After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 285 Jo Xixi Asks for a Kiss

Qin Yihan was taken aback, the light in his eyes complicated.

Qiao Xixi felt a little uncomfortable, and said embarrassedly, "Don't think too much, I didn't intend to accept A Yanhua on purpose, but there were too many people at that time, if I refused, it would be too embarrassing for A Yan I just accepted it after saving face."

She didn't want conflicts between the two of them, so she took the initiative to explain clearly.

However, Qin Yihan's reaction has always been flat.


Qiao Xixi was taken aback, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, "Qin Yihan, don't you have anything else to say to me?"

Qin Yihan moved his lips, but found that he was speechless.


Depend on.

Other men showed her love by sending her flowers.

Is this how Qin Yihan reacted?

Jo Xixi was so angry that he couldn't help but hung up the phone with a snap.

Fortunately, she is still here foolishly waiting for him to come back, wanting to explain to him...

Unexpectedly, a certain person didn't take it to heart at all.

The more Qiao Xixi thought about it, the more angry he became, he simply went upstairs and fell into the bed angrily.

Bastard bastard, even if he's not jealous, it's okay to say a few words?

Jo Xixi felt stuffy in his heart, but he calmed down and thought about it.

Qin Yihan seems to really seldom have any opinions on Qin Jingyan, let alone lose his temper.

Qiao Xixi vaguely felt that it was still related to the conversation he overheard last time.

[Josh Xi: Ah Qi, is there any news about the matter I asked you to check last time? 】

Ah Qi replied very quickly——

[Ah Qi: Sorry Xixi, this incident seems to have been deliberately concealed by someone, and it happened several years ago. Ask, should be able to get news soon. 】

【Josh Xi: Alright, where is the black fox?Any news? 】

The disappearance of the black fox has always been a heart problem for her.

【Ah Qi: Well, no, you also know how the military controls the news. We couldn’t find any clues at all...】

Mentioning this, the atmosphere became heavy.

I don't know what's going on with the black fox now?

Qiao Xixi frowned, and his expression became ugly.

【Ah Seven: Don’t worry Xixi, although the people in the organization don’t say anything, they have been sending people to watch this matter. I will notify you in time if there is news about the black fox. 】

[Josh Xi: Hmm. 】

In the following days, Qiao Xixi never saw Qin Yihan again.

For four or five days in a row, he lived in the company, and his excuse was that he was busy with work.

Jo Xixi believed it at first, but later on, she gradually realized that something was wrong.

No matter how busy you are at work, there is always time to go home, right? !

He was clearly avoiding himself on purpose!

Qiao Xixi felt very uncomfortable, and really wanted to go to the Qin Group, find Qin Yihan and ask the truth, but he couldn't save face, and the two seemed to be in a state of cold war invisibly.

On this day, she had just finished watching the dumpling and came back from the outside.

Before entering the living room, he heard a man's hearty voice, running towards him.

"Xixi, Xixi, Xixi—"

Qiao Xixi looked up and found that it was Qin Xingchen!

He is much thinner than before, taller, and looks sunny in a simple white T-shirt and overalls.

Surprise appeared on Jo Xixi's face, "Third Young Master, why are you here?"

Qin Xingchen's face collapsed, like a lost dog, and he said pitifully, "Xixi, why do you hear your tone, you don't want me to come?"

"No," Qiao Xixi shook his head, "I remember that your company is very busy during this time, so you probably won't be free."

She remembered hearing Qin Xingchen say that he was starting a business with a friend and had just received a few big orders. Because it was a new company, she was afraid of accidents, so she worked overtime and kept an eye on the factory, fearing that something might go wrong.

"Our orders have been successfully completed."

Qin Xingchen paused, and then continued, "So from now on, I can spend a lot of time with you."

Jo Xixi, "..."

You don't have to.

"By the way, where's your elder brother? Why didn't you see him?" Jo Xixi looked around and asked.

Usually at this time, Qin Jingyan would stay in the living room.

Qin Xingchen said narcissistically, "Brother saw that I was too handsome, and he felt ashamed to stay with me, so he went back upstairs."

In fact, it was Qin Jingyan who thought his chattering was too annoying, so he went upstairs to the study.

But he wouldn't tell Xixi about this kind of thing.

Qiao Xixi really couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

It's a shame he said it.

Qin Jingyan is obviously handsome too, okay?

The smile on Qin Xingchen's face deepened, "Hey, Xixi, you finally smiled."

He likes to see Xixi smile, it's so beautiful!

"Okay, stop making fun of me." Jo Xixi walked into the living room with him and sat on the sofa.

She looked at the young man in front of her, a white light suddenly flashed in her mind, the expression on her face changed slightly, and she asked, "By the way, Third Young Master, can you tell me in detail how your elder brother's accident happened back then?" ?"

Qiao Xixi really wanted to know the truth five years ago.

In the last conversation, Qin Jingyan obviously didn't tell the truth.

Now she is fighting with Qin Yihan again, not to mention being able to ask from his mouth...

Ah Qi's progress was slow, so Qiao Xixi could only try to get some news from Qin Xingchen's side.

Although Qin Xingchen didn't understand why she asked this again, since Xixi wanted to know, he would still answer truthfully.

He scratched his head and tried to recall, "It seems to be four years ago, when I was..."

"and many more!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Jo Xixi.

Qin Xingchen's fair face was full of doubts, "What's wrong Xixi?"

"Four years ago?" Jo Xixi frowned and corrected, "Didn't you say it was five years ago last time?!"

Why does he say one word at a time!

"Ah?" Qin Xingchen was confused, his eyes were full of confusion, "Did I say five years ago?"

Qiao Xixi almost didn't bring it up in one breath.

She clearly remembered that he was the one who said that Qin Jingyan had a car accident five years ago! ! !

Jo Xixi said firmly, "Yes!"

Qin Xingchen scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled, "Maybe I remembered it wrong, you know me, I'm not very sensitive to time, especially things that happened for so long, I can't remember clearly."

Qiao Xixi felt that he was about to give him a heart attack. He took a deep breath, kept his head calm, looked into his eyes, and asked seriously, "Qin Xingchen, think about it now, and be sure to tell me, what is it? Years ago, or five years ago?"

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