After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 271 Qiao Xixi and Qin Yihan have a tacit understanding

The air seemed to become quiet at this moment.

Jo Xixi's face was stunned, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

It never occurred to her that Xue Cuiyun planned all of this behind the scenes.

The middle-aged woman's face showed guilt, but it disappeared quickly.

Ether is quickly inhaled into the brain, paralyzing the central nervous system.

Qiao Xixi seemed to have been sucked out of all his strength, he couldn't even lift a finger, his brain was in chaos, the whole world seemed to be spinning in front of him, and everything became blurred.

Xue Cuiyun's face was distorted, she raised her chin with a smirk, and said through gritted teeth, "Qiao Xixi, you bitch, you never thought you would fall into my hands one day! I will put you on our mother and daughter All the pain I suffered will be revenged one by one!!"

Qiao Xixi's eyes darkened, he couldn't hold on again, and fell into a coma completely.

Seeing this scene, Xue Cuiyun's eyes were filled with satisfaction.

After she went back last night, she sent someone to investigate Qiao Xixi's situation. Knowing that she was worrying about the bone marrow of the dumpling, she was afraid that going there rashly would arouse Jo Xixi's suspicion, so she specially found someone with a foreign accent to trick him into coming here.

Everything is going according to her plan.

Xue Cuiyun's eyes were filled with vicious light, and he said to the bodyguard behind him, "Take her away!"


On the other end, the Qin Group.

Qin Yihan was having a meeting at the company, and there was an inexplicable panic in his heart.

It was as if something was about to be lost.

His face darkened, his brows were all knit together, and he subconsciously reached out and rubbed.

What's going on here?

Chen Fuming noticed his abnormality, and immediately asked beside him, "Boss Qin, what's wrong with you?"

The general manager, who was explaining the plan, couldn't help but pause.

Qin Yihan's brows were gloomy, the feeling in his chest didn't disappear, on the contrary, he panicked even more.

His eyes narrowed, "The meeting is suspended."

After saying that, Qin Yihan got up and walked out directly.

Everyone froze in place, all of them looked confused, not knowing what was going on.

After Qin Yihan walked out of the meeting room, he breathed fresh air.

Only then did I feel that the stuffy feeling in my chest was relieved a lot.

But it has not been completely eliminated.

Instead, faint panic and uneasiness arose...

I would rather believe it or not.

Qin Yihan frowned, and called Ruirui's kindergarten.

Ruirui was taking physical education class at school, and nothing happened.

Qin Yihan's heart was still hurting, a complicated light flashed across his deep eyes, he skillfully typed out a series of numbers on the screen, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally pressed them out.

However, what came from the other end was a long series of cold mechanical female voices.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed is off, please try again later..."

In broad daylight.

Why is this woman shutting down the phone gracefully?

The flustered feeling in my heart seemed to be confirmed and became more intense.

Qin Yihan's complexion suddenly changed, and he dialed the hospital and home respectively.

The other end said that they didn't see Jo Xixi today.

Qin Yihan's heart tightened, and he shouted directly, "Chen Zeming!"

Hearing the sound, Chen Zeming rushed over immediately, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Boss Qin, what's the matter?"

Qin Yihan's face was full of gloom, and he ordered in an unquestionable tone, "Investigate Qiao Xixi's location for me as quickly as possible! Hurry up!!!"

Although Chen Fuming didn't know what happened, but seeing his president's attitude, he felt bad in his heart.

He immediately agreed, "Alright Mr. Qin, I'll do it right away!!!"


Xue Cuiyun's side.

She took Qiao Xixi away and came to an abandoned warehouse.

She wanted to teach this bitch a lesson.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, I suddenly received a call from Zhao Tianxiong.

His voice contained anger, "Xue Cuiyun, did you send someone to kidnap Qiao Xixi?"

Xue Cuiyun's heart skipped a beat, and the expression on his face changed slightly.

She did this in secret and did not tell Zhao Tianxiong.

How would he know?

A light flashed across Xue Cuiyun's eyes, and he tentatively asked, "Tianxiong, what's the matter? What happened?"

"Qiao Xixi is missing, Qin Yihan is now sending people to search for her whereabouts across the city!!!"

Now that Zhao Tianxiong has no interest in Xue Cuiyun, it is naturally impossible to give her the same enthusiasm as before, and confront Qin Yihan head-on.

After all, the last fight let him know how terrifying Qin Yihan's strength is.

His various entertainment clubs were suppressed, and his vitality has not yet recovered.

He clenched the phone tightly and said angrily, "Tell me, did you do it?"

Xue Cuiyun didn't expect Qin Yihan to find out about this so quickly, his face became ugly, and he faltered when he spoke.


Zhao Tianxiong reacted immediately, and his face turned livid.

"Xue Cuiyun, why didn't you inform me before you did something? Do you still want to follow me? Send Qiao Xixi away right now!"

He didn't want to be suppressed by Qin Yihan again!

For a tired old woman like Xue Cuiyun, it's not worth it!

Xue Cuiyun panicked, "Tianxiong, but we sent her away, so what about Yuxin, she is still in a mental hospital..."

"I'll find a way to do this. If you don't send Qiao Xixi away, then get out!"

Now in Zhao Tianxiong's eyes, Qiao Xixi is like a time bomb, which will explode when Qin Yihan finds it.

He cannot set himself on fire.

When Xue Cuiyun heard this, her heart was filled with deep resentment, and her eyes were filled with hatred.

She managed to catch Qiao Xixi, so letting her go like this would really be too cheap for her! ! !

A bright light suddenly flashed in Xue Cuiyun's mind, and the corners of his lips curled up, revealing a vicious smile, and he said slowly.

"Tianxiong, Qiao Xixi saw my face before she fell into a coma. Even if we send Qiao Xixi back, it's already too late. Why don't we find a way to send her out of the imperial capital and never come back? Isn't it once and for all?"

Sure enough, Zhao Tianxiong hesitated when he heard this, his brows loosened immediately, "What do you mean?"

"Don't you have traffickers who abduct women?"

Xue Cuiyun paused, and then continued, "Why don't we sell Qiao Xixi and make her trapped in a poor mountain village forever, unable to come back, what do you think?"

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