After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 244 Qiao Xixi and Qin Jingyan Confronted

Soon, the game begins.

As an assistant, Qiao Xixi followed behind Qin Yihan cooperatively.

The two walked to the middle, and immediately saw the hero controlled by Tuanzi.

The two sides fought, and the fight was inextricable.

Tuanzi's face was full of composure, and he manipulated his fingers with ease.

Even if Qin Yihan succeeded in researching the outfit, he still couldn't beat the dumpling...

Qin Yihan felt his heart go cold when he saw that the blood bar was hit and knew that there was only a trace left. When he felt that he was about to lose again this time, Qiao Xixi suddenly rushed up and gave him a mouthful of blood, and he was very fast. Use skills to control the group.

Qin Yihan immediately understood what she meant, and attacked the enemy.

Immediately, a kill announcement appeared on the screen!

"Qin Yihan, we won!!!"

Jo Xixi's eyes lit up, and his whole body was filled with excitement, and his face was full of joy.

They were really abused by Tuanzi before, so they are so happy now that they won...

This feeling is like finally defeating the Great Demon King!

Qin Yihan was also in a good mood, and turned his eyes to say something more.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Jo Xixi was overjoyed and suddenly stepped forward to hug him.

Her excited voice sounded, "We are really amazing!!"

Qin Yihan's back froze, his body became stiff and his ears turned red.

Jo Xixi gradually came back to his senses, only to realize what he had just done.

And it was in front of Tuanzi!

Tuanzi didn't expect it, and immediately stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and then he was still curious, and couldn't help but spread his fingers apart.

The surrounding air seemed to freeze, Jo Xixi's old face blushed, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and let him go.

"No, sorry, I was too happy just now..."

Qin Yihan coughed lightly, "It's okay."

Both of them were a little embarrassed, and when they turned their eyes, they met Tuanzi's gossip.

Tuanzi put his fingers together and closed his eyes, "I didn't see anything!"

Seeing his small appearance, Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Tuanzi also couldn't help grinning.

Michelson passed by the ward and heard the movement inside. He felt a little strange in his heart, and couldn't help but walked towards this direction.

Without thinking, I saw this happy picture.

Michelson was stunned for a moment, his eyes showed surprise, and then his expression changed slightly.

He took out his mobile phone, secretly took a photo, and left quietly.

Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi stayed with the dumpling all afternoon.

They played games together, watched TV together, chatted together...they spent the day happily, until the sky darkened at night and the group was going to rest, and they said goodbye and left.

Both of them were in a good mood, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed on the way back.

Qiao Xixi turned to look at the man who was driving, and said gratefully, "Qin Yihan, thank you for what happened today!"

If he hadn't been willing to come today, Tuanzi wouldn't be smiling so happily.

"You're welcome," Qin Yihan paused, slightly raised his thin lips, and said with a smile, "I'm also very happy to be with Tuanzi."

He didn't know why, but when he was with Tuanzi, he felt an unprecedented sense of solidity in his heart.

He didn't know how to describe and describe this feeling.

Anyway, all in all, he likes the godson Tuanzi very much!

In a blink of an eye, the car stopped at the door of Qin's villa.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Qin Jingyan looked at the photo that Michelson had just sent, the look on his face instantly became gloomy, and his eyes were full of deep displeasure.

He couldn't help but reached out and clenched the phone tightly, and his joints couldn't help but turn slightly white.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement at the door.

Qin Jingyan's eyes darkened, and the expression on his face changed slightly, returning to the previous gentleness and amiability.

It was as if, just now, it was just an illusion, and nothing happened...

Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi walked in together.

They were chatting about what happened during the day, talking and laughing.

After seeing Qin Jingyan, they were all taken aback at the same time.

Qin Jingyan curled his lips into a smile, but his eyes were so cold that the smile couldn't reach his eyes.

"Ahan, Xixi, you are back."

When Qin Yihan was stared at like this, a feeling of guilt rose in his heart, and he nodded slightly.

"Big brother."

Qin Jingyan took a look at the two of them, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart, his soreness was unbearable.

He smiled and asked, "Did you go out together today?"

Qiao Xixi hummed lightly, without denying it, "Tuanzi missed Qin Yihan, so he took him over there to have a look."

Qin Jingyan paused for a moment when he heard the words, "Xixi, why don't you tell me about this matter, I am the father of Tuanzi after all, so I should handle it!"

The tone in which he said this sounded like he was declaring his sovereignty, as if Josh Xi and Tuanzi belonged to him.

Qin Jingyan continued from behind, "Next time, let's take Ahan together."

Qin Yihan's face turned pale, and he couldn't help pursing his thin lips.

Jo Xixi was also feeling uncomfortable in his heart, and his expression was gloomy.

She and Qin Jingyan had a relationship five years ago, but that time was just an accident.

He is not her husband, and she is not her boyfriend. He is just a simple and ordinary friend. Why should he say these things forcefully?

Qiao Xixi was unhappy, raised her eyes and said coldly, "Ayan, I know you mean well, but I know this matter well in my heart, there is no need to tell you everything, besides, Qin Yihan is the godfather of Tuanzi, Tuanzi I also like to get along with him very much, so there is no problem with just the two of us going.”

Qin Yihan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes were slightly astonished, and he couldn't help but glance in her direction.

Qiao Xixi, are you speaking for him? !

Qin Jingyan's chest was congested, and the gloom in his eyes became more intense. He explained, "Xixi, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was mercilessly interrupted by Jo Xixi.

She said lightly, "Is that what you meant? It doesn't matter now. It's getting late. I'm going to take care of Ruirui for dinner."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Xixi walked towards the restaurant regardless of Qin Jingyan's reaction.

Qin Jingyan froze in place, his expression extremely ugly.

Looking at this picture, Qin Yihan really didn't know what to say for a while.

After a few seconds of silence, he finally said, "Sorry brother, I don't have any other ideas, but Tuanzi is my godson, and now he's sick again, so I can't refuse."

The implication is that if Tuanzi misses him in the future, even if Qin Jingyan will be unhappy, Qin Yihan will still go to see him.

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