Full-time sword repair

Chapter 98 This girl is really about to take off!

"Xiao Linzi, if these equipment are sold, they can be sold for a lot of money, right?"

Ren Lan held these equipments, and after she was excited, she began to feel uneasy again.

Although she has not played this game for a long time, she also knows that the equipment drop rate in "Eight Wilds" is very low, and the equipment price is very high.

"The other two pieces of protective equipment are not expensive. They can be sold for 80 to 50 yuan. For boxing gloves, it is not a problem to sell them for [-] yuan. The fire fist skill is about [-] yuan. When are you going to settle the bill?"

Lin Jichen was very knowledgeable about the quotation, and rubbed his hands together as if asking for money.

Ren Lan was overwhelmed by these prices, and then said shyly: "Where does he have so much money, or... meat?"

Lin Jichen is not Xiaobai who just met her, he is a melon to believe this.

If he dared to agree, he would be beaten every minute.

He has tried this fishing method many times in his previous life.

"Come on, I'm quitting porn." Lin Jichen replied without thinking.

"Come on, you're smart."

Ren Lan snorted, looking down at the equipment in her hand, she seemed to have made a lot of determination.

She returned the gloves and skill book to Lin Jichen.

"I just need these two. You can sell the gloves and the book, they are too expensive."

Lin Jichen didn't reach out to take it, and said with a smile, "Take it, it's just for you. If I really wanted to sell it, I would have sold it long ago."

"But this adds up to 200 million. If you don't sell it now, the equipment will be more and more in the future, and it will easily depreciate." Ren Lan suggested.

"Having said that, the value of these two pieces of equipment is far from being measurable by money. If you become stronger earlier, you can return me with better equipment. This is just an initial investment. You can use it at ease. "Lin Jichen said.

"I'm not very good at playing games, and I don't have much talent. It's too wasteful to invest in me. No, no, no, you should change someone." Ren Lan insisted.

"Who says you have no talent, isn't Fudo Myoki a talent?"

Lin Jichen rolled his eyes and said, "Please don't confuse this game with computer games. I'm sure you will become a top player in this game."

"Really?" Ren Lan was dubious.

"Of course, you have such a good innate talent, and with my guidance, even a pig can take off."

"You are the pig!"

Although Ren Lan was still a little apprehensive, with Lin Jichen's affirmation, her confidence was boosted.

"By the way, when I joined our sect, I was spotted by an inner hall elder. The old man said that he wanted to accept me as an inner hall disciple."

Ren Lan remembered this and reported it to Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen stared, and said, "I'll wipe it! You're not kidding, are you?"

"Why lie to you, but the elder of the inner hall gave me a task, saying that I can only join his sect after completing the task. I am going to complete the task after meeting you."

Lin Jichen didn't even know what to say.

This girl is really about to take off!

Even if she doesn't need his care, she can become a top expert just relying on Lord Fudo Ming and the inner hall disciples.

It's a pity that Ren Lan in the previous life didn't play "Eight Wilds", and missed such a good life.

Fortunately, it is not too late.

"What is your task? Let me see if it is difficult." Lin Jichen asked hastily.

The inner hall disciple is too important, we must help Ren Lan become an inner hall disciple.

"I don't know if it's difficult or not, but let me go fishing."


"Yes, let me go to Xiyao Lake to drop a red fish within two days, and hand it to him to pass the test." Ren Lan described.

Lin Jichen thought sure enough, he knew it was not that simple.

He knew that Xiyao Lake was a well-known place in Huafeng Prefecture. There was a kind of red fish in the lake.

Taking it to a restaurant can sell a lot of spirit stones.

It is a place where many novice players like to go fishing to earn spirit stones.

But there are many river monsters around the lake, and they also like to eat red fish.

Once they find that someone has fallen out of the redfish, they will immediately come to snatch the siege.

The strength of the river demon is generally in the early stage of Qi refining, and some even have the strength of mid-stage Qi refining,

And the river demon likes to live in groups, and there are a lot of them when they come.

If Ren Lan went there without knowing anything, even if she fell out, she would definitely be murdered by the river monster.

This task has to be completed within two days. For Ren Lan, even if she advances to the middle stage or even the late stage of Qi refining in two days, it will be very difficult.

"Let's go, put on the equipment, learn the skills, and take you to do the task."

Whatever Lin Jichen said, he wanted Ren Lan to become a disciple of the inner palace.

"Yeah? Are you going to take me on a mission? How dare you do that~"

Lin Jichen didn't speak, waiting for her next sentence.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Xiao Linzi!"

Lin Jichen showed a numb wry smile, sure enough, he understood too well.

"You know where Xiyao Lake is, so you just leave?" Lin Jichen complained.

"Yeah, how about I go back and ask that elder?"

Lin Jichen gave her a blank look, and said, "Finding Xiyao Lake is also part of your mission. If you ask people, they will treat you as a fool."

"But how do I know where the Xiyao Lake is? The map is so big, this old man is playing with me, and I'll beat him up when I get back!" Ren Lan said angrily.

"As a rookie in the Qi refining realm, you can be crushed to death with just one finger. In this game, you must be polite to the seniors of the sect, treat them as real people, and don't think that they are just game data. Treat them, remember."

Lin Jichen corrected Ren Lan's point of view seriously.

I'm afraid that she will be like those players who are not good enough to use their brains. When treating elders or seniors, they will scold them if they feel uncomfortable, and do not abide by the rules of the sect.

Even if this kind of player is favored by the elders, they will miss some excellent opportunities for their behavior and conduct.

"Is it necessary, isn't this a game?"

Naturally, Ren Lan couldn't understand, after all, she was not Lin Jichen, but a reborn person.

Lin Jichen was not in a hurry, but explained patiently.

"This game is very real. Every attitude you have towards NPCs determines their favorability for you. If the favorability is high, it is easy to receive many unique tasks. If you believe me, just do as I say."

"Okay, I understand, I promise you, I won't mess around."

Seeing Lin Jichen's serious look, Ren Lan believed it.

Xiao Linzi would not lie to her.

"Well, of course, this is only true for friendly npcs. For other npcs with perverted and weird personalities or even malicious intentions, as long as you have the strength, just beat him up."

"I have to order, I know~" Ren Lan agreed mischievously.

"Let's go, I know where Xiyao Lake is."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he walked in front of Ren Lan and greeted her with his back turned, "Come on."


"Lie on my back, and I'll fly you there."

Ren Lan lay on Lin Jichen's back suspiciously, and then she flew into the sky, screaming with excitement.

Lin Jichen thought that she would be scared for a while when she first started flying, hehe, it seems that he overthinks and underestimates this crazy woman.


The 24w bank note will be updated, and it will be delivered!

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