After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 230 After Waking Up, We Are Not Us Anymore

Gu Yichen found that every time he met Qiu Lingxue, she was drunk...

In Qiu Lingxue's current situation, she definitely couldn't leave by herself.

Gu Yichen had no choice but to hug her up and walk towards the outside.

As soon as he was about to leave, he was stopped by the staff.

"Hi sir, you haven't paid for the consumption of that booth yet, two dragon suits, eight bottles of vodka whiskey, and service fees for eight male models, a total of [-] yuan." The other party said with a smile.

Gu Yichen almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

He was really taken advantage of properly! ! !


another side.

Qiao Xixi and Qin Yihan's side.

The driver navigated and found that there are bars and nightclubs nearby, and the hospitals and clinics are far away.

The pharmacy does have one.

The driver suggested buying some stomach medicine first, so that Qiao Xixi can relieve the pain first, at least not so uncomfortable.

Qin Yihan agreed.

After listening to his description, the clerk in the pharmacy almost knew what was going on in his heart.

She immediately took out the medicine, "After drinking it, take a good rest, and you'll be fine after a night of sleep."

After Qin Yihan paid the money, he asked the clerk for some hot water to go back.

In the back seat of the car, he carefully hugged Qiao Xixi and fed her the medicine.

However, Jo Xixi's lips were always tightly closed and could not be opened no matter what.

Qin Yihan's tone was unusually gentle, and he said slowly, "Xixi, open your mouth, your stomach will not hurt after taking the medicine."

Qiao Xixi was in a daze, his face turned pale, but he still refused to open his mouth.

The medicine is so bitter, she doesn't want to drink it...

Qin Yihan frowned, his eyes were full of distress and pity.

There is no way for Qiao Xixi to continue like this!

He was patient, "Xixi?"

Jo Xixi was a little annoyed by his noise, so he just threw himself into his arms, enduring the pain in a semi-conscious state.

Qin Yihan looked at her shoulders trembling in pain, and only hated himself for not being able to bear it for her.

He would rather have a stomachache than himself, rather than her...

If Qiao Xixi doesn't drink the medicine like this and continues to bear it, the small problem will be dragged into a big problem.

In case there are any sequelae left! ! !

The consequences are unimaginable.

Qin Yihan looked at the pale lips of the woman in front of him, and thought for a few seconds. His dark blue eyes were dark, and a dark color was drawn, as if he had decided on something important, he directly melted the stomach medicine into the warm water, and He raised his head, and kissed that lips.

Sorry bro!

Now is a special situation, he can only do this!

He couldn't just watch Qiao Xixi suffer from pain and torture...

The bitter potion entered the woman's lips, Qiao Xixi frowned and refused to drink it, but Qin Yihan was very patient, kept loosening it a little bit, and let her drink it slowly.

Qiao Xixi's consciousness was in a state of confusion, he opened his eyes dimly, and saw the enlarged handsome face of the man.

The air in the small compartment was quiet, mixed with a faintly ambiguous atmosphere.

She could even feel the man's breathing, her heart beating like a drum, and her body was too stiff to even move.

Qiao Xixi closed his eyes, not daring to open them, but his face was burning, and he was fed all the medicine in a daze, and a man's deep and sexy voice rang in his ears.

Qin Yihan asked softly, "Does your stomach still hurt?"

Josh nodded honestly.

At this moment, a large dry palm suddenly covered her stomach, sending out a steady stream of heat.

Qin Yihan's technique was gentle, and he rubbed her gently, carefully controlling his strength, for fear of hurting her.

He asked next to him, "How is it?"

Qiao Xixi didn't say a word, but the expression on his face eased a lot, not as ugly as before.

Qin Yihan's half-suspended heart relaxed slightly, and he continued to help her silently.

Seeing the intimate appearance of the two through the mirror, the old man blushed, silently raised the baffle in the car, and pretended to be dead in front.

After Qiao Xixi drank the medicine and was massaged by Qin Yihan again, the stomach pain disappeared miraculously.

Her sanity was also much clearer than before. Seeing herself being hugged by him like this, she felt a little embarrassed in her heart. She didn't know what to do next, how to break this atmosphere.

Qin Yihan didn't realize it yet, and still helped her massage her stomach.

He lowered his head and glanced in the direction of the woman in his arms. With the faint light from the car window, he could clearly see the woman's beautiful face. The suit on his body slipped slightly, and there was a sexy suspender skirt underneath, revealing a large piece of white skin. Round and small shoulders, a large spring on the chest.

Qin Yihan just glanced casually like this, and felt his throat tighten and his mouth dry.

This woman, what are you doing wearing this kind of clothes! ! !

Being watched by his scorching eyes, Qiao Xixi couldn't keep his composure any longer, and his eyelashes trembled twice.

She slowly opened her eyes, and she just met his deep eyes.

Josh suddenly felt that the air around him seemed to become thinner.

Qin Yihan was taken aback, he didn't expect her to wake up suddenly at this time, he couldn't help showing a bit of surprise on his face, but soon, it turned into concern.

"How are you, does your stomach still hurt?"

Josh shook his head, "It's much better."

The two of them tacitly understood each other, and they couldn't help but think about the medicine feeding just now in their minds, and the atmosphere became more and more awkward.

The expression on Qiao Xixi's face was extremely embarrassing. After a few seconds of silence, he finally spoke and said, "That... you can put me down now."

Qin Yihan came back to his senses, only to find that Qiao Xixi was still in his arms, and there was a tinge of scarletness on his stern face.

He pursed his thin lips, and hastily let go of her, "Well, just now you had a stomachache, just..."

Qiao Xixi understood in his heart, "Hmm..."

Qin Yihan felt that his heart was beating extremely fast now, and his whole body felt extremely uncomfortable. He felt that what he said and what he did seemed wrong. He was extremely irritable and hated this strange feeling.

Qiao Xixi also woke up most of the wine, turned to look at him, and thought of his having a girlfriend in his mind, the heart that was originally warm and hopeful, seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, and suddenly became cold down.

Her expression was indifferent, and she said coldly, "Then, let's go back now."

After the words fell, Jo Xixi sat aside and kept a distance from him.

There was a gap between the two of them.

Qin Yihan could clearly feel the change in her mood, his heart felt as if it was suddenly clenched tightly, and there was a dull pain, but he couldn't express it, he could only hum with a blank expression.

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