Ye Tao lowered his voice and humbly admitted his mistake: "For the sake of my dedication to you for many years, please forgive me for being reckless this time."

"I didn't give you a salary?" Qi Yijing was indifferent.


"Get out."

Ye Tao thoughtfully closed the door, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Looks like the job is saved.

"Assistant Ye." A faint voice sounded.

Ye Tao was taken aback: "Why do you make no sound when you walk?"

Then he wondered: "Why are you here?"

"I make a sound when I walk." Bai Zhi was even more puzzled. As for the second question, he ignored it with guilt, and asked about the business, "I just saw Mr. Qi come in with Ning Tong in his arms. What happened to them?"

He also saw that Qi Yijing had injuries on his face, probably because of their fight with Ning Jing.

Bai Zhi still remembers Qi Yijing's kick at the Empire State Building.

So he is worried.

"I don't know either." Ye Tao didn't understand what was going on at all, and he didn't dare to ask, "Madam is sick."

Bai Zhi was shocked, and if he was fine in the morning, he asked worriedly: "What's wrong?"

Ye Tao gave him a meaningful look: "Tell me why you are here first?"

What a joke, could it be that Mrs. Bai Zhi is suspected to be pregnant?

It is estimated that his job is really in danger.

"I..." Bai Zhi sighed, and finally told the truth, "It's a long story, but it's like this... I can't help it, please don't implicate Ning Chan."

"The Bai family will make up for it later."

Ye Tao didn't care too much, the second master of human life would understand.

But he can't guarantee whether his wife will be involved. He has never guessed what the second master thinks and does to his wife...

"Just replace the equipment with a new one."

Ye Tao suddenly remembered something: "Have you and Ning Tan known each other for a long time? Does she have an ex-boyfriend or someone she likes?"

"No." Bai Zhi had a complicated expression, "From the time I met her, she has been an unmarriageist."

Ning Cong was only eight years old when he met Ning Cong. According to Ning Cong's words, marriage makes people unhappy... and all this came from the teaching of old man Ning.

He warned Ning Chen every day: Men don't have a good thing, men's mouths are deceiving ghosts.

That's why Bai Zhi was so shocked when he learned that Ning Tan was married and that Ning Shan was in charge.

Ye Tao suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Ning Tan kept wanting to divorce.

A pessimistic view of marriage is bad!

"I'll go with you to see Chairman Bai."

"it is good."

The blood test report came out an hour later. The test report showed that Ning Tan was indeed not pregnant and was in good health in all aspects. The reason for vomiting was due to allergies.

Coffee allergy.

Qi Yijing frowned, he remembered that Ning Tang seemed to have drank coffee, nothing happened.

"I should have drank less before, but this time I drank too much, and the allergic reaction came out." The doctor said, "She should not only have side effects such as vomiting, but also have a red, swollen throat and hoarseness. You can check if she has any symptoms." Rash."

"It's not serious this time, just a fluid infusion and you'll be fine. Anyway, you can't drink coffee anymore."

Qi Yijing nodded coldly, as if thinking of something, a dim light flashed in his deep eyes, and he called to the doctor: "Wait a minute."

The doctor turned around.

"Give her some medicine." Qi Yijing reported the name of the medicine, and said calmly, "Just say that the allergies are very serious, so she must take it once every three days."


The infusion had to lie flat, Qi Yijing had no choice but to put Ning Chan on the hospital bed, staring at her pale face, a little bit of pity appeared on her cool and handsome face.

Her wrist was very red, he was the one holding it.

She was rarely this quiet.

Qi Yijing looked complicated.

He actually didn't know why he fell in love with her, she was full of lies and unreasonable, disobedient and also liked to obey her, she had too many flaws to count, but he was always out of control because of her.

"Knock down."

Qi Yijing looked indifferently.

Ye Tao stood at the door and reminded in a low voice: "Second Master, the company's documents have not been processed yet, and those will be needed tonight."

"Understood." Qi Yijing responded calmly, raised his wrist and glanced at the time, his eyes fell on the face of Ning Tan who was sleeping soundly, stared for a few seconds and then got up indifferently and walked out, telling the doctor to take good care of Ning Chan, Call him as soon as possible.

