Qiao Xixi grabbed Michelson and asked, "What's going on, why did my son become like this after taking medicine?!"

Michelson was also shocked by this accident.

He frowned, and said displeasedly, "Miss Qiao, calm down first..."

Their medications have always been okay, and they have given the dumplings a skin test before each medication, and the results are all normal.

But unexpectedly, even so, Tuanzi's body still had a rejection reaction to the two medicines, which led to such a thing.

"My son has become like this, how can you tell me to calm down!"

Qiao Xixi was about to go mad with anger, and his heart was filled with deep anger, and his eyes reflected a dangerous light.

She gritted her teeth, "If something happens to the dumpling, I will never let you go!!!"

At this moment, Qin Jingyan rushed over after hearing the news, and saw this scene.

His complexion changed, and a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly comforted him, "Xixi, I know you are worried about Tuanzi's situation, but now let Maxson go in to treat Tuanzi, don't delay the treatment time. "

When Qiao Xixi heard Tuanzi, his rationality was pulled back a little, but the coldness on his face did not fade away.

She glanced at Qin Jingyan, her eyes dimmed, "I ask for one more person for this treatment."

Qin Jingyan and Maxson were taken aback at the same time, and the woman's voice continued for a second.

"Sheng Tianjue also goes to the emergency room!"

Hearing this, Qin Jingyan's eyes darkened, he pursed his thin lips, and said, "Xixi, this time was just an accident, Dr. Michelson is actually really good..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted coldly by Jo Xixi.

"If he is really powerful, how could something like this happen to my group!!"

"Sheng Tianjue used to treat with medicine, but he never made such a mistake."

Qiao Xixi's tone was sharp and straightforward, "My son has such a problem, I don't worry about Michelson!!"

Qin Jingyan's face darkened, and in his heart he was somewhat rejecting Sheng Tianjue's joining, but it happened that something like this happened this time, and it was indeed their fault.

After a few seconds of silence, he could only finally agree.

"Okay Xixi, I promise you."

Josh Xi was satisfied with this.

Hearing this, Michelson was a little reluctant, and couldn't help but glance at Qin Jingyan, "Jing Shao!"

Qin Jingyan gave him an angry look and told him to shut up.

If he hadn't made a mistake in this medication, he wouldn't have given Sheng Tianjue such a chance!

Michelson paused, full of anger and had nowhere to vent, his face became extremely ugly.

Sheng Tianjue finally had the chance to treat Tuanzi again, so naturally he would not let it go, his face was full of solemnity.

"Xixi, don't worry, I will never let you down!"

After finishing the words, he didn't delay any longer, started to disinfect, and then entered the emergency room.

No matter how dissatisfied Michaelson was in his heart, he could only bear it now, and followed Sheng Tianjue into the rescue room with a sullen face.

The door of the operating room was closed tightly, and the door became silent, as if it was a pool of stagnant water.

Qiao Xixi was so anxious that she couldn't wait at ease. She walked up and down the aisle, praying silently in her heart.

Her regiment must be safe and sound! ! !

Even if she uses 20 years of life to change it...

Looking at her like this, Qin Jingyan felt mixed feelings in his heart, and it was not a taste.

He comforted him and said, "Xixi, don't worry, Tuanzi will be fine."

Josh paused, and his attitude towards him was obviously much colder than before.

She hummed lightly, "Thank you."

Qin Jingyan's back stiffened, and a dense and uncomfortable feeling came from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't help but clenched the armrest of the wheelchair.

His face darkened slightly, and the veins on the back of his hands were all bulging.

I don't know how long it took, and finally the door of the operating room opened.

Tuanzi was lying on the hospital bed and was pushed out of it.

His little face is as pale as paper, almost transparent, and his body is covered with countless dense tubes and instruments, and his breathing is extremely weak.

Tuanzi was a little more conscious, his eyelashes trembled, and he slowly opened his eyes, only to see Jo Xixi's red eye circles.

He raised his hand with difficulty, and said softly, "Mom... don't cry, the dumpling is fine."

Otherwise, he will be sad.

At what time was it, Tuanzi was still comforting her.

Qiao Xixi's nose was sour, and the tears could not be held back, welling up in his eyes.

She wiped away a couple of tears indiscriminately, suppressed her sobs and said, "Okay, mom promised Tuanzi, if mom won't cry, Tuanzi must get better!"


Tuanzi has just undergone gastric lavage to draw blood, and now his body is extremely weak. Next, he urgently needs to rest and recuperate so that his body can recover.

After Qiao Xixi heard this, he didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately transferred the dumpling to the ward.

Standing at the door, she saw Tuanzi's weak face through the glass window, and her heart felt pain like suffocation, and tears fell down uncontrollably.

At this moment, someone suddenly handed a handkerchief in front of her.

Qiao Xixi paused, his eyes rippled, he slowly raised his eyes, and saw Qin Yihan's handsome face.

The air in the corridor was quiet and long, and even breathing seemed to become lengthy.

Qin Yihan couldn't bear it, his eyes couldn't help revealing a touch of pity, "Don't cry."

Otherwise, he will feel distressed.

Qin Yihan has been sending people to watch over Tuanzi, and rushed over immediately after learning of the news of Tuanzi's accident.

He knew that Qiao Xixi's emotions would definitely collapse now, and he was afraid that she would not be able to hold on, so his heart ached.

Unexpectedly, I saw Qin Jingyan as soon as I came here.

Brother, here too...

Qin Yihan froze in place, all the impulse and courage disappeared in an instant, his body seemed to be drained of all the strength, which brought a deep sense of powerlessness.

He is not qualified, he can only be a bystander, silently guarding her.


When I saw Josh Xi crying so sadly.

Qin Yihan couldn't control himself at all.

He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help but walked forward.

Qiao Xixi has always been a strong person. He has overcome obstacles all the way to the present, and never shed tears easily.

Now, it must have collapsed to the extreme.

He really, really wanted to give her a hug.

The moment Qiao Xixi saw Qin Yihan, all the emotions he had been struggling to support completely collapsed, as if the brakes had been broken, and the tears became more turbulent.

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