The sound brought back Qi Yijing's thoughts.

In front of her was the picture of Ning Yi's head hurt and her eyes filled with grievance and anger. She was so afraid of pain... Qi Yijing's heart tightened, and he hammered the table with an angry curse: "Damn it!"


The computer was smashed to pieces.

The fragments stuck into the back of the hand, and a lot of bright red burst out immediately.

Both the salesperson and the police were shocked, no, it was so fierce?

"Second Lord, what do you mean?" Hao Tianzhi was upset, he was willing to bow his head for Ning Chan's sake, "If you don't want to, then..."

"I have some personal matters to deal with, I will call you back later." Qi Yijing's voice was a little hoarse, even though he was emotionally agitated, he still maintained the politeness in his bones. Densely bright red.

The salesman regained his senses and couldn't help shouting: "Sir, don't you need to deal with your hands?"

Qi Yijing was not the only one who was fierce.

"I don't have a card." The slightly fat man looked at Ye Tao, uneasy, "You don't mean to be fishing law enforcement?"

Ye Tao was getting irritable after being hung up on the phone, and couldn't get through again, so he had to ask the secretary to drive over to pick him up: "Have you ever seen someone fishing with a Maybach? Or fishing for a broken motorcycle? The one who pays you is the one who pays you, but you have to cooperate with me." Find the man who rode away on your bike."

This is true.

Fishing electric cars with Maybach is purely throwing copper coins into a golden bowl.

The man breathed a sigh of relief and promised again and again: "I cooperate, I will definitely cooperate!"

"Yes, it's right in front of the crossroads... the second master's phone came in." Ye Tao immediately switched the phone, listening to the suppressed panting over there, and said nervously, "Second master, the car my wife rode away doesn't have a license plate, so I don't know where I'm going , I can only find it slowly.”

There was silence on the other end, but the sound of breathing became heavier.

"But second master, don't worry, with my wife's ability, I can find it within half an hour."

The city of Los Angeles is so big, it's only a matter of time before Madam is found where she can go on a broken electric scooter.

The most important thing now is to appease the second master.

Otherwise, there must be another fierce dispute after finding it.

"Why don't you go back to Xunfengxuan first, Second Master? After I find my wife, I will persuade her first, so why don't you stay calm for now?"

The other end was silent for nearly a minute, and slowly spit out a word: "Okay."

He should think about how to face her.

Ye Tao immediately asked his secretary to pick up Qi Yijing first. When the secretary arrived there, he was stunned. He saw a scene he would never forget—the second master who was strategizing in the shopping mall was standing under the street lamp, his tie was messed up. , The back of the hand is still injured.The most important thing is that the second master is still distracted!He stared blankly at the ground with a complicated and irritable expression, extremely depressed.

The usual calmness and aloofness are gone!

If it wasn't for that unique face, the secretary would almost suspect that he had identified the wrong person.

Is this still the man who will engrave decency in his bones at that moment? !

The secretary stepped forward in a daze: "Second, Second Lord, is that you?"

Qi Yijing raised his head, the rage and indifference in his eyes instantly brought back the secretary's sanity.

Suddenly, a dense cold sweat broke out on the back.

"Second Master, please get in the car!" The secretary lowered his head under pressure and opened the car door.

Qi Yijing stepped into the car with graceful steps, and instantly turned back to the noble Second Lord Qi, but the moment he turned his body, the coldness that emanated from his body, making people tremble uncontrollably.

Once in the car, Qi Yijing closed his eyes, as if he was resting.

It's just the tense back that betrays the mood.

The secretary drove in fear, and kept reading silently for half an hour... I hope Ye Zhu can solve the matter within half an hour.

Obviously, Ye Tao also hoped so, but things backfired.

He was in the monitoring room, watching Ning Tong riding a bicycle into the old residential area. The area was either not monitored or it was broken...

"Boss, gangsters over there often hang out and like to flirt with beautiful women. You need to find someone quickly." The security guard who adjusted the monitoring kindly reminded.

Ye Tao was afraid that Ning Chu would be molested, and even more afraid that Ning Chu would fight back.

With Ning Chen's violent temper, he will definitely fight back, and when the time comes... God, he can't even think about it.

As time passed, Ye Tao couldn't sit still anymore, and kicked the ball to his second secretary: "I'll go out and look for it, and you report to the second master."

Second Secretary: "???"

Even Ye Zhu, you can't afford the second master's anger, let alone him!

After Ye Tao inquired where the gangsters were, he went straight to the gangster's lair with his bodyguards, and slammed the tables of the fast food restaurant with his palm.All the gangsters in the fast food restaurant looked at it, and stood up unkindly.

Breaking things?

"Have you seen this woman?" Ye Tao took out Ning Chan's photo and threw out [-] cash at the same time.

"Find her and this is yours!"

The gangsters smiled instantly: "So it's the boss, I was shocked, come on, brothers and sisters."

The gangsters came up to recognize people one after another.

"Boss, although I haven't seen it before, I can help you find someone." The green-haired gangster glanced at him casually, and spoke enthusiastically, "No kidding, we are the live surveillance in this area! Boss, this beauty is you Who is it?"

Ye Tao was impatient, he chatted with him as he was about to lose his job.

Asking a group of gangsters to help him find someone, who knows if they will kidnap on the spur of the moment, he is not crazy.

"You haven't seen her before, have you? Here is 1 yuan for you. If you see her, don't be embarrassed."

Seeing that he was about to leave, Lumao rushed to solicit business, but a younger brother kept pulling him, and turned around and yelled, "Boss, you really don't want us to help you find someone? How slow are you guys in finding someone? My place... the third brother, what the hell are you doing?" What are you pulling me for!"

The third child bit the bullet and said, "Just let him go."

"You're so stupid, aren't you?!"

Lu Mao wanted to reward him with a slap in the face.

Ye Tao suddenly stopped and stared at the third child suspiciously.

Waiting for them to go?

"Have you met her?" Ye Tao asked.

The third child's eyes dodged: "No, I would have asked you to get the money if I saw it."

What does Ye Tao do?A special assistant with a first-class eye, no matter how well a gangster conceals it, he can't escape his eyes, let alone his concealment is not good at all.

Ye Tao waved his hand, and the bodyguard walked behind him, his tall and well-trained body felt oppressive.

Ye Tao sneered: "Do you know who she is? Maybe you are safe now, but if something happens to her in your hands, none of your family will have a good life! Unless you can hide it for a lifetime, or go abroad and go far away, you Can it be done?"

The third child suddenly panicked, he was just a gangster, and he didn't want to leave his hometown.

The person in front of him was obviously not to be messed with.

Lu Mao was dumbfounded: "You didn't do something behind our backs, did you?"

"It's not me, it's the elder brother." The youngest felt aggrieved, not daring to look at Ye Tao, and glared hard at the green hair, "Did you forget that the elder brother took someone away just now? Someone paid us to teach this girl a lesson."

That's why he pulled the green hair.

The green hair is embarrassed, doesn't it not know it?

Ye Tao's face changed drastically, why would someone pay to trouble his wife?Who is it for?

"Who? What lesson?!"

"I don't know, I just know that I gave this girl 50 yuan to mutilate her." The gangster's voice became smaller and smaller.

Ye Tao's face was livid, he didn't care whether he would be scolded, so he hurriedly called Qi Yijing.

"Second master is not good, someone pays to beat the disabled lady!"

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