Qiao Xixi thought of Qin Yihan's abnormality today in his mind, and his mood was a little complicated.


I'm afraid it's really difficult...

She lowered her eyes and said, "Ruirui, this kind of thing has to be done slowly, so don't worry about us."

There was a sly gleam in Ruirui's eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up high, and said with a smile: "So, Mom, you admit that you are in a relationship!"

Qiao Xixi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect to be tricked by his daughter, and helplessness appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help but pinch her little nose.

"Little Ruirui, you are so courageous, you dare to trick your mother?"

"Hey," Ruirui made a mischievous face and said flatteringly, "I just care about my parents."

There was helplessness in Qiao Xixi's eyes, and there was a deep pampering in his eyes.

"Okay, then this matter is a secret between Ruirui and me, don't tell others, do you understand?"

Ruirui covered her small mouth cooperatively, and nodded.

Soon, it was dinner time.

Everyone gathered together, and the atmosphere was quite relaxed.

Qin Jingyan sat on the main seat, his face changed slightly, showing apology, and he took the initiative to say: "I'm sorry, I have made everyone worry these two days."

"Brother, we are all a family, as long as you are fine."

Qin Xingchen smiled, showing frustration on his face, and sighed.

"However, as expected, the second brother has a solution. I have persuaded you for two days without persuading you. The second brother only went in for more than ten minutes, and he got you done!"

Qiao Xixi's eyes darkened, and he said cooperatively from behind: "I also really want to know how, Ayan, you were dealt with by Qin Yihan?"

Ruirui didn't care about it in her heart, but seeing her mother so curious, she agreed.

"Well, uncle, tell us something."

The expression on Qin Yihan's face changed slightly, and he subconsciously glanced at his elder brother.

Qin Jingyan was not in a hurry, with a gentle and polite smile on his face, he said slowly: "Ahan is the person who understands me best, he chatted with me from the bottom of his heart, my knot was opened, and naturally it will be fine. "

He seemed to say something, but he didn't seem to say anything.

Qiao Xixi narrowed his eyes slightly, and passed a strange light.

"Ayan, what is your knot?"

You know, Qin Jingyan was fine before they left.

Why did it suddenly become like that?

Qiao Xixi has never forgotten the messy look in the study.

When Qin Jingyan heard this, he lowered his eyes and looked at his legs, with a hint of bitterness in his eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Xixi, I'm so sad that I can't help you, and I can't help Tuanzi either. I'm just a useless person!"

Qiao Xixi was stunned, and never thought that Qin Jingyan's knot was this.

Her eyes were complicated, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Qiao Xixi comforted and said: "Ayan, this is not your fault, and you should not blame yourself. Besides, Qin Yihan and the third young master have both made a match, and the result should come out in the next two days."

There was always a glimmer of hope for Josh.

Qin Jingyan's eyes darkened, and he nodded movedly.

"As long as you don't blame me, Xixi, I will listen to the doctor and recover quickly."

Qin Yihan couldn't help looking at Qin Jingyan, and was also surprised by his words in his heart.

Obviously, what they said in the study is not these at all!

Why does the eldest brother lie like flowing water...

If Qin Yihan didn't know the truth, he might have believed his words.

Qin Yihan's heart suddenly felt cold, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Ruirui listened to their conversation, but her whole face was in a daze, and she couldn't understand what they were saying at all.

Why is uncle afraid that his mother will blame him?

Moreover, how did he know about Tuanzi...

Ruirui couldn't figure it out at all, her little face was full of doubts, and she pulled Qiao Xixi's sleeve.

"Mom, what are you talking about, isn't Brother Tuanzi your godson?"

No matter how you listen to their tone, it seems that the dumpling is the mother's own child.

Ruirui was stunned.

Because Ruirui is still young, and she has to go to kindergarten every day.

So everyone tacitly did not tell her the truth.

Qiao Xixi's eyes darkened, and she felt that she was his own child and had the right to know the existence of Tuanzi.

She pursed her lower lip, "I'm sorry Ruirui, mom lied to you, but the dumpling is actually another child of mine."

Ruirui's face was shocked, and there was a bang in her head, her eyes were full of astonishment.

The younger brother of Tuanzi turned out to be his mother's biological son!

She recalled many things in the past, as if she suddenly figured it out.

No wonder Tuanzi always blurts out and calls Qiao Xixi's mother...

Ruirui was flustered, and suddenly felt that her weight in Qiao Xixi's heart seemed unimportant. She was inexplicably afraid of being abandoned, so she hurriedly asked nervously, "Then Mom, will you still want me and Dad?"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the restaurant froze, and everyone had their own thoughts.

Qiao Xixi looked at her daughter's panic, feeling uncomfortable in her heart, her eyes filled with distress, and said comfortingly: "Ruirui, you, like Tuanzi, are mother's treasure, how could mother not want you."

Only then did Ruirui feel a little relieved, but her head was still full of doubts.

"Who is the father of that dumpling?"

She vaguely remembered that she seemed to be the same age as Tuanzi.

Could it be, they are twins... Both fathers are Qin Yihan, right? !

Thinking of this, Ruirui felt uneasy, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

Qiao Xixi choked, really not knowing how to reply to her daughter.

Telling the truth, Ruirui will definitely not be able to accept the fact that Qin Jingyan is their biological father, and I'm afraid it will be a big blow.

If I don't tell the truth, I feel sorry for my daughter.

"Ruirui will know when she grows up!"

Jo Xixi's eyes darkened, he passed it vaguely, and changed the subject.

"Ruirui, you haven't had a good meal yet. Here is your favorite fish soup. Mom will feed you."

Ruirui frowned slightly, obviously feeling her avoidance.

Her little head couldn't help thinking wildly.

Is it really what she guessed? !

Mom was too embarrassed to say it, so she changed the subject.

Then they are a family of four! ! !

When Ruirui thought of this, she couldn't help but glance at Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi, with a bright smile on her face, "Good mom~"

Qin Jingyan could see through what Ruirui was thinking at a glance, and felt depressed and panicked.

His eyes surged with hostility, and he clenched his fists uncontrollably.

What should have belonged to him was taken away by Qin Yihan again! ! !

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