After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 268 Qiao Xixi Discovers Qin Jingyan is Lying

"I was knocked unconscious on the spot, and when I woke up again, I became disabled..."

Qin Jingyan raised his thin lips, showed a bitter smile, and said, "Because of my body and my mental unacceptability, I went abroad for treatment, but I have never given up looking for you all these years. Fortunately, Huang Tian It pays off, let’s meet again.”

its not right!

something wrong……

Previously eavesdropped on the conversation between the two brothers.

Obviously Qin Jingyan's leg injury was related to Qin Yihan.

Why now, according to Qin Jingyan's description, Qin Yihan never appeared at the scene?

What the hell does this happen? !

Qiao Xixi's head suddenly became a little confused, and her eyebrows were also slightly wrinkled.

Qin Jingyan definitely concealed something, not telling the truth!

It seems that we still have to wait for Ah Qi's investigation results.

"When such an accident happened suddenly, no one would feel well."

A strange light flashed in Qiao Xixi's eyes, and he continued to ask, "By the way, where is Ruirui? How did you find it?"

"Since that incident happened, I have been sending private detectives to keep an eye on your news. I found out that you were abducted after giving birth to a child. I immediately sent someone to investigate and followed the vine to find news about Ruirui, but not you. "

"I sent someone to take Ruirui back to the Qin family, but..."

Qin Jingyan paused, and then continued, "My health has not been very good, so I had to leave it to Ahan to take care of me."

Qiao Xixi's eyes were dark.

At that time, she knew that she had given birth to twins.

But thinking that the other child had passed away, he took the dumpling and left.

Qin Jingyan looked at her, his eyes full of sincerity and guilt.

"Xixi, forgive me for not being able at that time."

Qiao Xixi came back to his senses and said comfortingly, "Ayan, you don't have to blame yourself, if it wasn't for you, Ruirui would not have been rescued, thank you for not giving up looking."

Otherwise, I don't know how much hardship Ruirui will suffer...

Qin Jingyan smiled, "This is what I should do. I will protect you and our children in the future."

Hearing this, Qiao Xixi's expression changed slightly, he raised his eyes, and said seriously, "A Yan, thank you for taking on the responsibility of being a father, but it was just an accident for you and me five years ago. I don't want to trap the two of us in there, you know what I mean?"

The implication is that she will not be with him because of that accident.

I also hope that Qin Jingyan will not be forced to be with her because of morality and responsibility.

Qin Jingyan is not stupid, so he can naturally understand what she means, and the light in his eyes flickers slightly.

He couldn't help but said, "But, what if I say I'm willing to be trapped?"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding air seemed to quiet down at this moment, and even the atmosphere became solidified.

Qiao Xixi froze in place for a moment, the expression on his face changed slightly, and he cast a strange light in his direction.

Except for the accident five years ago, she and Qin Jingyan never had any intersection.

It can be said that his return to China this time is their first meeting.

Why is he so obsessed with himself in such a short period of time?

Qiao Xixi used to think that Qin Jingyan had a strong sense of morality and was ashamed of himself and his children.

But now it seems that this is not the case...

Qiao Xixi's eyes were astonished, "Ayan, you...?"

Qin Jingyan looked into her eyes and said word by word, "Xixi, I'm serious."

Qiao Xixi felt his sincerity, and bursts of surprise flooded his heart, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

A gleam flashed across Qin Jingyan's eyes.

"Actually, you may not believe it. I saw you a long time ago..."

That was seven years ago.

He is still working in the Qin Group as the president.

He went to the imperial capital scenic spot to inspect the project, but unexpectedly separated from the team and was bitten by a snake.

At that time, he was poisoned by snake venom, and his consciousness was blurred. He met Qiao Xixi who was lost while traveling in a daze, and remembered her face.

Qiao Xixi has been taking care of him, and even pushed him to the local community hospital.

When Qin Jingyan woke up again, she was no longer around.

Having said that, Jo Xixi really has a little impression.

She was still a high school student at the time, and she made an appointment with her classmates to go to the scenic spot, but she got lost inside.

She walked around inside for a long time.

The exit was not found, but Qin Jingyan, who was bitten by a snake and half unconscious, was found.

The most important thing is that he still has a map of the scenic spot in his hand——

Qiao Xixi really wanted to take the map and leave, but his conscience couldn't bear to abandon him there alone, so he broke his heart and used all his strength to help him out. After sending him to the hospital, he and The classmates met and left.

Qiao Xixi suddenly realized now, his eyes were full of shock, "So you are that big brother?!"

Qin Jingyan nodded, "If it weren't for you, I might have died in that scenic spot a long time ago."

Qiao Xixi was ashamed, "I can't go out without your map."

Qin Jingyan has changed a lot...

When she met Qin Jingyan in the scenic area before, although Qin Jingyan was injured and fell into a semi-comatose state, the confidence and calmness between his brows was hard to hide, but now, it is more gloomy and silent...

"We've known each other for many years."

Qin Jingyan paused for a moment, then continued, "So I'm very glad that you were the one who was there that night five years ago."

His eyes were burning hot, and he felt extremely uncomfortable staring at Jo Xixi, and he couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

Whether it was the encounter at the scenic spot or the accident five years ago, she just regarded Qin Jingyan as a stranger.

There is no other thought at all.

Otherwise, as early as the first time I saw him, I would have remembered what happened in high school and recognized him.

It will not be forgotten after so many years.

"Ayan, I still..."

Before she could finish her refusal, Qin Jingyan interrupted her.

"Xixi, don't rush to reject me, I still say the same thing."

Qin Jingyan's eyes glowed with hope, "I will wait until you are willing to accept me."

Jo Xixi choked, and really didn't know how to answer.

A strange light flashed in Qin Jingyan's eyes, and his peripheral vision stopped on the figure not far away.

He smiled and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this, it's getting late, should Ruirui come back?"

Qiao Xixi hummed lightly.

At this time, Ruirui is indeed out of school...

Qin Jingyan offered to propose, "Then let's go and see her together."

Qiao Xixi agreed, pushed his wheelchair, and went downstairs together.

Qin Yihan hid in the dark, listening to the conversation between the two, his heart was sore and sore, and his emotions kept fermenting and amplifying.

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