After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 290 Josh asked, found the problem

Qin Jingyan let go of his hand when he heard Qiao Xixi speak.

He gave Qin Xingchen a cold look, and said, "Keep your mouth shut!"

Qin Xingchen was taken aback.

I don't know if it was his delusion.

He felt that his eldest brother seemed to be more fierce than before...

Among his two elder brothers, Qin Yihan appears to be the most ruthless and indifferent on the surface, but in fact he is the one who speaks the most, and Qin Jingyan, who appears to be gentle and close on the surface, is actually the most cold-blooded and ruthless person .

Qin Xingchen still remembers that when he was a child, he accidentally fell off the balcony when he was mischievous, and his eldest brother looked at him with extremely cold eyes, as if he was looking at some stranger.

Therefore, he is closer to Qin Yihan than to Qin Jingyan.

Qin Xingchen pursed his lips, and stopped messing with his eldest brother, turned around and went to play with Ruirui and the others.

The atmosphere in the villa was harmonious, and even the dinner was full of laughter.

I have to say that with the addition of Qin Xingchen, the pistachio, the house is much more lively.

They fought and quarreled until very late, and then reluctantly went back to their respective rooms.

Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Today is the day I agreed to go to the hospital for bone marrow matching.

So everyone got up early in the morning.

Today's situation is special, Ruirui was sent to kindergarten by the housekeeper.

When Qin Xingchen walked into the living room, he saw that Qin Jingyan was also preparing to leave.

With a surprised face, he asked, "Brother, are you going today too?"

Qin Jingyan's eyes were dark, and he hummed lightly, "I am Tuanzi's father, so I must be present at this time."

Qin Xingchen nodded, which is also understandable.

Soon, all of them set off.

Half an hour later, the vehicle stopped at the gate of the hospital.

Jo Xixi's heart was disturbed, his expression became tense, and a strange light flashed across his eyes.

She also didn't know whether Qin Yihan and Qin Xingchen could match up successfully...

It's okay if she succeeds, but what should she do if she doesn't.

The more Qiao Xixi thought about it, the heavier his heart became, and even breathing became difficult.

At this moment, Qin Yihan secretly held her hand and cast a concerned look.

Although he didn't speak, he seemed to give her invisible comfort.

Qiao Xixi took a deep breath, forced himself to cheer up, and got out of the car with everyone.

Sheng Tianjue and Michelson had been waiting for a long time.

These days, Sheng Tianjue has successfully entered the core of the medical team, mastered the real-time monitoring data of Tuanzi's body, and treated Tuanzi together with Michelson and the others. The medication was rigorous, and there was no accident again.


He also discovered one thing at the same time.

That is, the body of the dumpling has already formed antibodies to the drug.

I'm afraid their medicine won't last long...

Therefore, if you want to treat the dumpling thoroughly, you still need a bone marrow transplant.

The two men from the Qin family in front of them are very likely to be successfully matched with Tuanzi's bone marrow.

Sheng Tianjue didn't want to waste time, "Everyone, this way please—"


Everyone followed.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Qin Jingyan glanced at Michelson not far away.

Michelson's eyes darkened, and a strange light flashed through.

They arrived at the laboratory soon, and the examiner had been waiting for a long time. They drew venous blood from Qin Yihan and Qin Xingchen respectively, extracted the DNA from the white blood cells, preserved them and sent them to the laboratory.

Qiao Xixi's heart was always hanging high. After seeing them finish matching, he couldn't help asking, "Tianjue, when will we know the result?"

Sheng Tianjue said rigorously, "The testing process is relatively complicated, and it will take at least three to four days."

Qiao Xixi nodded, his eyes filled with seriousness.

"If the result comes out, please notify me as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

When they were waiting for Qin Yihan and Qin Xingchen outside, Qin Jingyan also saw her uneasiness, the expression in his eyes changed slightly, and comforted him, "Xixi, don't worry, Tuanzi will definitely get better. "

"Well," Jo Xixi felt bitter in his heart, only feeling a blur in front of him, changed the subject, and asked casually, "How is your body?"

Qin Jingyan was startled, looked down at his legs, and said with a wry smile, "It's still the same..."

Josh was thoughtful.

Pain flashed across Qin Jingyan's face, he pursed his thin lips, and said with self-reproach, "I really hope that I can get better soon, and I can go to match the dumplings like Ahan and Xingchen."

"It's good if you have this heart, don't force yourself too much!"

Qiao Xixi said a few words of comfort, a strange gleam flashed in his eyes, and he asked casually, "By the way, Ayan, do you still remember the accident you had a few years ago?"

Qin Jingyan's eyes sank, "Four years ago..."

Qiao Xixi narrowed his eyes, "Ayan, why did you reappear in Tianchao Hotel four years ago?"

She could understand that Qin Jingyan had a car accident in Tianchao Hotel five years ago.

But four years ago, why did he appear in that place?

If the place where his accident happened was not near the Tianchao Hotel, then she would not listen to Qin Xingchen's words and confuse the timeline.

When Qin Jingyan heard this, there was no abnormality on his face, and he replied seriously.

"Since that incident happened five years ago, I have been looking for you, but there has been no news. On a whim that day, I went to the Tianchao Hotel to try my luck and look for you again. Unexpectedly, as soon as I came out, There was an accident at the intersection..."

That said, it is reasonable.

A dark light flashed across Jo Xixi's eyes, "Are you the only one present?"

The air in the corridor suddenly became quiet.

Qin Jingyan narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "Xixi, why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

Jo Xixi didn't take his eyes off his face, and continued, "I'm just curious."

Qin Jingyan's face was ugly, he looked at her with pain in his eyes, and took a deep breath, "I'm sorry Xixi, this matter has always been a shadow of my mind, I don't want to answer, can you?"

Jo Xixi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt a little aggressive.

After all, the reason why Qin Jingyan became what he is now is the car accident...

She was a little too anxious.

Jo Xixi said enough was enough and hummed lightly.

At this moment, the door of the laboratory suddenly opened, and Qin Yihan and Qin Xingchen walked out from inside.

Both of them sensed the change in the atmosphere.

Qin Yihan looked at the two of them calmly, pretending to be casual and asked, "Brother, Xixi, what are you talking about?"

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