The doctor nodded like a pounding garlic: "Definitely."

Ye Tao hurriedly followed: "Second Master, don't you want to take care of your injury?"

Qi Yijing gave him a cold look, and there was a sentence written on his face: Don't meddle in other people's business.


On the way back to the company, Qi Yijing asked indifferently: "How did you get here?"

"It's Xiao Chen." Ye Tao said helplessly, "Tang Tang took his card, and he didn't do it on purpose. Today is too busy, so please forgive him once, President."

A faint light flashed across Qi Yijing's eyes, but he didn't answer Ye Tao's words.

He wasn't angry.

On the contrary, if Tang Tang hadn't revealed the matter, he might not know how to express his feelings to Ning Li... The second master Qi is still a little arrogant, especially when he threatened not to like her not long ago.

Last night, Qi Yijing was thinking about his relationship with Ning Chen, but today he was thinking about how to talk to her...

This matter also counted him as a step down.

Xiao Chen?Qi Erye is very satisfied, he should be given a bonus.

Xiao Chen has been uneasy since he knew he had done something wrong. After Qi Yijing entered the president's office, he hurried to Ye Tao: "Ye Zhu, did you intercede for me? What did the president say?"

"I didn't mean to mention you, and the president didn't say anything." Ye Tao wanted to intercede for him, but he couldn't protect himself.

Ye Tao patted Xiao Chen on the shoulder: "It's really not good, the Tang family is also good."

Xiao Chen wants to cry but has no tears, he doesn't want to start over from the past.

Besides, which group's secretarial department can get off work on time like a company, let alone off work outside, it would be good if it doesn't take up weekends.

Qi Yijing has always been meticulous in his work, and everything he arranged will be done, and after everything has been dealt with, the outside has been shrouded in darkness.

The clock ticked to eight o'clock.

During the period, the hospital did not call.

Qi Yijing picked up his coat and went out. He couldn't leave unless he went to the secretary department. The staff in the secretary department were all relieved to see him come out - they thought they had to work overtime today.

"President." Xiao Chen hastened to meet him, "Please..."

Qi Yijing glanced at him, and said calmly: "You did a good job, go to the Finance Department to receive your bonus."

The words "Give me one more chance" stuck in his throat, and Xiao Chen watched the elevator go down in shock.

Did he hear wrong?

The president not only didn't fire him but also gave him a bonus? !

"Congratulations." The employees sent envious congratulations, "This is the second time you have received a bonus, right? The two bonuses of the month do not overlap, and it seems to be one month's salary. Hey, what have you done?"

It's not like I don't know, but I was taken aback, especially because Xiao Chen was on vacation before.

envy, jealousy, hate.

"I don't know." Little Monk Chen Zhang was puzzled.

He himself felt baffled.

Ning Li slept until after nine o'clock and woke up with a headache.

"Wake up." The doctor walked in and pointed to the medicine next to him, "You are allergic to coffee, the situation is a bit serious, if you didn't come in time, you would have a rash all over your body. This is medicine, take it once every three days, what else is there?" not comfortable?"

"Let's eat one first."

Ning Tong took the warm water and took the medicine in a daze.

She seldom drank coffee. She drank two bottles yesterday in order not to get sleepy, but she didn't expect to drink herself to the hospital.Wait, so her baby is from... coffee?

The tall and straight figure walked in from the outside, bringing back Ning Chan's unrestrained thoughts.

"Second Master." The doctor greeted respectfully.

Qi Yijing's body felt a little cold, and he nodded lightly: "Go out."

Then his eyes fell on the girl on the bed who was looking through the medical records. Seeing that she was fine, she was completely relieved. The next moment her eyes were slightly dark, and she walked to the bed calmly: "Are you hungry?"

As always, the cold voice, with arrogance, is the same as before, and you can hear a bit of gentleness when you listen carefully.

Ning Tang felt uncomfortable for a moment, and there are disadvantages if she is clear-headed - she remembered the matter of Qi Yijing and her confession, obviously this matter cannot be fooled, nor can it be fooled.

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