After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 275 Is It Difficult To Admit That You Like Me

Qin Yihan's eyes hurt, and he couldn't help asking, "Does it hurt?"

In front of him, Qiao Xixi didn't want to hold on, and nodded truthfully, "A little bit..."

When Qin Yihan heard this, he felt his heart ache. He directly took out the medicine box in the car, took out alcohol and a cotton swab, and wiped it gently on her face.

He controlled his strength for fear of hurting her.

"Xixi, if it hurts, tell me and I'll stop."

Jo Xixi couldn't help laughing, "Yeah."

After treating the wound, the expression on Jo Xixi's face eased a lot, not as ugly as before.

Qin Yihan drove the car, first drove her out of this place, got off the highway, and entered a small town.

At this point in time, it is impossible for them to return to the imperial capital by driving alone.

I can only find a place to stay for the time being, and we will talk about everything until tomorrow.

When Qin Yihan was driving, his brain gradually calmed down, and he realized that his behavior just now was a little impulsive.

Josh Xi is the eldest brother's woman!

Why can't he control himself...

Qin Yihan had mixed feelings in his heart, and he suppressed his liking by force.

He kept telling himself in his heart not to have any other thoughts about her! !

Qiao Xixi was not stupid, he clearly sensed and discovered the change in Qin Yihan's attitude towards him.

Her eyes darkened.

This man started again...

When they reached town, they got out of the car.

Just as Qin Yihan took a step, at this moment, someone directly took his hand.

Qin Yihan was stunned for a moment, and when he turned his eyes, he saw Qiao Xixi's pretty face.

He thought of Qin Jingyan, and almost subconsciously wanted to let go of her hand.

But Qiao Xixi held on tightly, refusing to let go.

Qin Yihan couldn't help but frowned, and his tone became more helpless, "Xixi!"

Qiao Xixi looked into his eyes and asked word by word, "Qin Yihan, since you could hug me before, why can't I hold you now?"

She asked very frankly.

Qin Yihan's deep eyes darkened, and a strange light flashed across them.

He pursed his thin lips tightly, unable to answer truthfully.

Previously, if you cared about it, you would be confused, and you were dazzled by your emotions.

And now recovered, calmed down.

He can't be sorry to big brother!

Looking at him like this, Jo Xixi's eyes slowly dimmed.

She thought that if he was willing to chase here, he was already willing to admit his own intentions.

Now it seems, no.

She knew he had a last resort...

However, he can say anything, and the two of them can face it together.

Not by him alone.

They obviously like each other, but they have to hide it and can't say it out loud.

This feeling is really terrible.

Qiao Xixi didn't want to go on like this anymore.

She stood where she was, with a gloomy expression on her face, showing no intention of leaving.

Qin Yihan was taken aback for a moment, the light in his eyes was complicated.

He knew that she was not feeling well, but he couldn't feel better in his heart.

Facing the beloved woman...

He could only restrain himself again and again.

Qin Yihan's heart became more and more bitter, "Xixi, let's go."

At this moment, Jo Xixi suddenly raised his eyes and looked into his eyes.

She suddenly asked, "Qin Yihan, is it so difficult to admit that you like me?"

The air at the scene seemed to be quiet at this moment, becoming quiet and elongated.

Qin Yihan lowered his head, and saw the woman's stubborn face, the heart in his chest shook violently at this moment.

There was a touch of astonishment in his eyes, and he never thought that Qiao Xixi would ask such a question suddenly.

He really, really likes her.

However, he couldn't be sorry for his elder brother...

Why is there no way to have both?

Qin Yihan's face recovered, and he frowned slightly, "Xixi, don't make trouble."

"Qin Yihan, I'm not making trouble, I'm serious!"

Qiao Xixi's heart has never been as firm as it is at this moment.

She paused, summoned up her courage, and continued, "I think about you exactly the same way you think about me. You should have known it a long time ago."

Qin Yihan froze in place, as if a heavy bomb had been thrown into the heart lake, and he couldn't calm down for a long time, as if a stormy sea had been set off, triggering a tsunami that shattered the world.

Xixi said that her mind was the same as his.

There was an undercurrent in his eyes, "Xixi, are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

Josh Xi's tone was firm.

She likes Qin Yihan.

I've loved it since a long time ago.

After receiving this news, Qin Yihan could no longer maintain his rationality, and cracks appeared on his calm face.

His heart has never been beating so vividly like it is now, violently pounding to the depths of his soul.

Qin Yihan suddenly wanted to hug her into his arms and tell her that he also liked her very much.

However, when he thought of his elder brother's legs, an insurmountable mountain rose in his heart, which made him daunted.

Qin Yihan's eyes were struggling and painful, and the eyes looking at her were full of bitterness.

"Don't rush to reject me..."

Before he opened his mouth, Jo Xixi seemed to know what he was going to say next, and went ahead and said, "I know you have unavoidable difficulties, and I can understand, but..."

Qiao Xixi held his hand tightly and took a deep breath, "Qin Yihan, you should respect my thoughts and not push me away blindly. If there is anything, we can face it together!"

Her words hit Qin Yihan's heart word by word, and suddenly woke him up.


He always feels that he owes his elder brother, and he always considers his elder brother's feelings in everything!

Instead, Qiao Xixi's truest thoughts were ignored.

Qin Yihan's eyes were deep, and he realized for the first time that he was wrong.

It was the first time in Qiao Xixi's life that he had said so much to others, and it was the most secret and shy thought in his heart.

After she finished speaking, the heart in her chest was beating rapidly, feeling uneasy, flustered, and anxious.

Especially when Qin Yihan was silent, this emotion was infinitely magnified.

Qiao Xixi felt that he was about to be tortured to the point of madness, and his face was even more flustered. He couldn't help but said, "Qin Yihan, I've said so much, no matter what you think, you should say something..."

Don't leave her alone.

She really wanted to find a crack in the ground to hide herself.

"Forget it, I didn't say what I said just now..."

Qiao Xixi was really embarrassed, turned around and subconsciously wanted to escape, but at this moment, Qin Yihan suddenly pulled her into his arms.

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