I must catch her, please... Ning Tan tried to pray in his heart, clenched his fingers tightly.

Qi Yijing opened his arms and took her into his arms calmly. If Ning Tan hadn't closed his eyes, he would have found that he was too calm, and he was not surprised by her behavior at all.

Ning Tong was so nervous that her eyelashes were trembling.


Didn't fall to the ground?

good chance!

A smile flashed across Qi Yijing's eyes, and it was fleeting. The second she opened her eyes, she was covered with coldness and indifference, and looked down at her coldly: "Ning..."

Ning Tan didn't give him time to get angry, so he raised his arms around his neck and kissed him on the mouth.

Words were forced back into the throat.

The big hand holding her froze, Qi Yijing's breathing was light and stagnant, his eyes suddenly deepened, and the next moment he pulled her big hand into his arms, turning defense into offense, as if he wanted to swallow her.

The deep voice was tinged with sexiness, like beating like a drum.

"Ning Tan, you provoked me first."

Ning Tan's old face flushed, and he was ready to retire.But how could Qi Yijing agree so easily, holding the back of her head and kissing her hard, absorbing the sweetness, like a rising tornado blowing people into embarrassment, making them unavoidable.

She widened her eyes: "You..."

The remaining bytes were swallowed by Qi Yijing.

Qi Yijing stared at her like a wild wolf staring at a piece of fat and fresh meat, his cold eyes turned scorching hot without knowing when, which made Ning Chen tremble instead.At the moment when Ning Tan was afraid and wanted to stop, his eyes were deep and he launched a more ferocious attack.

Ning Tong grabbed his collar subconsciously, his slightly staring eyes gradually became blurred and flushed, and his mind gradually turned white when he grabbed it fiercely, and it became a mess, unable to think about anything... Ning Tong seemed to be devastated by a violent storm The torrential rain made her panic and afraid, and she could only cling to Qi Yijing tightly under the panic.

Qi Yijing stared at her closely, her breathing became more and more rapid, she was as soft as a pool of water, as if she would disappear as soon as she let go, only after being kissed for a while, the corners of her eyes and the tip of her nose turned red, and her big eyes were filled with mist , chest undulating slightly, like a goblin, seductive without knowing it.

Almost instantly, Qi Yijing thought of that night in the bar... A storm surged in his eyes, and he suddenly wanted to tear this dress into pieces.

It's an eyesore!

"Hmm..." Ning Tan felt that he was going to die and couldn't breathe.

Qi Yijing didn't seem to see it, and kissed deeper.

He has a sense of proportion, her bottom line is not here.

Ning Tan felt uncomfortable, and finally couldn't help crying, his weak voice was stained with crying: "Qi Yijing, you, let me go."

She just came to borrow money for Bai Zhi.

She doesn't want to die here.

Qi Yijing, who didn't want to let her go just now, froze, and what imprinted in his eyes was Ning Li's bright red eyes full of water mist, and the soft sobbing made him flustered, but more of it was a sense of terror and violence, countless thoughts in his mind. A voice sounded—bully her, bully her hard!Make her cry louder!

This thought made Qi Yijing stiff all over.

Damn, what was he thinking? !

Qi Yijing tried hard to control the beast in his heart, closed his eyes and then opened them again, the madness in his eyes disappeared instantly, and turned into the usual cold and arrogant.He slowly put Ning Tong on the bed, pulled away calmly, naturally put his hands in his pockets and looked down at her indifferently.

Ning Li took a big gulp of air, compared to Qi Yijing who was so graceful that she seemed to be taking a breath, she must be in a terrible mess, really... Ning Chen was so angry that she did not forget her original intention, and asked pantingly: "Is this collateral good?" Are you satisfied?"

"I'm going to take the money!"

Qi Yijing stared at her indifferently, neither refusing nor agreeing.

Ning Tan felt limp all over, and his mouth was parched, looking around for water.

She didn't care, she agreed without saying a word.

She has sacrificed her hue... Although once or twice is the same as seven or eight times, but a sacrifice is a sacrifice, that's right!

A glass of water was handed to him.

Ning Tong raised her head, Qi Yijing gracefully held the water glass, staring at her calmly with deep eyes, Ning Tong hesitated for a second, then took the water glass and started drinking.

After drinking a glass of water, the throat is no longer so uncomfortable.

Huh, finally comfortable.

Qi Yijing suddenly asked: "Are you still drinking?"

"Ah?" Ning Li was confused, "Don't drink, I won't drink in the future!"

"Don't worry, I'm very good! I will never drink again!"

Qi Yijing stared at her with complicated eyes, didn't say anything, took a glass of water and drank it, and then walked into the bathroom.

For some reason, Ning Tan always felt that the look in his eyes was weird just now.

As for why it was strange, she couldn't tell.

There was the sound of water in the bathroom, Ning Tan didn't think much about it, Qi Yijing took a bath at this time every day.She transferred the money to Yu Yege at the price she consulted from Gekko in the afternoon. Well, Yu Yege's only successful business is his studio.

"Ding dong."

Gecko: I thought you were just asking for fun, my God, you are so rich!

Ning Dan is melancholy, envious?half-life exchange.

Gecko: Ye Ge said, because you are so quick to pay, he suggested that you find someone to simulate the child's appearance when he grows up, which can reduce the scope and speed up the efficiency.

This is indeed a good idea. It is impossible for a child to completely change when he grows up, and he will still have a little shadow of his childhood. Although it is not accurate, it is better than finding a needle in a haystack.

Taotao seems to have practiced this kind of subject last year.

Ning Tan sent Baitao a message, and Baitao replied quickly.

Taotao: Okay, you can send me the photo, and I will draw it for you when I get to my hometown.


Ning Tan habitually pursed his lips, and gasped in pain from this sip: "Hiss."

what happened?

Turning on the camera, she saw that her red and tender lips were broken, but she didn't notice it.

Ning Tan is angry, it must be Qi Yijing who did it!

Kiss her, just kiss what she bites, is it a dog?

Don't even try to kiss her next time!

Ning Tan gritted his teeth angrily, halfway through remembering the grudge, realized something froze in his expression.

"What am I thinking?" Ning Li panicked and swallowed, "This is just a sex transaction, there will be no next time, yes, there will be no next time!"

She kept brainwashing herself.

But the more he said, a faint disappointment and inexplicable sourness filled Ning Chen's heart.

I don't know where this feeling came from and why.

Ning Tan was depressed and irritable.

Think no more!

"Clap la la la."

The sound of the water grew louder, reminding Ning Chen that there was someone inside.

Reminding her how he calmly withdrew just now, uncontrollably thinking of his ruthless answer in the car that day.



The two words are indifferent and ruthless.

Ning Li sat cross-legged on the bed, his whole body was listless like a frost-beaten eggplant, the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, his hands grabbed the quilt and kept tugging until his fingertips turned white.

She seems to like Qi Yijing a little bit again.


Absolutely not!

Ning Chen was in a mess.

Qi Yijing put out the fire and the thoughts he shouldn't have, casually brushed his hair, came out wrapped in a bathrobe, and subconsciously swept to the bed.

Ning Tan curled up on the bed, a small ball.


Ning Tan raised her head sharply: "Qi Yijing, let's get a divorce!"

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