Ning Chen's mind was in a mess.

How could it be such a coincidence, how could it happen to be Taotao, no wonder Zhou Hua wanted to send Taotao abroad.

"Are you going to agree?" Zhou Hua urged anxiously, "You can't harm Baitao!"

Answer or not... Ning Tong's mind was buzzing, Bai Zhi had been homeless for more than ten years because of his child, and Bai Rui was seriously ill and died soon because of missing his son.Tell her now, the child died a long time ago, or was it caused by her good friend?

Ning Tan just felt suffocated.

Her throat was so dry that she couldn't speak a word.

How could she bring such cruel news to Bai Zhi?

Seeing that she didn't give an answer for a long time, Zhou Hua's eyes were red with anxiety: "Ning Qian, think about it, Baitao made an unintentional mistake, and it doesn't matter if you say it or not, right? And they just want news about the child? They'll be fine."

Ning Tan smiled wryly, doesn't it matter?How could it not matter!

No one understands the feelings of abducted families better than her.

Ning Tan took a deep breath: "Does Taotao remember this?"

She didn't believe that Taotao would pretend that nothing happened when she knew the truth.

"She knows." Zhou Hua nodded quickly, "She begs you to help her."

"I won't help her hide it." Ning Li said with difficulty, "Since she remembers, she should apologize to them with me instead of living in suffering for the rest of her life. I can't help anyone in this kind of thing, but I I will intercede for her and ask Bai Zhi to forgive her."

Zhou Hua's eyes widened, and he looked at her in disbelief.

She came to Ning Tan to hide this matter, but who knows that not only did she not help, but she also wanted to take Baitao to meet the Bai family.

"You're crazy!" Zhou Hua cursed sharply, "Ning Tan, do you have a conscience? How many times did Baitao protect you when you were bullied by Ning Wei, and now you actually want to harm her? Your mother is right, you are a White-eyed wolf!"

Ning Chen's face was pale, but he still insisted on his point of view.

She won't help the tyrant.

She asked, "Where is Taotao?"

Zhou Hua panicked, his palms were profusely sweating, and he turned up his volume: "Don't try to harm Baitao, since you won't help me figure it out on my own, if you still treat Baitao as a friend, just pretend that I haven't been here before!"

Zhou Hua left cursing.

Ning Tan was silent, she couldn't pretend it never happened.

Of course, Ning Tan was not stupid enough to believe it all. She wanted to ask Taotao herself, and took out her mobile phone to call Taotao.

"Hi, the phone you dialed is off. Sorry..."

Ning Dan's heart sank.

"Ding dong."

At the same time, the portraits of the seniors were sent over, ten in total.

Ning Tan flipped through the photos one by one, feeling more and more heavy.

What is she going to do?

"Ma'am." Seeing her standing still for a long time, Ye Tao came over suspiciously, "What did she tell you?"

Ning Tan forced a smile: "It's nothing, let's go in."

She needs to be alone to sort things out.

Ning Tong took a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator and sat on the swing by the pool, curled up with his legs curled up, holding the Coke and staring at the water in a daze.

What should she do?

"What?" Ye Tao exclaimed, "Second Master, are you not coming back?"


He couldn't help asking: "Could it be that you don't know how to face Madam, so you just hide?"

The other end was silent for a second, and said indifferently: "Ye Tao, you have a rich imagination, why don't you become a special assistant and become a writer."


"But..." Madam seemed to have something on her mind.

Ye Tao glanced at Ning Tan by the pool, and firmly believed that he had guessed correctly.

The second master has a guilty conscience!

Just dare not face Madam!

But if things like quarrels are not resolved on the same day, it will become super troublesome later.

Ye Tao sighed, and walked to Ning Tong's side: "Ma'am."

Ning Tan looked up: "Did Qi Yijing come back?"

"That..." Ye Tao laughed dryly, "Second Master is going to live in Yinlou tonight, and he won't be coming back. You can eat by yourself, and I will go first."

