "Who are you?"

"I am Yu Yege's personal doctor and backup lover." Pigeon introduced herself proudly, "Come on, I'll pull you up."

As soon as the hand was stretched out, the pigeon suddenly approached Ning and sniffed it, his face changed slightly: "What's the smell on you?"

Ning Tan was understanding his self-introduction, the corner of his mouth twitched, what the hell is the backup lover...

But she remembered that she was saved by Yu Yege.

It seems that Yu Yege brought her here, and then she ran out again in a daze.

"I have a smell?" She sniffed, "No."

"Did you meet someone just now?"

"Yes." Ning Tan was puzzled, "Why are you asking me this?"

Pigeon looked confused, glanced at the shoes on the ground, and frowned in disgust: "Get up by yourself, I'll go find Yu Yege, just stay here and don't leave."

Ning Tong watched in bewilderment as this handsome blue-haired boy came and went in a hurry.

She has to stroke.

"Do I have a smell?" She sniffed it carefully, "It seems to be a little sweaty. Do you have such a good nose? Is it a dog?"

But he is a doctor, so it's normal for him to have a good nose.

Qi Yijing walked out 20 meters away in anger and did not see Ning Yan catching up. He frowned in dissatisfaction, so he gave up?Logically, he shouldn't have gone back to look for her, but Lu Yijin, that deep-minded low-worker, is still here.

After hesitating for a moment, Qi Yijing decided to let go of his arrogance a little bit, and turned to find his rebellious wife.

From a distance, I saw Ning Li sitting on the grass without paying attention to his image, and even threw away a shoe, and the veins on the second master Qi's forehead couldn't stop popping out.

Can't she be a little cleaner? !

Ning Tan was muttering about the smell on his body, the faint smell of pine wood drifted into his nostrils along the wind, and his eyes suddenly sparkled.

Pray for the scenery!

She didn't even raise her head, she just hugged her feet and choked up with aggrieved words: "Children, it's all a lie to say that you will change it."

"Leaving me here alone, and saying that he likes me, it's all fake! I don't want to talk to him anymore."


Why not come?While weeping hypocritically, Ning Tan raised her head quietly.

A pair of expensive leather shoes came into view from the corner of the eye.

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