doing what?

Do after-sales service ah.

Ning Tong nodded blankly: "I know."

Qi Yijing suddenly hugged her and walked towards the room, bowing his head while walking, drawing the distance between the two of them closer, breath intertwined, staring at her with dark eyes, and said in a low voice, "Really know? Huh?"

Ning Tang was not clear-headed, but he also smelled a dangerous smell.

No, very wrong.

She shrank subconsciously: "I just want you not to be angry. What do you want?"

"If I don't want to be angry, kissing is not enough." Lou Ci's hoarse voice overflowed from his lips, and fell on Ning Chan's ears with heat. Qi Yijing hugged her and sat on the bed, his eyes filled with meaning.

Ning Tan was taken aback for a moment, and then became vigilant: "I have no grievances or enmities with Senior Brother Xiang Yang, I can't blackmail him."

Qi Yijing didn't answer, but just stared at her for a moment, his eyes were so hot that Ning Dan was afraid.He knew she was drunk and talking nonsense and didn't know what she was doing, but he couldn't stand it.

He went back to find Fengxuan in the middle of the night, but heard that she was looking for a handsome guy.

He tried to restrain himself, but she teased him.

again and again.

Qi Yijing's eyes became darker and darker. He is not a saint. They are legally allowed couples, not to mention she provoked him. Staring at Ning Chen who was full of doubts, a thought flashed in Qi Erye's mind - to let She didn't have the strength to ask for a divorce!

"You..." Ning Tong felt a little hairy, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and began to struggle, "You think about it first, and then tell me when you think about it, I'll go first, and go to sleep first."

Intuition told her to go.

Go now!

Qi Yijing saw her fear, and his mind instantly cleared up. What was he thinking just now?Back to rationality, Junyi's face was full of emotions, and his brows were furrowed!

Qi Yijing endured the pain, and quickly let go of the shackles on her.

Cursed in a low voice: "Get out!"

Ning Li tiptoed to climb out of her embrace, but was startled by his sudden shout, and her calf accidentally bumped into something.


Qi Yijing's already tense body suddenly froze!

The drunkard froze for a moment, and turned around stupidly: "What are you hiding?"

Qi Yijing's pupils narrowed slightly, looking at her red and tender face full of thirst for knowledge, he felt the breaking of the "Zheng" in his mind, and the rationality that had just come back disappeared instantly.Flames welled up in his eyes, and he pulled her back!

A hoarse voice cursed through gritted teeth.

"You brought it on yourself."


The chef who was woken up in the middle of the night held a bowl of hangover soup and rang the doorbell: "Second Master, the soup is ready."

After waiting for nearly 2 minutes, the deep voice sounded, as if trying to bear something.

"Put it at the door."

"it is good."



Ye Tao, who got up early, was puzzled: "Where is the second master?"

"Second Master drove out at 02:30 last night." The servant said.

Ye Tao almost spit out the milk: "02:30? At night?!"

Did the second master suffer from insomnia or did he not sleep?

He was also reluctant to hit his wife hard, so he went all the way to Xunfengxuan to find Qishou, is it interesting?

"Ye Zhu, are you going to see Second Master?" the servant asked.

Ye Tao showed a professional smile: "I won't go."

Second Master likes to do whatever he wants, he refuses to be a punching bag.

Yinlou couldn't stay there either, Ye Tao made a decision instantly - go home!Get home as fast as you can!

"Ye Zhu, what about these documents?" The servant pointed to the document package on the table, "Didn't you say that these need a thousand words from Er Ye?"

Ye Tao pretended not to hear, went straight to the garage and drove away from Yinlou. When he got home, the old god called the second secretary.

"I forgot a few documents in Yinlou, you take them to sign for the second master, yes, the second master is in Xunfengxuan."

"It's okay, they'll let you in."

"Well, you don't need to go right away, let's go down." The second master's anger should have dissipated in the afternoon.

"I know Ye Zhu."

The second secretary was extremely excited, and kept hearing from Ye Zhu that today he finally got a glimpse of Yinlou's true face!

As soon as twelve o'clock passed, the second secretary immediately drove to Yinlou, got the document package in shock, and left reluctantly until the servant reminded him.

So luxurious!

With emotion all the way, the second secretary came to Xunfengxuan.

"Ye Zhu asked me to deliver the documents." The second secretary looked inside, "Is the second master there?"

The bodyguard gave him a strange look and put him in.

"Second master is in the garden."

The secretary went straight to Hua.

The garden of Xunfengxuan is not big, next to the artificial lake, two rows of roses are planted on the left and right, and simple flowers and plants are planted in the middle, because Ning Li didn't take care of it, weeds grew rustlingly.

Under the blooming roses of climbing vines, Qi Yijing, dressed in simple home clothes, was pruning branches, with a serious look and an elegant posture. His slender figure was reflected on the lake, set off by the delicate roses, and above it.

The noble demeanor renders this picture into a scroll painting.

"President." The secretary called out cautiously.

Qi Yijing heard the sound, and it seemed that although his expression was still indifferent, the coldness that had shrouded his brows and eyes for the past week had disappeared. He glanced at the document bag in his hand, and said lightly: "Let's put it down."

The second secretary was taken aback. The CEO finally felt better?

"President, where is Madam?" He couldn't help asking.

Qi Yijing stopped cutting the branches, then slowly pressed down, and gave him a cold look.


"Is there anything wrong with her?"

"No." The second secretary was watched nervously, and flattered him subconsciously, "I just think that Lu's employees are all blind, and you and your wife are the only ones who are talented and beautiful!"

I regretted it after I shot it.

It's over... The president hates being flattered by others, he only likes hard work.

Qi Yijing narrowed his eyes and stared at him coldly.

Er Mi's heart cooled down for a while, and she was ready to accept criticism.

"I remember that your salary hasn't been raised for a long time." Di Ci's voice was extremely indifferent, and it sounded like heavenly music to Er Mi's ears, "Go to the HR department to give you a salary increase."

The second secretary, who just got his salary increase a month ago, looked up in surprise: "Thank you, President!"

Qi Yijing casually pruned the flowers and plants, and glanced at the second floor from time to time, his eyes slightly deep.

Ning Tan was woken up by the phone call.

The ringtone is unique to Baitao.

"Tao Tao, you have pressed the phone." She mumbled vaguely while covering her ears.

The phone kept ringing.

Ning Tan burrowed directly into the quilt, trying to block the loud ringtones with the quilt—the experience and experiences of countless people tell everyone that this is useless.

"Ah!" Ning Li turned over irritably, and took a deep breath, "It's so noisy, Taotao, you can't... hiss..."

The ringtone is getting more and more fierce.

Ning Tan had to touch the phone first, and as soon as he touched the hard corners, his hand hurt and swelled.

what happened?

Taotao hit her while she was drunk?

"Hello." Ning Tong swiped to answer, "Tao Tao, what are you calling, you..."

"Thank God you finally answered the phone." There was a sigh of relief on the other end, followed by concern and three consecutive questions, "Why are you answering the phone now? Are you okay? Did Qi Yijing make things difficult for you?"

Ning Tan was stunned by the question, Qi Yijing?

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