Ning Tan didn't say anything, and went into the room to eat silently.

If Zhou Hua hadn't shown up, she would still be in the mood to go to Yinlou to find Qi Yijing, but now she was in such a mess that she couldn't care less about Qi Yijing.

After eating, Ning Chong went upstairs to pack his things.

In fact, there are not many things that really belong to her. Qi Yijing threw away a lot before, and the rest can only be packed in a large suitcase.

I can't take my computer with me.

Ning Tan put the divorce agreement and keys on the living room, looked around, feeling reluctance and sourness in her heart, she lived here for two years and had a lot of memories.Forget it, she doesn't want it anymore.

The bodyguard saw Ning Tong coming out with the suitcase, and was surprised: "Madam, where are you going?"

"I'm going to live in school." Ning Tan said, "Qi Yijing is back, please help me talk to him."

The bodyguard was taken aback.

separated? !Is this the second master and his wife quarreling again?

"Then I'll see you off."

"Thank you."

The bodyguards paid attention to Ning Chan all the way, and found that Ning Chan was silent all the way, and he didn't play with his mobile phone, obviously feeling heavy.

It was the first time he saw Ning Tong like this.

A bell rang in the quiet car, abrupt and piercing.

Ning Tan glanced at the caller, and after two seconds of stiffness, he answered the phone: "Hello."

"Good news! There are a lot of people leaving messages to provide clues. I have asked people to look for them one by one. Maybe this time I can find my nephew!" Bai Zhi said excitedly, "I dare not tell my elder brother, so I can only come and share with you. Thanks for your help."

Ning Tan pulled his lips, not knowing how to tell him.

This is tantamount to bad news for Bai Zhi, and what's even more cruel is that he was so close to his nephew's grave.

"why do not you talk?"

"I..." Ning Tong said dryly, "Congratulations."

"I haven't found anyone yet. Congratulations if you find one." Bai Zhi laughed loudly, "By the way, what about the portrait you mentioned? Have you drawn it? I also asked someone to draw my nephew's appearance when he grows up, I don't know Which would be more similar."

Ning Tan was silent: "Bai Zhi, just in case, I said just in case..."

"What's the sound outside? Ning Tan, I won't tell you anymore. I'll go out and have a look."


Ning Li looked at the phone in confusion.

"Ma'am, we're here." The bodyguard reminded.

Ning Chen dragged his suitcase into the dormitory in dismay, his mind was full of Bai Zhi's hopeful joy and Zhou Hua's roar.


She wants to go back and have a look, what if the child is not?

A roommate in the dormitory was studying a book. Seeing Ning Tong coming in and thinking whether to say hello to her, Ning Tong suddenly stuffed the suitcase and walked out resolutely.

Suyou: "???"

Ning Li went out to take a taxi, but because the place she was going to was too remote, no one wanted to take her.

Ning Tan gradually became anxious, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a red Maserati parked in the corner.This is not the point, the point is the person wearing a mask and sunglasses in black——Yu Yege!
"Yu Yege."

Yu Yege was taken aback, paparazzi? !

"It really is you." Ning Tan was pleasantly surprised, "Yu Yege, can you do me a favor? Take me to a place, and I'll give you money."

People on the side of the road were puzzled when they heard the words Yu Yege.

Yu Yege covered Ning Chan's mouth and stuffed her into the car, and at the same time quickly sat down and started the car to leave: "Shhhhhhhhh!"

After driving out of the street, he said in a teasing tone: "Why, Boss Ning wants to debut as a romance?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ning Tong raised his hands in surrender, "I'm happy to patronize you."

Yu Yege raised his eyebrows, he is very good at talking.

"where to?"

Ning Tan opened the navigation: "Go to this place."

"Sit still." Yu Yege smiled wickedly, and slammed on the steering wheel, "Woohoo!"


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