After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 208 Qin Yihan Duplicity Likes 1

If it weren't for him, Tuanzi would still be suffering from illness.

Sheng Tianjue was flattered and quickly helped her up.

He humbly said: "Xixi, this is what I should do, there is no need to be so polite."

Qiao Xixi knew that he was kind to Tuanzi, and she was not a person who would not repay her kindness.

Her eyes were clear, and she said solemnly: "Tianjue, if you need help, as long as it is within my ability, even if you ask, I will never refuse."

Sheng Tianjue's eyes stayed on her, which contained deep complex and incomprehensible emotions.

He was silent for a few seconds before opening his mouth and sending out an invitation.

"Xixi, if you really want to thank me, come and have dinner with me tonight."

As soon as these words came out, the air in the corridor seemed to become quiet at this moment.

Qiao Xixi raised his eyes, his face could not help showing surprise and surprise.

"Dinner together?"

Sheng Tianjue hummed lightly, a blush appeared on his fair face, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"We have not had a good meal together until now."

It's okay to ask her to help. After dinner, Jo Xixi really felt a little bit conflicted in his heart and wanted to refuse.

But she said just a second ago that she would agree to things within her ability, and now she is going to shirk it, which is a bit too unreasonable.

Moreover, he did such a big favor to Tuanzi this time.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Sheng Tianjue felt a little nervous and apprehensive, and the light of expectation in his eyes dimmed.

"Xixi, if you find it difficult, then—" Forget it.

Before he finished speaking, Jo Xixi interrupted directly.

"Tianjue, I'll accompany you!"

Hearing this, Sheng Tianjue's back was visibly startled, and a line of laughter appeared in his eyes.

The heart that had fallen to the bottom of the valley began to beat rapidly again because of these words.

Sheng Tianjue's mood suddenly improved, and he felt like he had turned into a panic-stricken young man in front of Qiao Xixi.

At the beginning of love, I was at a loss.

His thin lips raised, "Okay, then I'll go to the restaurant to get a seat right now!"

Jo Xixi nodded, "Then I'll go back and look at Tuanzi."


After returning to the ward, Jo Xixi stayed with Tuanzi all the time, watching his favorite cartoons with him.

Mother and child get along with each other in a warm atmosphere.

Tuanzi turned to look at the woman next to him, and a strange color flashed across his eyes. After hesitating for a few seconds, he couldn't help asking: "...Mom, how is your relationship with Uncle Qin recently? ?"

Hearing this, Jo Xixi was slightly stunned, and the expression on his face changed slightly.

"It's okay, what's the matter, Tuanzi?"

"It's nothing... Uncle Qin hasn't come to see me for a long time, I... miss him a little."

Tuanzi tentatively asked, "Mom, can you bring Uncle Qin with you next time?"

Since returning from the zoo yesterday afternoon, Qiao Xixi has never spoken to Qin Yihan again.

Although he didn't express anything, Qiao Xixi could clearly feel his deliberate indifference and alienation.

She also tacitly kept her distance and no longer involved anything.

It seems that the indulgence yesterday afternoon was the last time they fell in love with each other...

Qiao Xixi came back to his senses, smiled and said, "Tuanzi, isn't it okay for mom to accompany you alone?"

"It's good to have mom by my side, but I... like Uncle Qin very much, and I really want mom to be with him."

This was said from the heart of the group.

He didn't know why, but he had an inexplicable feeling of closeness to Qin Yihan.

It would be great if Uncle Qin could be with his mother.

In that case, the person he likes the most can always be by his side...

And Ruirui also became his sister logically.

Such a beautiful life is what he looks forward to most.

Qiao Xixi was stunned, he didn't expect his son to be so persistent about himself and Qin Yihan.

It's a pity, her current relationship with Qin Yihan...I'm afraid, he won't come to visit Tuanzi in the future.

She couldn't bear to tell the truth cruelly.

"Tuanzi, Uncle Qin is a little busy with work recently, so he may not have time to see you."

"Like this, Tuanzi, please take good care of yourself. After a while, mom asked Uncle Qin to visit you. How about it?"

Tuanzi was innocent and immediately believed her words.

There was a bright smile on his little face, "Good mother, I will definitely work hard for a speedy recovery!"

Qiao Xixi felt distressed, and lovingly hugged the dumpling in his arms, and continued to watch cartoons with him.

Happy hours always fly by so fast.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the dumpling to rest.

Qiao Xixi stopped bothering and left.

Sheng Tianjue had already left work, so he was waiting at the door of the ward for fear of disturbing their mother and son.

Seeing her coming out, he couldn't help standing up nervously.

"Xixi, you're done chatting with Tuanzi."

Qiao Xixi was slightly stunned, almost forgot that she had made an appointment to have dinner with Sheng Tianjue, with an apologetic expression on her face.

"Sorry Tianjue for keeping you waiting, but you can come in and call me."

"It's okay, I just got off work not long ago," Sheng Tianjue smiled indifferently, "Then let's set off now."

"it is good."

Sheng Tianjue ordered the Blue Ocean Restaurant, which is ranked top 10 in the imperial capital, and any dish would cost over a thousand, not to mention the taste.

But this restaurant is famous mainly because of the environment.

Famous for being near the sea, you can see the blue sea while dining.

I heard that sometimes at night, you can also see fluorescent beaches...

The environment in the restaurant is dark and elegant, and the melodious sound of the piano adds a touch of romance and fun.

Sheng Tianjue was slightly nervous, and the gentleman brought the menu in front of her.

"Xixi, you see what you like, just order it."

Jo Xixi paused, "It's better for you to order first, I'm not picky about food, I can eat whatever I want."

Sheng Tianjue frowned, and said solemnly: "How can this be done, I treat you to dinner, how can I let you do whatever you want."

Qiao Xixi felt that he was kind to him and felt a little more pressure.

"Tianjue, in fact, you don't have to accommodate me..."

Sheng Tianjue paused, realizing that she was overreaching, which made her feel uncomfortable.

He reached out to call the waiter over and asked for another menu.

"Let's order what we like. This way, it's not accommodating at all."

Qiao Xixi reluctantly complied.

While waiting for the food, in order to avoid embarrassment, Sheng Tianjue told Qiao Xixi many interesting things he encountered while studying abroad.

The smile on her lips never stopped.

The atmosphere was indeed much more relaxed.

Seeing her so happy, Sheng Tianjue even felt better all of a sudden, with the corners of his lips raised.

Qin Yihan had dinner with clients tonight, so he also chose the restaurant here.

As soon as he walked in, his eyes were immediately attracted by Jo Xixi's back, and he subconsciously looked in that direction.

I saw her having dinner with another man, her eyes smiling like a crescent moon.

I don't know what they talked about, but they seem to be very happy.

Qin Yihan's face darkened, his chest was inexplicably congested, sore and swollen, and he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

He just wished he could rush over now and separate these two people! ! !

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