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Chapter 141 The guest room in the Yin Building is not easy to sleep in?

The light white fingers stopped one centimeter away from the screen.

Ning Tan looked at the chef and lowered her eyes.

One minute later, she put away her mobile phone, turned around and walked towards the restaurant, and started to eat the cold dishes. Halfway through the meal, she suddenly shrugged: "What's the matter, it's so comfortable to eat alone."

"Well, the soup is a bit salty, so let's drink Coke."

There is no such thing as carbonated drinks in Xunfengxuan.

Ning Tan hummed a song and ordered a takeaway, and bought a lot of spicy sticks. When she glanced at the sofa, she suddenly felt uncomfortable again. In order to prevent herself from thinking wildly, she called Baitao.

"Peach, would you like to spend the night with me?"

"He's not in now."

"I'll send someone to pick you up, and you secretly pack wine in your schoolbag."

It was already nine o'clock when Baitao was picked up. Ning Tan took her into the room, and as soon as the door was closed, she asked brightly, "Where's the wine?"

"Here." Baitao pulled the zipper, revealing two cans of wine inside, one beer and one cocktail, "Isn't Qi Yijing staring at you every day, why did you let you go today?"

"Probably look away." Ning Tan replied vaguely, patted the soft bed, "Come up quickly!"

"You haven't been looking for me these days, what are you doing?"

"Drink and drink."



Qi Yijing was absent-minded after eating a meal, he glanced at his phone from time to time, every time he scanned, his face became colder, and finally became extremely cold.

During the period, he still looked at Ye Tao, but Ye Tao's cell phone remained silent.

Qi Yijing's eyes filled with irritability and anger.

He said it, and she wished he would not go back.

"Second Master?" Ye Tao noticed that Qi Yijing was looking at his phone suddenly, and asked bravely, "Is there something wrong with my phone?"

Qi Yijing sneered: "How would I know?"

Ye Tao: "..."

"Have you found those missing gangsters?" Qi Yijing asked.

"Found it." At first, Ye Tao thought that there was a third person involved, but after checking, he found no, "Someone tipped them off, and they hid in the countryside when they knew they had caused a catastrophe, and finally ran outside to hide from the limelight." .”


Qi Yijing frowned slightly, loosened his brows after a while, got up with an indifferent hum, walked to the sofa and sat down, picked up the book that had not been read for a month under the table, and looked at it.

Ye Tao consciously went to the guest room.

After walking a few steps, the phone rang.

Qi Yijing's movement of turning the pages of the book paused, and the thin pages lay horizontally in the middle.

"Hello." Ye Tao was taken aback after answering the phone, then looked back at Qi Yijing who was studying hard, "Okay, got it."

Qi Yijing gracefully pressed down the pages of the book and looked up at him: "What's the matter?"

Ye Tao has an inexplicable illusion that the second master seems to have been waiting for him to come back...

"Madam asked someone to pick up the white peaches, and ordered takeaway, and bought a lot of drinks and spicy noodles." It seemed that she was going to have a big night.

Qi Yijing's face turned cold, with mockery and cold anger in his eyes.

Huh, so early to celebrate?

When he agrees to divorce, is she going to throw a big feast for people to eat? !

Ye Tao thought about what the second secretary said, and then looked at Qi Yijing's livid face, and decided to give it a try: "This combination will definitely spoil your stomach, Second Master, do you want to go back and take care of your wife?"

A fingerprint was severely pinched on the page of the book, Qi Yijing suppressed the irritability in his heart, and said coldly: "I have no right to meddle in her affairs, she can do whatever she likes."

Ye Tao: "..."

Didn't you just say that you are the wife's husband?

Just about to say something more, Qi Yijing gave him a cold look: "It's the guest room in Yinlou, are you not used to it?"

Ye Tao: "..."

He walked into the room silently.

Qi Yijing continued to read the book, but he couldn't read a single word, not only couldn't calm down, but was extremely irritable.

As soon as he put the book away, he went back to his room to take a shower, and went to bed before ten o'clock.

Just not sleepy at all.

As time passed, the breath on Qi Yijing's body became colder and thicker, and suddenly he stood up and opened the curtains irritably - it was pitch black outside, and there were not even stars.

celebrate?Has he agreed?

She made things difficult for him, and it was his turn.

Qi Yijing sneered, took out clothes from the closet and changed into them, randomly picked up a key from the key cabinet and walked towards the garage.

Seeing the black shadow concentrating, the security guard immediately drew out the electric baton.

After seeing the black shadow clearly, he was stunned: "Second master?"

After the car drove out of Yinlou, the security guard came back to his senses, glanced at the time, and was extremely astonished.

"02:30... Where is Er Ye going at night?"

Ning Tan, who still doesn't know the danger is coming, is flying with Baitao.

Ning Tan held the cocktail and laughed silly: "Where's the handsome guy? Mine, where's my handsome guy?"

"There are no handsome guys." Baitao said.

"No?" Ning Tan was angry, "Why didn't you shout? I have money, where is my handsome guy?"

Baitao has no expression on her face: "I know you can't drink, but I don't know that you will go crazy. Listen to me, this is Xunfengxuan, we are at home, there is no handsome guy!"

"You can also shout at home." Ning Li objected.

Baitao hated herself for being too sober, she couldn't do it, she wanted to get herself drunk, and Baitao went to get the beer, but Ning Tan snatched the wine.

"Give me handsome guy!"

"Give me the wine!" Baitao said angrily, "What handsome guy do you want if you're not divorced!"

"I'm leaving!"

"you have not."

"I have!"

It took a lot of effort for Baitao to snatch the wine from Ning Tong's hand, but Ning Tong was aggrieved and teased Baitao: "Taotao, let me tell you a secret."

Baitao pricked up her ears.

"Today I……"

A feeling of vomiting came from the stomach, and Ning Tan carried the bottle and went straight to the toilet: "vomit."

Baitao: "..."

What a secret.

Baitao's head was full of black lines, and she drank a bottle of wine with gulu gulu. After hearing that she was almost vomiting, she was going to take care of Ning Chan, but just as she got up, she saw an afterimage flashed in front of her and rushed out of the door.

Baitao: "???"

Then she saw Ning Chun jump hard.

"Damn it!" Baitao sobered up instantly, "Don't jump, that's not a bed over there!"

Qi Yijing came back with a vicious aura, looked from a distance and found that the bedroom lights were on, and he could vaguely see figures frolicking, so he sneered.

As a result, as soon as he walked up the stairs, he saw Ning Tang rushing out with a bottle of Coke in his arms, his face was flushed, and he could smell the smell of alcohol across the stairs.

Still dare to drink? !

He ignored his warning?

Qi Yijing's face turned livid in an instant, and before his anger welled up, he saw Ning Li turn a corner to the stairs, and then jumped hard, his pupils shrank, and he walked up four steps quickly without even thinking about it, and opened his arms wide. He took her into his arms.

The strong smell of alcohol came to his face.

"Huh?" Ning Tan felt that the touch was not quite right, why the bed was so hard and it was getting smaller, just when he was about to think in a daze, he heard Baitao's voice.

"Xiao Chang! Don't jump, what are you..."

Baitao's words stopped abruptly.

Ning Tan, who was huddled in Qi Yijing's arms, turned around in a daze: "Huh?"

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