After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 213 The Paternity Test Results Are Out

Dense data immediately appeared on the screen.

Qin Jingyan's pupils trembled fiercely, his face was extremely ugly, and his slender fingers clenched into fists.

&nbThe results of the paternity test clearly stated that he and Tuanzi had no blood relationship at all, and there was no possibility of biological father and son! ! !

Qin Jingyan's body was hidden in a shadow, making it impossible to fathom his emotions.

He took out his mobile phone and called Xu Ze.

The other end seemed to have guessed that he would come to find him, and picked up the first second the bell rang.

Xu Ze's respectful voice sounded, "Master Jing!"

Qin Jingyan's eyes were filled with undercurrents, his thin lips opened and closed, and he said slowly: "I don't want Xixi to see this appraisal, and change the result immediately!"

Xu Ze immediately agreed, "Mr. Jing, I'll do it right away."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Jingyan continued to focus on the screen with slightly complicated eyes.


The next day.

As soon as Qiao Xixi woke up, he received a message from his friend.

[Ah Qi: Xixi, the results of several paternity tests are out, I have sent you an email. 】

After she saw it, her drowsiness disappeared instantly, and she was extremely awake.

Qiao Xixi was slightly excited in his heart, he clicked on the mailbox to download the report, and he saw the appraisal results as expected.

Each copy of Qin Jingyan and Tuanzi is 90.00% blood related, and they are determined to be the biological father and son.

The air seemed to become quiet at this moment, and Qiao Xixi's breathing became suffocated.

The expression on her face changed slightly, her fingers couldn't help but clenched tightly, and her knuckles were slightly white.

Sure enough, Qin Jingyan was the man five years ago...

It is obviously a happy thing to find Tuanzi's biological father.

But Qiao Xixi thought of Qin Yihan in his mind, but he couldn't be happy no matter what.

Her heart was in a mess, and the look on her face was a little ugly.

It is now certain that-

Qin Jingyan is Tuanzi's biological father!

At the same time, Qin Jingyan is also Ruirui's biological father!

If this is the case, then Ruirui is likely to be the twin daughter she lost back then.

But in the paternity test done last time, it clearly showed that he and Ruirui were not related by blood.

What the hell does this happen?

Among them, which link has the problem? !

Qiao Xixi couldn't help frowning, and a glint flashed across his eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, she took out her mobile phone and called Ah Qi again.

It didn't take long at that end, and it was quickly connected.

"Xixi, congratulations, you finally found Tuanzi's biological father!"

Ah Qi paused, and then continued to ask: "How do you feel?"

Jo Xixi didn't answer directly, but frowned and looked serious.

"Ah Qi, are you sure you got these reports right away?"

"Of course, I have always sent someone to guard, and I unsealed those paternity tests myself."

Ah Qi's tone was sure, he paused again, and asked from behind: "What's the matter, what happened?"

"It's nothing."

Qiao Xixi's eyes darkened.

It seems that the problem lies in the paternity test between himself and Ruirui.

Qiao Xixi clenched the phone tightly, and said in a solemn tone, "Qi, can you help me investigate something?!"

Hearing this, Ah Qi was taken aback, feeling something was wrong in her heart, and her expression became much more serious.

"Xixi, which one of us is with whom, if you have something to do, you can just talk about it."

Qiao Xixi's eyes were cold, he paused every word, and said slowly: "National appraisal agency, help me go there to investigate the paternity test between me and Ruirui, and see if someone tampered with it?!"

Everyone in the Qin family is so certain that Ruirui is Qin Jingyan's biological daughter.

Presumably it must have been identified before...

According to the power of the Qin family, it is absolutely impossible to make a mistake.

And these copies of Tuanzi were obtained by Ah Qi immediately, so there is naturally no problem.

Do the math.

There is only this paternity test between myself and Ruirui.

Something seems wrong!

Ah Qi was very smart, and immediately understood the meaning of her words.

"No problem, I'll go investigate right now, and I'll let you know the results as soon as I get the results."

Josh was grateful, "Thank you!"

Ah Qi watched Qiao Xixi stumble all the way, and finally came to the present. No one wants her to live well than him.

He pretended to be sullen, "Xixi, if you say thank you to me again, you will really treat me as an outsider, and I will be angry."

Jo Xixi's heart warmed up, and he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll treat you to dinner when I have time later."

Only then was Ah Qi satisfied, and she grinned, "No problem."

After hanging up the phone, Jo Xixi sat on the bed, still a little unresponsive.

'Knock knock knock...'

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Jingyan's clear voice sounded, "Xixi, have you woken up? It's time for breakfast."

Qiao Xixi was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, "Come right away."

She quickly washed and changed her clothes, opened the door, and saw Qin Jingyan sitting in a wheelchair.

He is wearing a simple casual outfit today, and the outline he outlines looks more elegant and elegant, and there seems to be warmth hidden in his eyes, which makes people involuntarily have a good impression and want to get close.

Qiao Xixi looked at him, and couldn't help but think of that night five years ago...

The expression on her face changed slightly, and her fingers clenched tightly.

Qin Jingyan obviously noticed her abnormality, his eyes dimmed, and he pretended to be ignorant and asked: "Xixi, what's wrong with you today? Why is your face so ugly, are you okay?"

Jo Xixi pulled his lips, "Is there? Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night, let's go down."

Qin Jingyan's eyes were full of meaning, and he curled his lips into a smile.

"it is good."

Qin Yihan was also having breakfast downstairs.

Seeing the two of them, he froze for a moment, then turned his face away.

Qiao Xixi also felt Qin Yihan's alienation.

This breakfast is delicious.

Jo Xixi didn't know what he had just eaten until he finished eating.

Qin Yihan obviously noticed something was wrong with her, and wanted to know what was wrong, almost subconsciously wanting to ask.

But when the words came to his lips, he thought of the relationship between the two of them now, so he swallowed them abruptly.

He clenched his fists and kept telling himself.

Qiao Xixi is the eldest brother's woman, no matter what, it's not her turn to care...

Ruirui couldn't sit still, her beautiful big eyes were full of worry, and her gaze stayed on her.

"Mom, are you feeling unwell?"

Hearing this, Jo Xixi came back to his senses and smiled, "No."

Rui Rui frowned, "Then what happened to you today, Mom?"

I always feel absent-minded, as if weird.

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