The corners of Ruirui's lips are raised, and her smile is bright.

After Qin Yihan's story was told, Ruirui was still in good spirits instead of falling asleep.

He couldn't help but frowned slightly, "Ruirui, close your eyes and go to sleep."

Ruirui blinked mischievously, and then couldn't help sighing, "Dad, Mom, I feel so happy now, I'm the happiest child in the world..."

What could be happier than having Mom and Dad around?

When Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi heard these words, they couldn't help being stunned at the same time, and strange waves emerged in their hearts.

Especially Qin Yihan, couldn't help but a strange light flashed across his eyes.

If possible, he also wants to accompany Ruirui like this.


Qin Yihan's heart twitched, "Okay, Dad will be with you, go to sleep."

Ruirui nodded vigorously, "Then dad, tell me another one!"


Qin Yihan changed the story again and continued to tell it.

Ruirui closed her eyes, fell asleep with a sweet smile, and soon came the sound of even breathing.

Qiao Xixi hugged Ruirui, at first she was very energetic, but listening to Qin Yihan's deep and sexy voice, her body gradually relaxed, and she gradually felt a burst of fatigue, and her eyelids couldn't help becoming more and more Heavy.

In the end, she couldn't bear it any longer and couldn't help closing her eyes.

Time passed minute by minute, and Qin Yihan's story was finished, and he lowered his eyes to see that the mother and daughter had already fallen into a deep sleep.

He was startled for a moment, his chest was filled with warmth, and the tenderness in his eyes was about to overflow.

At this moment, Qin Yihan suddenly became very envious of Qin Jingyan, who was able to have their mother and daughter!

If they were his wife and children, he would try his best to protect them and treat them well.

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

His eyes dimmed, and he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Good night, Rui Rui, good night... Xixi!

After Qin Yihan turned off the lights, he closed the door for them and left the bedroom.

Silent all night.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

Qiao Xixi woke up slowly, opened his eyes, and found himself in Ruirui's room, he was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face, then remembered that he seemed to be listening to Qin Yihan telling a story last night, fell asleep talking...

She froze for a moment, feeling a little annoyed in her heart.

It's fine if Ruirui falls asleep...

She is an adult, she will follow her no matter what!

Before Qin Yihan left last night, he must have been laughing at her! !

In a daze, Ruirui rubbed against her chest twice, her voice even softer.

"Mom, what time is it?"

Qiao Xixi came back to his senses, put aside distracting thoughts, and replied, "Baby Ruirui, it's 07:30, it's time to get up!"

Ruirui's small mouth was puckered, her face was full of reluctance, she hugged her and acted coquettishly.

"Mom, I still want to hug you and continue to sleep, I don't want to get up..."

Mom is soft and fragrant, it's really comfortable to hold her to sleep, okay?

Jo Xixi couldn't help laughing, "It's the weekend, I'll let you hug and sleep enough, but now I have to get up, understand?!"

"Oh, I see."

Ruirui sighed, got up obediently, and put on her clothes obediently.

After the two of them finished washing together, they walked downstairs.

It was still early, so Qiao Xixi went to the kitchen to make a simple breakfast, and then brought it out and put it on the table.

She smiled and said, "Okay, let's eat!"

Coincidentally, Qin Jingyan and Qin Yihan also got up, and they all came to the dining table.

Ruirui ate satisfactorily, her brows and eyes were full of happiness.

Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi's eyes were all on her, and they immediately felt that their mood seemed to improve.

Qin Jingyan was very uncomfortable, always feeling as if he had become the outsider who was excluded.

His eyes darkened slightly, and he passed a stream of displeasure, and suddenly asked, "Ah Han, when do you plan to get engaged to Miss Tang?"

As soon as these words came out, the air in the restaurant was quiet and the atmosphere became solidified.

Qin Yihan didn't expect him to mention this suddenly, his back stiffened slightly, and the expression on his face changed slightly.

He pursed his thin lips tightly and did not speak.

Qin Yihan wanted to explain this matter clearly, but he couldn't think of it. Qin Jingyan continued at this time, "Grandpa has always wanted to see you get married and start a business. If you marry a wife sooner, he will be happy too."

Qin Yihan is not stupid, he knows that Qin Jingyan said this on purpose, the purpose is to dispel his thoughts about Qiao Xixi as soon as possible.

But, is elder brother really so worried about himself?

He is obviously already so restrained! !

Qin Yihan's face was ugly, "I see."

Qin Jingyan was not very satisfied with his answer, the expression on his face was gloomy, but he stopped talking and did not continue to say anything.

Hearing this, Qiao Xixi thought that he was really planning to get engaged to Tang Jingxue, and suddenly lost his appetite, feeling extremely depressed.

An inexplicable feeling of sourness and swelling kept fermenting and bubbling in the bottom of my heart...

Ruirui saw it, and couldn't help complaining about Qin Jingyan in her heart, and couldn't help but glared at him angrily.

It's fine, why did he say these things, he deliberately didn't want his father and mother to have a good meal! !

A breakfast broke up in such an atmosphere.

On the way to school, Ruirui couldn't bear it.

She turned her eyes, lowered her voice, and said quietly, "Mom, don't worry, Dad won't marry Aunt Tang!"

When Qiao Xixi heard this, he was stunned for a moment, with deep doubts in his eyes.

"Ruirui, what did you say?"

Ruirui's voice continued to ring from behind, and said, "Dad secretly told me last night that Aunt Tang was actually his fake girlfriend, and it wasn't real at all..."

The air in the carriage seemed to be quiet at this moment, completely silent, as if even the sound of a needle dropping could be heard.

Qiao Xixi froze in place, his face was full of astonishment, and his heartbeat seemed to miss a beat.

Her slender eyelashes trembled, and there was obvious disbelief in her eyes.

"What... what?"

Ruirui showed distress on her small face, sighed, and said, "Oh, Mom, I promised Dad not to tell you, but I couldn't bear to see you so sad, so I decided to betray Dad first!"

Ruirui paused for a moment, then continued to speak mysteriously from behind, "Aunt Tang Jingxue, father doesn't like her at all, he came here on purpose to see you jealous!!!"

These words were like a stone, causing ripples in Qiao Xixi's heart lake.

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