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Chapter 186 Said, whose child is it!

How could Qi Yijing make her wish, he grabbed the door panel with his backhand and pushed it, easily pushing the door open.

His cold gaze fell on Ning Chan's abdomen.

Ning Tan subconsciously grasped the pregnancy test stick, strong and calm: "What are you doing here? Have you read the divorce agreement? Let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau sometime."

Qi Yijing's face was livid, divorced so that she can give birth to someone else?

Well done!

"What am I here for?" Qi Yijing smiled angrily, reaching out forcefully to grab the things she hid.

Ning Tan wanted to hide but couldn't dodge, the pregnancy test stick fell to the ground under the pull.

Her little face suddenly turned pale.

When his eyes touched the objects on the ground, Qi Yijing's pupils shrank, his whole body froze for a second, and then his anger surged up uncontrollably, he squeezed her wrist tightly, and asked coldly: "What is this?"

Ning Tan turned pale: "Let me go."

"I ask you what this is!" Qi Yijing growled, "Whose child does it belong to?"

Ning Tan's wrist hurts badly, and his eyes are dodging and struggling: "I don't understand what you are saying. I bought this for my old friend. Please let me go first, because you hurt me."

Seeing that she was still lying, Qi Yijing finally broke down emotionally.

He was even stronger, staring at her, and questioning her furiously, every word contained anger: "Ning Chan, whose bastard are you pregnant with?!"

Ning Tan shook his body and looked at him in disbelief.


He suspected that she slept with someone else?

"You, you..." She trembled with anger.

Xiang Yang rushed in suddenly, hugged Qi Yijing from behind and pulled him away, punched him in the face, and shouted angrily: "You bastard!"

Qi Yijing was caught off guard by a punch, his face was instantly bruised, his cold eyes fell on Xiang Yang, his thin lips curved cruelly, and his tie was loosened.

"very good."

"It's his, right?" He sneered and picked up Xiang Yang, targeting the painful spot.

Xiang Yang refused to admit defeat, even though he was injured and at a disadvantage, he rushed forward to wrestle with Qi Yijing.

The two hit each other more ruthlessly.

Ning Li didn't understand why Xiang Yang appeared suddenly, so he directly raised his hand.

"Stop, stop fighting!"

"Stop!" She tried to stop.

Qi Yijing grabbed Xiangyang's collar and threw it towards the door, pulling away, Xiangyang also said stubbornly: "Xiao Chen, don't come here, I have to teach him a lesson today!"

Ning Tan was tired and anxious, seeing that Xiang Yang was about to stand up after being beaten, his face gradually turned pale.

The hands hanging by her legs slowly clenched into fists, and she yelled at Qi Yijing, enduring her shame: "The child belongs to you, he is not a bastard!"

Qi Yijing froze, and looked at her in disbelief.


Ning Tan sneered, "Can I stop?"

Seeing that Qi Yijing was distracted, Xiang Yang punched him hard on the shoulder.

Qi Yijing lost his strength and couldn't stand still, his back hit the iron bed, and a small wound was drawn on his face, soaking out tiny drops of blood.

He grunted.

"Senior Brother." Ning Tang's expression changed drastically, and he quickly stood in front of him, "Senior Brother, that's enough, stop beating me."

"Xiao Chen, get out of the way, I will definitely help you teach this bastard a lesson today." Xiang Yang's eyes were red.

"Enough." Ning Tong shook his head, "I know you are doing it for my own good, but this is a matter between us, let me settle it myself."

Xiang Yang furiously: "But..."

"Senior brother." Ning Tong emphasized his tone, his eyes were tired, "I'll do it myself, okay?"

Xiangyang's heart ached, angry and distressed, seeing her insist on standing in front of Qi Yijing, and withdrawing her fist in frustration.

"I'll wait for you outside."

There were only two people left in the dormitory, and the air was eerily quiet.

Qi Yijing had already stood up straight, and wiped the blood on his face with the back of his hand, a hostility appeared on his livid face.

