After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 263 Serving Qin Yihan Personally 1

Speaking of this, Qin Yihan felt cramps in his heart, and even breathing became difficult.

If possible, he would rather bear the pain instead of his eldest brother.

Qin Jingyan's face was ugly, and he pulled the corners of his lips, revealing a bitter smile.

"Ahan, I didn't mean to blame you when I said this..." He paused, lowered his eyes, put his fingers on his legs, and said with a wry smile, "I'm just not as powerful as you see."

What the eldest brother has to bear is far more than he imagined.

The past cannot be undone, but the future can be changed.

Qin Yihan's heart was suffocated, the expression on his face changed slightly, and a pain flashed across his eyes.

His heart was sore, but he still had to cheer up and promised, "Brother, although I divorced Tang Jingxue, but... I will never betray you and stay with Xixi."

When Qin Jingyan heard this, a gleam of expectation rose from the bottom of his eyes, and his complexion was obviously much better than before.

He was silent for a moment, and then he said, "Ahan, thank you."

Qin Yihan's eyes darkened, filled with bitterness, and said with self-deprecation, "Brother, I owe you this."

Qin Jingyan's body froze, and he reached out and patted his shoulder.

"They are all my brothers, don't talk about whether you owe it or not."

What were they talking about behind, but Qiao Xixi didn't hear clearly.

She hid in the dark, froze in place, her face was full of shock, and she couldn't recover for a long time.

This amount of information is really too big...

Qiao Xixi's brain was in a mess, and the heart in his chest was pounding even more.

She took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and cleared her mind.

After the conversation just now...

Qiao Xixi found that Qin Yihan seemed to owe Qin Jingyan something, so he deliberately avoided her every time.

Even, she did not hesitate to marry Tang Jingxue to keep a distance from herself.

Qiao Xixi also vaguely heard that what Qin Yihan owed seemed to be related to Qin Jingyan's legs...

Could it be that there was something else hidden about the car accident five years ago?

Thinking of this, Qiao Xixi's peaceful heart seemed to be thrown into a blockbuster, causing waves of turmoil.

No, she has to figure it out!


Qiao Xixi left quietly, and when he returned to the kitchen, he simply cooked a bowl of polenta and served it.

Ruirui was already very hungry, and her eyes lit up after seeing Qiao Xixi come back.

"Mom, you're back!"

Qiao Xixi smiled, "Well, mom made polenta for you, come and try it."

Ruirui swallowed her saliva.

Let alone polenta now.

Even if you give her a steamed bun, she will never be picky about food.

Ruirui picked up the small spoon, scooped up the soup and drank it, one spoon after another, feasting on it.

It seems that he is really hungry.

Qiao Xixi felt distressed and funny at the same time, and persuaded from the side, "Ruirui, eat slowly, don't get burnt."

"Yeah," Ruirui said with a smile, her cheeks bulging like a little hamster, her big beautiful eyes are even more round, "Mom, the porridge you made is really delicious, Ruirui likes it very much. "

Qiao Xixi reached out, touched her soft hair, and said, "If Ruirui likes it, mom will make it for you tomorrow, but after drinking this bowl today, you can't drink any more!"

Ruirui doesn't eat much.

She was afraid that Ruirui would eat too much if she was hungry, which would be bad for her stomach.

Ruirui was almost full now, she nodded, her big eyes were round, and she seemed hesitant to speak.

Qiao Xixi noticed it, with curiosity in his eyes, and asked proactively, "What's the matter, Ruirui?"

"Mom, did I go too far today..."

After struggling for a few seconds, Ruirui finally spoke.

Thinking of what happened today, she felt a little scared and sorry in her heart.

But she doesn't regret it!

If she was given the chance to do it all over again, she would still do it.

Jo Xixi paused, and immediately understood that the little guy had a disturbed conscience.

"Ruirui, the last thing you should do today is threaten everyone with a hunger strike!"

Her eyes were serious, and she taught her from behind; "Your body is your own. If you really suffer from hunger, your mother's discomfort will only be secondary. At that time, you will be the most painful and uncomfortable. You are not allowed to do this again in the future." Got it, got it?"

Ruirui nodded guiltyly, "Well, I know mom."

She didn't really want to be so extreme at the time.

It's just a special situation, there is really no way.

But fortunately, he protected his father for his mother in the end.

There was still a little bit of happiness in her heart.

It's getting late now, Jo Xixi washes up with her daughter, tells a story and watches her fall asleep.

Then he left and returned to his room.

Qiao Xixi thought of what he had overheard downstairs earlier, and a glint flashed in his eyes.

She took out her mobile phone and searched for Qin Jingyan's car accident at the Tianchao Hotel five years ago.

Such a big accident should be reported on the news.

Qiao Xixi searched the web for half a day.

However, nothing was found...

None of the media reported it.

Surprisingly clean.

It was as if someone had deliberately erased the traces.

Qiao Xixi's heart became more and more doubtful and doubtful.

The expression on her face changed slightly, and she immediately sent a message to Ah Qi.

[Josh Xi: Ah Qi, are you free recently?If you have time, help me investigate Qin Jingyan's car accident five years ago. 】

Within a few seconds, the other end quickly replied.

【Ah Seven: OK, no problem! 】

Qiao Xixi turned off the phone, his eyes darkened.

She wanted to know exactly what Qin Yihan owed Qin Jingyan!


The next day.

Qin Yihan just got up and walked down the stairs.

I saw that Ruirui had already woken up and was still busy in the kitchen, carefully arranging the tableware neatly.

The sun really came out from the west.

The little girl who always loves to stay in bed has become hardworking.

Ruirui noticed the movement, and immediately turned around and looked over here.

Her eyes were shining, and the corners of her lips curled up, revealing an extremely bright smile.

"Good morning, Dad!"

With doting eyes, Qin Yihan squatted down and asked, "Why did you get up so early today?"

Ruirui showed embarrassment on her white and tender face, and after hesitating for a few seconds, she faltered and said, "Dad... treats me so well, I want to do something for Dad too!"

Her father spoiled her so much that he even gave up the engagement.

She also wants to do something for Dad!

When Qin Yihan heard this, a look of surprise reflected in his eyes.

He was a little surprised, and he never expected to come to such a conclusion.

It really warmed the heart of his 'old father', a bit like my daughter's first grown-up feeling.

Ruirui took him by the hand and went to the restaurant, and even offered to help him open the chair.

She looked like a little gentleman, "Dad, please sit down!"

Today, let her serve Dad.

The black padded jacket was finally airtight.

Qin Yihan's eyes were moved, and his thin lips were lifted up, and a beautiful smile appeared.

"it is good."

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