After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 279 Xixi, I want to accompany you

The fat man was so flustered that he wanted to run almost subconsciously.

But how could the other party give him a chance, and directly put him and the tall man on the ground with their backhands, and put them in iron cuffs.

The policeman said coldly, "Someone reported that you were involved in several trafficking cases. Now please come back with us to assist in the investigation."

They couldn't struggle at all and could only be forcibly taken away.

The news that the fat man and the tall man had been arrested quickly spread to the ears of the imperial capital, Qiao Xixi.

There was no surprise on her face, as if she had expected it long ago, a cold light flashed across her eyes.

Because, this is what she reported to the police!

After returning to the imperial capital, Qiao Xixi calmed down and thought about it. He felt that those two people were so skillful. It was obviously not the first time they had done this. He immediately investigated all their information and their location, and directly carried out the investigation. Report anonymously.

According to the crimes they have committed over the years, it is estimated that they will never come out again in this life!

Finish them off...

Now it's Xue Cuiyun's turn! !

Qiao Xixi has not forgotten the initiator of all this.

The next morning, Qiao Xixi planned to meet Xue Cuiyun for a while.

Right now, it's time for Qin Jingyan's rehabilitation training.

Qin Yihan also went to the study, as if he had taken care of official business.

Qiao Xixi felt that he could solve it alone, so he didn't inform them.

She was just about to leave and planned to settle accounts with them.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him, and Qin Yihan followed.

Josh was taken aback for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face.

Qin Yihan understood her temper, and guessed what she was going to do now.

With a cold face and firm tone, he said, "Xixi, I'll go with you!"

Perhaps because of what happened before, Qin Yihan was very worried that she would go alone like this, for fear that there would be another accident.

After all, behind Xue Cuiyun is Zhao Tianxiong, and behind Zhao Tianxiong is the Zhao family!

How could Qiao Xixi not understand his thoughts.

Her eyes moved slightly, and the corners of her lips curled up, revealing a nice smile.

"Okay, let's go together."

Qin Yihan's expression softened, "Yeah."

The two of them set off together and left the Qin family villa.

Qiao Xixi had investigated Xue Cuiyun's location a long time ago and found that she was hiding in a villa under Zhao Tianxiong's name.

As soon as they arrived, they saw that they were surrounded by bodyguards.

Josh was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help frowning.

This is how the same thing?

Puzzled in her heart, she turned her eyes and asked, "What did you do?"


Qin Yihan denied it.

He just sent people to monitor Xue Cuiyun, and didn't directly surround him.

Who would that be?

Both of them couldn't figure it out. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and hurried over.

It's the captain of the bodyguard not far away.

"Mr. Qin, Ms. Qiao, you are here. Our Mr. Zhao has been waiting for you for a long time. Please—"

Ever since Zhao Tianxiong learned about Qiao Xixi's rescue from Sister Wang, he knew that the two of them would definitely find him from Xue Cuiyun.

Rather than sitting still and waiting to die, it is better to prepare everything early.

Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi were stunned for a moment, they looked at each other tacitly, and a cold light flashed at the same time.

They really want to see what kind of medicine is sold in Zhao Tianxiong's gourd!

They took Chen Zeming and walked in with the captain of the bodyguard.

Villa, living room.

Zhao Tianxiong sat on the sofa, in front of him were countless documents and ledgers.

After the tall man and the fat man were arrested, the police tracked down and found Sister Wang, and destroyed several of Zhao Tianxiong's dens in a row, with losses reaching tens of millions.

At this moment, there was a movement outside the door, Zhao Tianxiong raised his eyes, and saw Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi coming.

The whole person immediately cheered up, and defense appeared in the bottom of his eyes.

Zhao Tianxiong narrowed his eyes and stood up, "President Qin, Miss Qiao, you are here."

Qiao Xixi's eyes were filled with suspicion, and he cut to the point, "I heard that Mr. Zhao has been waiting for us for a long time?"

A gleam flashed across Zhao Tianxiong's eyes, the expression on his face changed slightly, his tone was a little less forceful and arrogant than before, and he said.

"Boss Qin, Ms. Qiao, I'm really sorry. I just learned that this bitch Xue Cuiyun has done such an outrageous thing this time!"

He continued from behind: "I've already given her a good lesson and locked her up. It's upstairs. You can do whatever you want!"

Zhao Tianxiong suffered a heavy loss this time, and from what he learned last time, he learned that Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi are definitely not easy to mess with!

It was even scarier than he had imagined!

If he continued to protect that bitch Xue Cuiyun, he would become the number one cannon fodder.

He has finally developed to the current industry, and he doesn't want to have another accident!

In addition, he was already tired of playing with Xue Cuiyun, so he planned to abandon the car to protect his handsomeness!

As long as the situation in front of him is stabilized, he will have a chance to deal with Qin Yihan again in the future and get back what he lost today!

He's quite capable of playing with the wind!

But Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi are not so easy to fool!

Although Xue Cuiyun hated Qiao Xixi very much, she couldn't do all of this on her own.

It must be inseparable from Zhao Tianxiong's help!

They will not let go of any of these people, and they will all be cleaned up slowly!

Qin Yihan's eyes were cold, "Take us up!"

Zhao Tianxiong responded, led them up, and stopped at the door of a bedroom.

After he heard the news, he was afraid of getting angry, so he became furious, beat Xue Cuiyun violently, locked her inside, and planned to find a suitable time to hand her over.

Who let this bitch mess around!

Zhao Tianxiong opened the door of the bedroom, "People are inside—"

Qiao Xixi subconsciously looked inside.

Then he found that the room was empty, without any sign of Xue Cuiyun.

She frowned suddenly, and the expression on her face changed drastically.

"Where are you talking about?!"

Zhao Tianxiong froze for a moment, turned his eyes to look, his face showed disbelief, and his brows were all knit together.

He said in shock: "Impossible, Xue Cuiyun is here..."

After beating Xue Cuiyun, he locked her inside with his own hands.

Why did people suddenly disappear out of thin air now?

Zhao Tianxiong was astonished, and ran to the room to search around, but he couldn't find Xue Cuiyun's person at all.

He pushed the window open, only to find that someone had tied a bed sheet into a rope and dragged it all the way to the downstairs of the villa...

Obviously, Xue Cuiyun escaped secretly from here! !

Seeing this scene, Qiao Xixi couldn't help but frowned.

"When did you lock her in?"

Zhao Tianxiong replied truthfully: "Last night."

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