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Chapter 131 I Have Learned Many Things These Years

"Bang bang!" Ning Tan finally let go and slammed on the car window.

"Let me go!"

The driver and Ye Tao pretended not to hear, one quickly stepped on the accelerator and the other looked out the window.

Seeing no results, Ning Yan glared at Qi Yijing who rolled up his sleeves to check the wound beside him: "Qi Yijing, are you going too far? We agreed on a hidden marriage! And why do you give Boss Lu the check instead of me? !"

Why should he humiliate her friend and invade her privacy.

The shirt was rolled up, and there were two tooth marks on the wrist, which were deep and slightly red.

It is enough to see how ruthless the person who bites is.

Qi Yijing was already in a bad mood, but when she heard this, her mood fell to the bottom, her face was terribly cold, and her gaze was even more ruthless: "Just because I am your husband!"

"He has feelings for you that he shouldn't have!"

"We're going to get a divorce sooner or later!" Ning Tan questioned, "Even if he likes me, so what, you don't like me! I won't let you down before I divorce you, so why do you meddle in these things?!"

Qi Yijing froze.

One sentence instantly freezes the atmosphere.

The temperature inside the car gradually became freezing and suffocating.

Ye Tao's back broke out in cold sweat, trying hard to keep his eyes straight.

Qi Yijing was tense, with veins popping out on the back of his hands, mixed with indescribable anger and irritability, which filled his whole body with a cold and stern aura, and his cold voice was cold and forceful: "I say no contact, that is, no contact!"

Ning Tan was about to cry at his unreasonableness.

He doesn't like her, and he doesn't want others to like her?Where does this come from.

"Qi Yijing, you are unreasonable!"

"Get me out of the car!"

Qi Yijing sneered: "I've been unreasonable!"

Naturally, it was impossible for the driver to stop, and the hands holding the steering wheel were sweating.

Ning Tan was so angry that his eyes were red, powerless and wronged, he hugged himself and buried his head.

Qi Yijing looked irritated, but Lu Yijin made her so hard to leave?Would you be sorry for treating other men like this in marriage?

"Stop!" Qi Yijing yelled coldly.

The driver hit the brakes.

Qi Yijing opened the car door and got out of the car, full of anger, took a deep breath and ordered in a cold voice: "Send Madam back to Xunfengxuan, and don't allow her to go back to find Lu Yijin!"

Ye Tao got out of the car immediately.

The driver nodded quickly.

Ning Li's eyes widened, he didn't want to scold anymore, and buried his head in his sadness.

Autocratic and overbearing!


There was an endless flow of people, and Ye Tao stood next to Qi Yijing, not daring to be sloppy.

Qi Yijing tried his best to adjust his emotions, the pain in his arm was always reminding him of what he had just experienced, the anger couldn't be quenched at all... He didn't even know why he was so angry.

One stop is 5 minutes.

Not only did Qi Yijing's complexion not improve, but it became even uglier.

"Second Master." Ye Tao's eyes showed a fierce look, "Why don't we just drive the Lu family out of the country?"

Before the Lu family has fully established its foothold, let him go back where he came from.

"Why chase him away?" Qi Yijing sneered, "Anyway, I'm going to get a divorce."

Ye Tao: "..."

It could be seen that the second master was very angry.

They all started talking nonsense.

In fact, he didn't understand why things turned out like this. Didn't the second master and his wife have a good relationship in the morning?No matter how you turn your face, turn your face.

"Second Master." Ye Tao coughed lightly and changed the subject, "I just received news that people from the Bai family are on their way."

Bailang Baixuan is still locked up in the hospital, which is called recuperating.

The Bai family got the news and sent someone here.

Qi Yijing's face turned cold, and he frowned after thinking for a moment: "Bai Rui?"

He has an impression of Bai Rui, and it can be said that he supported the Bai family. Unfortunately, more than ten years ago, Bai Rui suddenly fell into a slump and no longer took care of things. He heard that he suffered some serious injuries.

Since then, the Bai family began to decline.

"Yes." Ye Tao said, "But as far as I know, Bai Rui and Brother Bai Xuan don't have a good relationship, so he shouldn't be here for them."

After a pause, Ye Tao whispered, "It should be for Bai Zhi."

Although Bai Rui and Bai Zhi are not biological brothers, they used to have a good relationship. However, as Bai Rui fell into a slump, Bai Zhi also changed from a playboy to a missing person... None of this matters. The important thing is that Bai Zhi and his wife have a good relationship.

That's why Ye Tao mentioned it.

Bai Zhi didn't know that Bai Rui was coming.

"What does it have to do with me?" Qi Yijing sneered, "I don't care who he comes to see, as long as he gives me an explanation!"

Ye Tao was ashamed, did he really not tell his wife?Will Madam make trouble again?

Ye Tao decided not to mention any personnel related to Ning Chen.

Let's put the missing bastard aside for now, although that matter is very serious...

"By the way." Ye Tao remembered, "Hao Tianzhi asked us to meet, Second Master, shall we go now?"

This matter has not been fully resolved yet.

Qi Yijing's face turned cold, and the injury on Ning Qian's head flashed before his eyes, and he became more and more irritable.

Why can't she be more obedient?

Qi Yijing said coldly: "Make an appointment with him at three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Where are we going now?"


Ye Tao: "..."

Don't you care?


Sitting in the ward, Bai Zhi looked at his two elder brothers and casually flipped through the newspaper: "Yes, I just found a backer, what can you do with me?"

"Do you know who you bothered with?" He sneered, and glanced at their injuries, "I advise you, tell me what happened back then, and I can plead for you."

Bailang felt pain instantly.

The events of the day before yesterday are vivid.

That person Qi Yijing...he really didn't care about anything, even though they had already told the truth, he still didn't let them go and beat them up.

Since coming to Los Angeles, he was either injured or on the way to injury.

Qifeng didn't show up either.

They shouldn't have come to Los Angeles this time!

Bai Xuan's face turned livid: "Bai Zhi, you are a young dog, I don't believe that Qi Yijing dared to kill us. As for what you said back then... Heck, shouldn't I ask you about this?"

"You said that if the elder brother was here, he would be so sad."

"His beloved little brother, the former Young Master Bai was reduced to working for others. He hid in Los Angeles and dared not go back. He didn't know what he had suffered all these years. Tsk tsk tsk, how embarrassing."

Bai Zhi's face changed, anger welled up in his eyes, and he calmed down after a while.

He threw the newspaper away, picked up the needle on the cabinet, and laughed: "Bai Xuan, do you think if I add something to your liquid, will you still have the strength to speak?"

Bai Xuan's face changed slightly.

"Don't you want to know what I have experienced in these years? Thanks to you, I have traveled to many countries and learned a lot in these years."

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