He looked at Ning Chan with cold eyes: "What do you mean by what you just said?"

In one sentence, Ning Tan was thrown into the ice cave directly, and there was a lot of ridicule and self-pity in his heart.

What do you mean?

Great question.

He always said that she didn't tell him something, what about him?Did he trust her?

The wall is as it is now.

Obviously she had promised him that she would never do anything wrong to him before the divorce. It was fine for him to doubt her again and again, but now he doesn't believe her.

"Is it enough to humiliate me?" Ning Li looked at him indifferently, "Do you need me to help you remember?"

"Impossible." Qi Yijing sneered.

Ning Li trembled, and then she smiled: "It's impossible, what do you want me to do, get rid of the child?"

"I cooperate with you, okay?"

"Let's go now, let's go to the hospital now."

She smiled and walked out, Qi Yijing grabbed her hand.

Qi Yijing stared at her firmly: "Ning Chan, tell me the truth."

"The truth?" Ning Chen smiled angrily, and looked at him, "What kind of truth do you want to hear? Xiangyang, or Lu Yijin? Qi Yijing, since you've already made up your mind, why are you still angry? It doesn't matter who this child is." Yes, yes, I love you, are you happy?"

Qi Yijing's face was so dark that water dripped out, he wanted to see through her, and the hand that held her trembled slightly with extreme anger.

Does it matter?

She was pregnant, and as her husband, she told him it didn't matter? !

"Don't look at me like that." Ning Tong sneered, "Put away your eyes of being betrayed by your beloved, don't forget that there is no relationship between us, everything is fake, you just want to punish me for cheating you, don't you?" ?”

"To put it bluntly, you don't like me, so why are you so angry? Second Master Qi, show your decisiveness in the mall and divorce me as a shame."

The light and floating words, every word is pearls.

Qi Yijing's heart trembled, and he couldn't breathe for a moment, he didn't know whether it was because of anger or because he was hurt by being talked about.

Ning Tan stared at him with a smile, and separated the fingers holding her one by one.

Qi Yijing, do you know that I have never hated you so much as now.

There will be no more in the future.

Qi Yijing subconsciously wanted to catch up, but it was in vain.

"Ning Chan!" Qi Yijing roared, "Wait!"

"Junior Sister." Seeing her coming out, Xiang Yang was extremely worried, "Are you alright?"

"Thank you, brother, for your concern. I'm fine." Ning Li smiled faintly, and when he saw a large army coming up downstairs, he continued to speak to Yang, "Brother, can you stop them for me? I want to buy something to eat."

Xiang Yang nodded in distress: "Okay."

Ning Tan walked towards the stairs on the other side, and the moment he turned around, the smile on his face could no longer be maintained, exhaustion and bitterness surged up, and his legs were as heavy as lead.

She is so tired and sleepy.

It's time to ask for leave today.

Well, she shouldn't be pouring Chirou Coke, but sparkling water.

Trying to diverge her thoughts, but the aggressive and cold words still kept ringing in her ears, stinging her again and again, humiliating her, and crushing her dignity... Ning Chan's eyes gradually blurred, and he began to lose sight of the road.

She thought, she didn't know which god she had offended, she was really unlucky.

Go back and say goodbye.

An excited voice came from behind, far and near.

The next moment, his wrist was grabbed by a big cold hand.

The familiar pine scent enveloped him.

Ning Tong quickly lowered his head, trying to break free with his hands.Qi Yijing didn't give her a chance, and under Xiangyang's angry obstruction, he forcefully hugged her waist and brought Ning Jing back to the dormitory in three steps, and then closed the door.

"Qi Yijing, let her go!"

"Open the door!"

Ning Tan was angry and sad when he was imprisoned in his arms. He grabbed his hand and was about to bite it down. Suddenly, there was a cold voice in the dormitory, still tinged with a few strands of anger.

"How do you know I don't have feelings for you?"

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