give you all kinds of preferences

Chapter 101 Would this pose be more comfortable?

When he played a fool, didn't he?

"I don't have one." Ning Tan felt wronged.

Second Lord Qi didn't want to listen to her explanation, he was in a terrible mood, and the most important thing was to get angry, with a sullen face: "You still want to help the Bai family to intercede, and I will give you one last chance, one minute, otherwise we won't talk about it!"

Everyone in Ning Chen was dumbfounded, why did he become angry from embarrassment?

She's really just stumped by the pose.

"Don't go." Ning Tan was in a hurry, and hugged his arm, "I don't know how to kiss, you, you kiss me!"

"Yes, you kiss me!" Ning Tong hugged his arms tightly as if enlightened, raised his face and closed his eyes, "Come here!"

Qi Yijing's arms were embraced in vain, and he felt a burst of gravity, followed by her unreliable words. When he looked down, he saw her raised her small face and pursed her lips.

Seeking kisses written all over his face.

For some reason, Qi Yijing suddenly lost interest...

"Why don't you kiss?" Ning Tan opened his eyes in doubt, and leaned closer to urge, "Hurry up and kiss!"

Finish the kiss early and finish the job early.

Second Master Qi stepped back abruptly: "..."

Second Master's face turned dark, he was 100% sure that this was Ning Chen's new trick that disgusted him!

But he still can't deal with it.

Qi Yijing pulled out his arm coldly, gritted his teeth: "No kiss."

Not kissing anymore?

Ning Li was dumbfounded, did she not want to kiss her anymore, or did she not want to talk about it?

She hurriedly asked: "Then do you let the Bai family go?"

After hesitating for a while, Ning Chen gritted his teeth and made a final concession.

"Don't be angry, I can give you two kisses!"

Qi Yijing, who stepped on the stairs with one foot, froze, his tall body seemed to stagger, he held on to the handrail, turned his head and looked at her with extremely cold eyes, as if he wanted to throw her out, and uttered two difficult words with his thin lips : "Let it go!"

Ning Tan was overjoyed, ignored Qi Yijing's eyes and sat down happily.

You can get benefits without being taken advantage of, and make a lot of money.

But what does Qi Yijing want to do?

Wanting to kiss but not kissing, are you sick... A shy "Second Master" flashed across his mind in vain, and Ning Tan's smile froze.

Is Qi Yijing defending herself for that woman?


For some reason, Ning Chen's originally joyful mood suddenly dissipated half, which was not a pleasant feeling.

"What am I thinking?" Ning Tan felt that something was wrong with his state of mind, so he straightened himself up and whispered to brainwash himself, "I'm going to divorce him, I don't like him, so there's nothing to be unhappy about."

"Yes, yes, yes, I have no right to be angry, don't think about it, don't think about it."

"Think about other things, think about other things... It seems that I should take some time to see Boss Lu, when will I go..."


"Second Master, it's time to eat."

When Qi Yijing was invited down for dinner, he found Ning Tong sitting on the sofa holding his school schedule and muttering about something. As soon as he found him going downstairs, he immediately hid.

Qi Yijing's face turned cold.

Ning Tan didn't want to get into trouble, so he picked up a few chopsticks and prepared to slip away: "I'll go to the side to eat."

avoid him?

"Stop!" Qi Yijing scolded in a cold voice, "Haven't you learned eating etiquette?!"

"I never learned it before." Ning Tan muttered softly, seeing Qi Yijing staring at him coldly, he could only walk back with the bowl in his arms.

Qi Yijing really wanted to train her.

Ye Tao received the call, walked to Qi Yijing's side after answering the call, and said in a low voice, "Second Lord, something happened to the company..."

Qi Yijing frowned.

Ning Tan's ears were sharp, and he was about to lean over to listen again, when the sound of the chair moving could be heard.

"Go get my clothes." Qi Yijing got up, and after telling Ye Tao, he warned her coldly, "Give me a meal, or I'll come back and clean you up!"

Ning Tan: "..."

It's none of her business, and it's not her fault.

This is venting anger!

Ning Li bit her chopsticks angrily, and watched Qi Yijing hurriedly go out, when the car started and sped away.

"Who is it?" Ning Tan was so angry that he only took a few mouthfuls of food when he suddenly thought of something.

Qi Yijing is gone, can she take this opportunity to visit Boss Lu?

As soon as the idea came out, he glanced at the bodyguard outside, and immediately withered.

Forget it, next time.

Qi's head office

The lights were brightly lit, and the person in charge was already waiting at the door with his assistants. Seeing the Maybach parked at the door, he stepped forward nervously, wanting to help Qi Yijing drive: "Second Lord..."

But was stopped by Ye Tao, Ye Tao smiled at them: "I'll do it."

Several people smiled awkwardly and stepped aside.

The expensive leather shoes stepped on the ground, followed by a pair of straight and slender legs wrapped in suit pants. Looking up, the man was covered with dignity, but his face was extremely cold and his eyes were sharp.

It was overwhelming.

"Where are people?" He asked indifferently.

The person in charge broke out in a cold sweat behind his back: "Run away, Second Master, we didn't expect Zhang Chao to be so bold as to tamper with the contract signed with Hao's. The current situation is that the contract has been signed for ten years, and we have to pay compensation. Pay three, three hundred million."

Mentioning the numbers, the person in charge stuttered.

If Hao's hadn't suddenly stopped cooperating, they wouldn't have known that this was an empty project and it was completely used for money laundering.

They were all victimized by that grandson of Zhang Chao!

"How many people know about this now?" Qi Yijing's face was extremely cold, [-] million won't hurt a few hairs of his hair, the problem is not money at all, he asked in a deep voice, "Is the account cleared? Have you paid the tax? ?”

If someone takes advantage of this matter, with such a large amount of money, the Qi family will die or be destroyed.

This is the root of Qi Yijing's anger.

"Only the few of us know." The person in charge hurriedly said, "Half of it has been paid, and the other half of the account is not clear, and we have no way to use such a large amount of funds."

They knew the seriousness of the matter, so they called Ye Tao overnight.

Ever since they knew about it, they haven't left the company for half a step.

"Ye Tao, take it from my personal property." Qi Yijing said coldly, narrowing his eyes, "What does the Hao family think?"

This contract is full of mistakes and omissions, and there has been a flow of funds, but they are the ones who initiated it.

In other words, it was Zhang Chao who approached Hao.

"They, they want compensation and re-sign the contract." The person in charge broke out in a cold sweat when he said that, and Hao Shi really opened his mouth, "Also they said, they hope we can clean up the matter."

Qi Yijing sneered, although Qi Shi was negligent, they were right?

"Clear the accounts first." Qi Yijing said indifferently, "I will pay them compensation, but the contract will not be signed."

The person in charge hesitated.

Glancing at Ye Tao, he gritted his teeth: "But all the evidence of Zhang Chao is with him, and there are videos."

Qi Yijing's footsteps stopped, and he turned his head abruptly, his eyes and eyebrows were full of cold anger.

Ye Tao was shocked, what? !

Is Zhang Chao an idiot? !Such an important handle actually fell into the hands of others!

So they had to agree.

Ye Tao looked at Qi Yijing, Qi Yijing's eyes were full of fury, he sneered, and his thin lips curled up coldly: "Oh, it's very good."

"Go and find out who is behind Zhang Chao. Also, make an appointment to meet Hao Tianzhi."

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