After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 205 Qiao Xixi Strikes Back and Punishes Shi Jin 1

The attic is full of sundries, and usually few people come here.

The maid was very vigilant, observing the surroundings for any abnormalities along the way.

After confirming that the environment was safe, she took out her spare phone, pressed a button on it, and made a call.

Within a few seconds on the other end, it was connected quickly.

The maid clutched her phone and whispered, "Miss Shi, I'm here to report today's surveillance."

Qiao Xixi hid in the dark, his back stiffened suddenly when he heard the words, and his expression suddenly changed.

She frowned, and immediately realized who the maid was talking about, Miss Shi!

Qiao Xixi couldn't help but clenched his fingers tightly, and a sharp light appeared in his eyes.

It's Shi Jin again! ! !

She couldn't wait to jump out of the cliff before she could settle the matter with her!

After returning to the imperial capital, Qiao Xixi carefully analyzed the incident of falling off the cliff last time.

At that time, she could clearly feel that someone pushed her from behind...

In the whole team, apart from Shi Jin targeting herself everywhere, she never thought of another person! ! !

Qiao Xixi also thought about exposing the whole thing, but she didn't have any substantive evidence in her hands.

If he told everyone hastily, Shi Jin might just bite him back, so he endured it all the time and didn't have an attack until now.

She was worrying about not having a suitable opportunity, but this time, Shi Jin jumped out on her own initiative.

I really want to die! ! !

The maid's voice continued to ring again, and she said, "Miss Shi, Qiao Xixi accompanied the Eldest Young Master and the Young Miss to the zoo this morning. I don't know what happened during that time, but when they came back, they were with the Second Young Master. !"

Hearing this, Shi Jin's expression changed, he couldn't help gripping the phone tightly, and asked, "Then how does the second young master treat her?"

"Very nonchalant."

The maid replied truthfully, "The two of you didn't communicate at all today, and you didn't even say a word during dinner..."

When Shi Jin heard this, he felt relieved, and the expression on his face slowly relaxed, revealing a satisfied smile.

"Good job, keep monitoring, and I will transfer the money to your account later."

The maid was overjoyed, with an excited smile on her face, "Thank you, Miss Shi!"

Shi Jin was in a happy mood, "In the future, keep an eye on the situation of the young master and Qiao Xixi for me, and the benefits will be indispensable to you."


After hanging up the phone, the maid carefully put away the spare mobile phone and sneaked out of the attic.

Only then did Qiao Xixi come out from the darkness, a strange light flashed across his eyes.


the next day.

Shi Jin came to Qin Yihan to report something important.

However, after searching around the villa, he was not found.

Not even the upstairs study.

Shi Jin couldn't help but frowned.

Chen Zeming clearly said that Qin Yihan was at home today, why didn't anyone see him?

At this moment, a servant suddenly came over, lowered his head and said respectfully, "Miss Shi, the second young master said that you should wait for him in the back garden when you come."

Shi Jin nodded in response, and walked in a direction not far away.

Qiao Xixi had been hiding in the dark watching the scene just now, and after confirming that Shi Jin had gone to the back garden, he came down from upstairs, took out a stack of banknotes from his wallet, and handed it to the servant just now.

"This is the reward you deserve."

The servant was flattered and thanked repeatedly for accepting it.

A dark light flashed in Jo Xixi's eyes.

Don't think that Shi Jin is the only one who has the money to buy servants.

She, Qiao Xixi, is not bad either!

The back garden of the villa is taken care of by someone specially assigned for it. Needless to say, the scenery is first-class.

The emerald green lake is covered with lotus leaves, and the pink lotus flowers bloom on it. Occasionally, dragonflies pass by and stay, which is too beautiful to behold.

The carps seemed to have sensed that someone was coming, and all of them rushed out and waited for food.

When Shi Jin saw this scene, he couldn't help thinking that Qin Yihan also liked raising fish in the past.

She picked up the fish food next to it and sprinkled it towards the inside.

All the carps surrounded her and grabbed them.

Shi Jin was in a good mood, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps from behind.

Shi Jin immediately noticed that his back stiffened...

The young master is here!

Shi Jin was a little nervous, and after throwing out all the fish food in his hand, he organized his words in his heart.

The relationship between the young master and Qiao Xixi is stiff now, and he must be in a bad mood.

After reporting on the work later, I pretended to be relieved inadvertently...

Shi Jin's abacus clanged.

As the footsteps got closer, the smile on Shi Jin's face froze slightly, but he felt that something was wrong with the footsteps behind him.

Very doesn't look like Qin Yihan's.

On the contrary, it looks like a woman! ! !

Shi Jin's expression changed suddenly, and he was about to turn around to see who it was.

However, in the next second, he felt a pair of hands pushing his back hard.

Everything happened in seconds, no matter how powerful Shi Jinrao was, he couldn't react at this moment, he was caught off guard, and fell into the lake with a thud, all the carp were scared and fled in all directions.

Shi Jin was drenched all over, he kept thrashing and struggling in the water, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Qiao Xixi's beautiful face.

Her face was instantly filled with strong anger, and she couldn't help cursing, "Jo Xixi, you, you bitch, despicable and shameless, how dare you plot against me..."

After finishing speaking, she gulped a few mouthfuls of lake water.

Qiao Xixi stood on the shore of the lake, looked at her predicament with cold eyes, raised the corners of his lips, and revealed a thick ironic smile.

"Miss Shi, I really can't figure it out, what face do you have to say such a thing?"

"When you pushed me off the cliff, when you sent people to watch me, why didn't you call yourself despicable and shameless?"

Shi Jin's body visibly paused, obviously he didn't expect Qiao Xixi to find out about these things.

She underestimated this bitch!

Shi Jin's heart was full of anger, and his whole body was filled with anger.

She wished she could rush up and tear Jo Xixi up, that bitch, but now she was in a predicament, and the suffocation of drowning came one after another.

Shi Jin was soaking in the icy lake, struggling and thrashing non-stop, and said intermittently, "Qiao Xixi, how dare you treat me like this... the young master will not let you go, you... hurry up and save me, I won't Can swim..."

Although Shi Jin has great skills, he also has weaknesses!

Because of drowning when I was a child, I have a deep fear of water, so I dare not even go to the swimming pool when I grow up.

So I haven't learned how to swim yet.

As long as the water exceeds her chest, she will feel flustered, short of breath and frightened.

Qiao Xixi didn't believe her nonsense!

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