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Chapter 191 Are You Still Divorcing Him?

"That's enough, let me go." Ning Tong pushed him away, and in Qi Yijing's obviously dissatisfied eyes, pointed to his face seriously, "Why didn't you wipe something?"

"Could it be just to win my sympathy?"

Second Master Qi's eyelids twitched slightly, and he took the medical records away from her hands. His handsome face was calm, like the coldness in his deep eyes, and he said lightly: "I have accumulated too much work, I forgot."

Ning Tan nodded, yes, Qi Yijing is not the kind of person who would do such a thing.

too childish.

She knew that Qi Yijing was very busy with get off work every day in order to get off work on time, so coming to school today must have messed up the plan.

"Then you go and deal with it." Ning Tong said seriously, "I really like your face."

Although Qi Yijing's temperament is not so ugly if it is disfigured...but it can't be destroyed if it can't be destroyed.

You must know that it was because of this face that she was able to forgive his harsh tongue many times.

Once she thought about getting rid of Qi Yijing's poison.

Qi Yijing's handsome face turned dark, does he have nothing else to offer except his face?

"What are you doing in a daze?" Ning Tan wondered, "You don't want to get angry with me, do you? You won't be so childish, right?"


Second Lord Qi sneered and rang the bell to call the doctor over.

His face was ugly the whole time.

Because someone beside him was muttering: "God really favors you, look at your looks, alas, if you want to join the entertainment industry, there will be no other supermodels."

Ning Tan has been envious of his face for a long time.

This face is a golden template that can be preserved as a sculpture after death. God probably thinks it is too unnatural, so he gave Qi Yijing a mean and arrogant temper, and balanced it with an unpleasant temper.

As for why it is a model and not acting, because Qi Yijing only has two expressions - indifference and cold anger.

"You must have accumulated eight lifetimes of virtue." Ning Tan concluded.

The corner of the doctor's mouth twitched when he heard it, this description really... full of a strong sour taste.

He couldn't help looking at Second Master.

Qi Yijing's expression was unclear, his usual indifference and rejection of others thousands of miles away, his eyes were dim, and he looked ahead without knowing what he was thinking.

"Just apply the medicine a few times." After the doctor told him to pack up the equipment, he didn't forget the task before leaving, and said seriously to Ning Tong, "Your allergies are more serious, so you must take the medicine on time, you know? Otherwise, it's easy to relapse."

"A rash can be disfiguring."

Ning Tan: "..."

She understands the truth, so there is no need to add the last sentence.

She cherishes her face very much.

"Ning Chan." The magnetic voice fell on his ears.

"What's wrong?"

She raised her head in doubt, facing her pair of deep and dangerous eyes, Qi Yijing parted her thin lips, and asked in a low voice with a bit of gritted teeth: "It's enough to be the wife of the president, I want to be the wife of a supermodel." ?Ok?"


She was just talking.

It's all Yu Yege's fault, she is infected by him now, her first reaction when she sees a good-looking person is - it's a pity not to join the entertainment industry.

"Ahem, no." Ning Tan felt guilty, "I'm just complimenting you on your good looks."

"Compare the model with me?" Qi Yijing sneered.

Ning Li smiled sarcastically.

This dog has a temper!What's wrong with the model?Can being a boss look down on people?Pooh!

Qi Yijing narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Go home and eat!"


When he was about to walk out of the hospital, Ning Dan thought of Bai Rui: "By the way, let me tell you something, Bai Zhi's brother..."

"I know." Qi Yijing glanced at her. Ye Tao had already told him about non-marriage, right? He said lightly, "We are husband and wife, and you enjoy all legal rights. You don't have to deal with me in this kind of thing in the future." speak."

Ning Tan was surprised, when did he become so conscious?

Didn't he warn her in various ways before, telling her that she must tell him if she has something to do, or she will be killed.

This just overturned all the previous words in one day.

Why are there two faces?

Ning Tan muttered, "You didn't say that before."

"Oh, what did I say before?" Qi Yijing asked.

Ning Tan is not a fool, why would she still make herself unhappy after getting benefits, especially since she also knew why Qi Yijing changed, she was so sweet in her heart, and she lied without blushing and heart beating under someone's gaze.

"Forget, you know I never remember what you say."

"Aren't you going home for dinner?"

Qi Yijing started the car expressionlessly, with his white fingers resting on the steering wheel, he glanced at the back seat through the reflector from time to time, his eyes slightly deep.

He will slowly let her taste the sweetness.

It depends on whether the unmarriageist is the best or he is the best.


This meal was very peaceful, Qi Yijing didn't make any difference because of his confession, he turned on the TV to watch the evening news as usual.

Ning Tan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it would be best if nothing changed.

In fact, she was very afraid that Qi Yijing would change suddenly. It's not like she hasn't seen couples show affection, boyfriends are gentle and girlfriends act like a baby, but for some reason, she felt uncomfortable when that person was substituted into Qi Yijing. .

Gentle...Qi Yijing?

These are two completely different words.

If Qi Yijing was gentle, thinking of that scene, huh... Ning Tan shuddered, she would probably suffocate on the spot.

Besides, she still has some things to think about.

Hearing the sound of going upstairs, Qi Yijing told me lightly: "Don't take a bath within half an hour after eating."


There is a lot of health knowledge at such a young age, and I don't know where to read it... Ning Chen complained silently.

The door closed.

Qi Yijing, who was on the sofa without looking sideways, looked away, glanced upstairs, hooked the corners of his mouth meaningfully, and calmly changed the station.

After Ning Tan locked the door and made sure that Qi Yijing would not break in suddenly, the expression on his face was instantly wonderful, and he took out a few cards excitedly: "Hurry up, take a picture!"

At this moment, she is a billionaire woman, so she must take pictures to commemorate her!




Ning Tan changed several poses, flipping through the photos and showing a smile as bright as a chrysanthemum blooming.

"Should I give it back to him today?" Ning Tan was reluctant to part, and finally made a decision, "Tomorrow, anyway, this night is not bad."

Let her have a taste of the nouveau riche.

Tonight she is going to sleep with these cards in her arms, no one can stop her!

Ning Tan carefully put the card under the pillow, and called Bai Zhi: "How is Taotao? What did the lawyer say?"

"The lawyer said that there is no major problem. Most of the child's confession cannot be used as evidence. Besides, it has been so many years and Zhou Hua is suspected of being seduced. Today the police went to check the child's grave. It was indeed drowned, but he went to Bai's house with Taotao The time is not right, and it will be fine the day after tomorrow at the latest." Bai Zhi also waited for a day today.

"It's fine." Ning Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was within her expectation, she should feel at ease if there is a result.

"What about you? Did Qi Yijing make things difficult for you? Why did you come to the hospital?"

Ning Tan rubbed her nose, this is a long story, probably because she was pregnant with Coffee's child, which caused Xiang Yang and Qi Yijing to fight.

She didn't mean to either.

Who let Qi Yijing lie to her!

Ning Tan ignored the confession, and briefly explained the reason, so that Bai Zhi didn't have to worry about her.

Bai Zhi was shocked after hearing this: "Are you still divorcing Qi Yijing?"

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