After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 295 Calling My Husband Again

Qin Yihan's eyes were scorching hot, hiding a faint excitement and joy.

He raised his thin lips slightly, "Good Xixi, call again?"

Qiao Xixi suddenly became arrogant and snorted softly, "Look at my mood!"

She was actually too embarrassed to call again.

Qin Yihan felt that it was beautiful just now, as if in a dream, and wanted to listen to it again.

Immediately, he tried every means to make Jo Xixi happy.

Qiao Xixi was stubborn and refused to let go.

The two of them were fighting together, and the atmosphere in the room was lively and relaxed.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, it was Chen Zeming.

He said that Smith had prepared dinner and invited Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi to have dinner together.

After all, Smith is the Party A this time...

Dinner and entertainment in the evening is normal.

But when Qin Yihan thought of Smith's thoughts on Qiao Xixi, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and his face darkened slightly.

"I'm your wife in name now, what do you think Smith dares to do to me?"

Qiao Xixi saw through his thoughts, hugged his arm coquettishly, and continued behind, "Besides, I'm hungry too..."

They have been so busy that they haven't eaten yet.

Qin Yihan's eyes showed pity, and his heart softened all of a sudden.

How dare you not agree to her request.

He immediately said, "Xixi, I'll take you to dinner."

Qiao Xixi nodded with a smile, "Well, I will follow you closely."

She will protect herself and not have any accidents.

In this case, Qin Yihan can rest assured.

Qin Yihan's eyes moved, and he couldn't help but leaned forward and kissed the corner of her lips.

Qiao Xixi's heart trembled slightly, followed by a wave of waves.

He took her hand and walked towards the restaurant together, arriving at the destination soon.

"President Qin, Miss Qiao, you are here."

Smith had been waiting for a long time. After seeing them, he took the initiative to greet them and asked in an awkward accent, "Miss Joe, how is your foot? Is it better?"

Earlier, everyone knew that Qin Yihan carried Qiao Xixi back to the room in public.

Qin Yihan's dark blue eyes sank, and there was a strong displeasure in them.

Smith doesn't need to care about his woman!

Qiao Xixi nodded, alienated but polite, "I changed a pair of shoes, it's much better."

"That's good."

Smith's expression was loose, as if he wanted to say something more.

But Qin Yihan didn't give him this chance.

He took Jo Xixi into his arms, stepped forward calmly, cut off the possibility of communication between the two, and said a little domineeringly.

"Smith, thank you for your concern for my wife, but I will take care of Xixi's foot injury by myself!"

The implication is that Qiao Xixi is his wife, so let Smith stop thinking about it!

Smith was taken aback, the expression on his face changed slightly, and there was a touch of surprise in his eyes.

Before cooperating, he also investigated Qin Yihan, who was cold, ruthless, and resolute.

But I didn't expect...but now I'm jealous because of a woman.

There was novelty in Smith's eyes, and he couldn't help asking, "Boss Qin, do you care about Miss Qiao so much?"

Qin Yihan smiled, and said generously, "She is my wife, I don't care about her, who else can I care about?"

Hearing this, Qiao Xixi blushed, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

this man...

Smith looked at the happy appearance of the two people in front of him, and couldn't help showing a touch of envy in his eyes.

He suddenly felt that it would be nice to have a wife.

Qin Yihan paused, and then continued, "But Smith, you are not too young, why are you still single?"

Smith's face was covered with black lines, and the corners of his eyes twitched violently twice.

He said helplessly, "Boss Qin is really murderous, do you think I don't want to fall in love? I just haven't met someone as beautiful and interesting as Miss Qiao..."

Qin Yihan raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly, "My family Xixi is very good, but she is unique in this world and belongs only to me."

Smith, "..."

It's really not giving him a chance!

Soon after the three of them were seated, the waiter delivered dishes, all of which were unique local signature dishes.

They came to this restaurant tonight to taste the food.

Secondly, I also want to see if the cuisine here can be introduced into the resort.

All Qin Yihan's attention was on Qiao Xixi, and he kept picking up vegetables for her.

Taking care of the whole process.

He put on his gloves and put the peeled shrimp into her bowl.

"Xixi, eat more."

Qiao Xixi looked at the hill in the bowl in front of him, really dumbfounded.

She bent her lips, showed a sweet smile, and said, "I can eat so much, don't peel the shrimp for me, you should eat it quickly."

Qin Yihan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes filled with smiles, "Do you care about me?"

Qiao Xixi was a little embarrassed to admit it, but at this moment, he suddenly found that Smith was looking at them.

Her eyes darkened, and she said with a smile, "You are my husband, of course I have to care about you."

As he spoke, he took the initiative to pick up the dish and brought it to his lips.

Qin Yihan's heart was filled, he opened his lips and ate it.

Both of them had happy smiles on their faces.

It's Smith who is suffering...

He had already been fed the dog food before he ate.

Smith said sourly, "Boss Qin is really lucky."

Qin Yihan raised his lips, "I think so too."

Being able to have Xixi is not his blessing.

In fact, Smith had some doubts about the relationship between the two of them before, that they were a fake couple.

But seeing this picture now.

Qin Yihan was so considerate and caring towards Qiao Xixi, it didn't look like it was staged at all.

The thought of Jo Xixi in his mind disappeared instantly.

After all, Smith still has his own bottom line, he is not interested in married women, and he doesn't want to be Qin Yihan's enemy.

He focused all his attention on the dishes, and didn't take another look at Qiao Xixi.

Only then was Qin Yihan satisfied, and his expression eased a lot.

They found that the signature dishes here not only look good, but also taste good.

Relying on the businessman's keen intuition, Qin Yihan and Smith immediately realized that this was a business opportunity.

It is rare for them to have no differences, and they unanimously decided to acquire the restaurant and merge it into the resort, bringing better profitability and development.

"Boss Qin, Mrs. Qin, happy cooperation!"

Smith wanted to make more long-term profits, so he took the initiative to change his words, raised his glass, and said with a smile.

Qin Yihan was slightly stunned, and then a gleam of joy appeared in his eyes.

He and Qiao Xixi also raised their glasses.

The three of them collided together and drank in one gulp.

After eating, Smith went back to his room.

Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi were so bored that they took the initiative to go out for a walk.

The air here is fresh, and the night sky is full of stars, which is a different beauty.

Qin Yihan held her hand and walked around here, but he was still a little worried in his heart.

He frowned, lowered his eyes and asked, "How is it? Do your feet still hurt?"

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