After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 225 Ordered a Group of Male Models

Qin Jingyan and Qiao Xixi stayed in the hospital for a long time before returning to the Qin family villa.

When it was time for Qin Jingyan's rehabilitation training, he went upstairs first.

Qiao Xixi was full of thoughts about Tuanzi, and he was full of preoccupations, sitting listlessly on the balcony.

Just like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Qin Yihan had just come back from outside when he saw this scene.

With a heavy footstep, he froze in place for an instant, the expression on his face changed slightly, and his heart became uncontrollably worried.

What's wrong with Qiao Xixi, why does he look like this?

What happened...

Qin Yihan almost subconsciously wanted to step forward to ask, but remembering his current status, he had no choice but to hold back.

His face was ugly, and there was an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

Qiao Xixi came back to his senses, glanced inadvertently, and met Qin Yihan's eyes as deep as the sea.

The picture seemed to be frozen at this moment, and even the breathing seemed to become still.

Qin Yihan's heart trembled twice uncontrollably.

Qiao Xixi's expression was very cold, seeing him as if seeing some stranger, he took the lead to look away.

She walked past him without stopping, not even saying a word.

Qin Yihan's heart instantly felt cramped, and his face turned pale.

He clenched his fists and restrained the thought of holding her!

Josh Xi is the eldest brother's woman!

Even if she's in a bad's not my turn to take care of it!

Qin Yihan thought, and closed his eyes in pain.


Qiao Xixi didn't expect Qin Yihan to appear here suddenly.

She was in a bad mood at first, but when she saw him, she thought about the matter between him and Tang Jingxue in her mind, and her mood fell to the bottom all of a sudden.

Qiao Xixi's chest was filled with panic, and he was inexplicably angry. He didn't want to see him, so he deliberately pretended not to see him.

After returning to the room now, calm down and think about it, she felt that her behavior seemed a little childish.

But the tone in her heart drove her to do this.

Qiao Xixi's mind became even more confused, and the more he thought about it, the more annoying he became.

At this moment, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

'Jingle Bell……'

Qiao Xixi was taken aback for a moment, took it out and looked, and found that it was Qiu Lingxue who called.

She frowned and asked, "Lingxue, what's wrong?"

"Xixi, what have you been up to these days? If you don't come to find me, I miss you."

Qiu Lingxue couldn't help complaining more in her tone.

Jo Xixi had a headache, "I'm busy during this time."

Qiu Lingxue was taken aback for a moment, and asked with concern, "Why is your voice so limp? Is there nothing wrong?"


Qiao Xixi didn't want her to worry, so he didn't plan to tell about the dumpling.

She said lightly, "Maybe it's because I'm tired recently."

"Oh, you are working too hard, no matter how busy you are, you have to pay attention to your body!"

When talking about this, Qiu Lingxue paused for a moment, and curled her lips into a malicious smile, "Why don't you come out tonight, sisters, how about relaxing for you?"

"Not interested in."

Qiao Xixi is in a bad mood now and doesn't want to go anywhere.

Qiu Lingxue seemed to have expected it a long time ago, without the slightest surprise in her tone, instead she said with a smile behind her.

"Xixi, you are under too much mental pressure right now, that's why you are like this, come out and drink some wine, relax your mind, and vent your emotions, so that you can regain your strength and have the energy to face the next difficulties!"

That being said, it seems to make a little sense...

Qiao Xixi felt that keeping himself bored in the room now would not help Tuanzi's condition, but only made his mood worse.

In addition, she really wanted to get drunk.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Qiao Xixi couldn't help but ask, "Where is it?"

Knowing that she agreed, Qiu Lingxue's eyes lit up.

"It's at Twilight Bar, booth k9, there are quite a few handsome guys tonight! Call me when you get to the door, and I'll pick you up!"


After talking briefly to the butler, Qiao Xixi went out and took a taxi.

It was already night when we arrived at Twilight Bar.

Before arriving, she called Qiu Lingxue, who was already waiting at the door.

After seeing her get off the car, Qiu Lingxue came over, glanced up and down, and said in surprise, "Damn, Xixi, why are you here dressed like this!"

Qiao Xixi's mind is full of dumplings now, so he doesn't have the mood to groom himself.

"Isn't it just a drink? Whatever you want."

"No, since we are here to have fun, we must first dress up beautifully, and we must first be happy."

Qiu Lingxue took her by the hand, took her directly to the bathroom in the bar, and threw a handbag into her arms.

"This is the new clothes I bought today, it's cheaper for you."

Qiao Xixi took it out and took a look, only to find that it was a revealing and sexy suspender dress.

Her face was immediately covered with thick black lines, and the corners of her eyes twitched violently twice, she was really too lazy to bother.

"Lingxue, can I not change?"

Qiu Lingxue directly refused, "No!"

Qiao Xixi couldn't hold back her, so he had no choice but to agree.

5 minute later.

She went to the bathroom to change, walked out...

After seeing her, Qiu Lingxue couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but tsk-tsk, "As expected of my best friend, you look good in everything you wear!! You are the prettiest girl in the audience tonight!!! "

Jo Xixi, "..."

After she was put on another lipstick, she was dragged to the booth.

After arriving, Qiao Xixi finally understood why Qiu Lingxue changed her clothes.

Because of this situation, except for the two of them, they are all male models! ! !

Qiu Lingxue looked smug, lowered her voice and said, "Xixi, how are you doing? Is it enough?"

Qiu Lingxue and Qiao Xixi have known each other for many years...

When I called earlier, I could hear that she was in a bad mood now.

She made a special trip to find a group of handsome guys to help Qiao Xixi out of trouble!

In this world, there is nothing more troublesome than alcohol and male sex!

Absolute joy!

Qiu Lingxue walked over generously, with the corners of her lips raised high, revealing a bright smile.

She directly took out her wallet, patted it on the table, and said proudly, "Whoever makes my sisters happy today, these tips will be theirs!"

Qiu Lingxue's studio is very popular in the country now, and her own conditions are not bad, so she is not someone who is short of money.

You can tell it's a rich woman at a glance.

After all, she just unleashed two dragon sets in one go.

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