Full-time sword repair

Chapter 977 The Gap Between Heart Sword Slashing

Lin Jichen didn't expect today's class to be quite interesting.

Elder Tianjian taught a brand-new martial art sword move called Heart Sword Slash, and everyone didn't think so at first.

But when Elder Tianjian chopped a sword-testing stone into powder with a random move, everyone was shocked.

The disciples all noticed that Elder Tianjian only used the same level of strength as them to destroy the hard sword-testing stone.

This shows that this martial skill is quite amazing!

For a while, the disciples became serious.

The Elder Tianjian laughed and said: "Although Heart Sword Slash is only a mysterious martial skill, almost everyone can learn it, but in order to display its true power, one must understand its sword intent, which can be displayed by those who are not ordinary talents in swordsmanship." Yes, you are all Sword Sect elites, but I dare to say that the power you each display is not the same."

Saying this made everyone feel even more unbearable.

Seeing this, Elder Tianjian also knew that everyone wanted to try it, so he also readily passed on the formulas of martial arts and the way of movement.

【Ding!You have learned the mysterious martial art Heart Sword Slash! 】

[Xuanpin Martial Skill·Heart Sword Slash]: use the heart to move the sword, break it a little, this move must be skillful to exert its true power, the higher the talent of the sword, the higher the damage, the minimum damage is 2000 points, the maximum damage is 50000 points, the damage The higher it is, the easier it is to trigger other effects.

Mana Cost: 3000 points, Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Requirements: Sword cultivators above Jindan Realm can learn it.


When Lin Jichen saw this introduction to martial arts, he also became interested. This kind of thing that is easy to learn but difficult to master is really quite challenging.

And if this martial skill can exert its maximum power, it will almost even be comparable to the Tianpin martial skill.

Of course, if you can't use it and the damage is low, then this martial skill is no different from tasteless, it depends on how much you can use it.

Elder Tianjian seemed to want to test everyone, so he put a new sword-testing stone on the field and asked the disciples to test it one by one.

And for the sake of fairness, Elder Tianjian asked everyone to use the Zongmen Saber.

The first person to step forward was a disciple of the Jindan Inner Palace. He adjusted his breathing and swung his sword with all his might!

The sword energy left a sword mark on the sword-testing stone, about half a finger deep.

Players can also see how much damage the opponent has dealt from the damage numbers that jump out of the sword-testing stone.


More than 5000, which is a bit low, but this npc disciple only has a golden core cultivation base, so it's not bad to have this kind of damage.

Then another disciple with a spiritual realm stepped forward and slashed him with a sword, and '-10111! ' number.

Soon the disciples took turns to test, and almost everyone was able to do much higher than the minimum damage.

Lin Jichen couldn't help nodding his head in approval, this is the inner palace, the background of being the strongest sword sect!

None of the inner hall disciples who can become Tianyan Sword Sect is a kendo elite.

Moreover, everyone is a beginner, and it is already very remarkable to be able to perform like this for the first time.

If it is placed in the outer hall, there will be absolutely no such achievements.

Soon it was Chen Yuan's turn to play.

Although Chen Yuan is extremely low in EQ and annoying, he has to say that his swordsmanship talent is indeed outstanding, and he deserves the appreciation of Elder Nangong Wu.


On the sword test stone, Chen Yuan hit the highest damage so far: "-21500! Trigger the internal injury effect!"

Not only does it have the highest damage, but it also triggers the effect.

This made all the disciples make a surprised sound.

Elder Tianjian couldn't help laughing in approval: "Not bad."

Chen Yuan chuckled, with a look of complacency that could not be concealed in his smile, and then walked back with his chest upright in front of everyone's eyes.

When passing by Lin Jichen and Chu Tianhan, the kid still raised his eyebrows, but Lin Chu ignored him.

On the contrary, Li Mu looked unhappy, and sneered, "The frog in the well!"

Chen Yuan was not happy when he heard it, he sneered and said, "Second senior brother said I am a frog in a well? Then I want to see what you do well?"

Li Mu was not used to him either, so he jumped in line and walked out.

When the other disciples saw that the second senior brother wanted to jump in line, of course they stepped aside to save face.

Li Mu took out his Zongmen saber and stood in front of the sword-testing stone. He was silent for a moment, and then his eyes lit up. The saber in his hand was like an out-of-body weapon, instantly cutting out a sword aura!


The sword-testing stone made a loud noise, as if it was whining.

"-34500! Trigger internal injury and paralysis effects!"


There was an exclamation on the field.

Elder Tianjian laughed, and said with relief: "Li Mu has grown a lot in this experience, and his grasp of sword moves and comprehension of swordsmanship have made great progress. Very good, we must continue to maintain it."

Li Mu scratched his head in embarrassment, then withdrew his sword and turned to look at Chen Yuan, whose jaw was about to drop in shock, gave him a disdainful glance, and went back to the team.

Chen Yuan was immediately ashamed and angry, but he had to admit that Li Mu was better than him, and not by a single bit.

He used to think that among the disciples in the inner hall, except for Lin Chu, no one was his opponent, but now it seems that there are more than...

Next, the disciples continued to try their swords, and a few disciples were able to surpass Chen Yuan, but no one could break Li Mu's record.

34500 is still the current highest record.

Even when Nan Gongyue played, she only scored 29000, which was still some distance away from Li Mu.

Of course, this is also because Li Mu is already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so there is a gap in attributes.

The disciples took turns to go up, and they all tried it over and over again, but the second senior brother still dominates the list.

In the end, Lin Jichen and Chu Tianhan were the last left.

Everyone also set their eyes on the two of them.

Lin Jichen smiled and said, "Brother, let me give you the finale."

As he spoke, he was about to step forward.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tianhan walked out first, and secretly replied: "I don't want to be overtaken by you, the finale."

After saying that, Chu Tianhan had already come to the sword-testing stone, and after standing there for a while, he decisively drew out his sword.

As soon as Chu Tianhan moved, a sword intent shot straight into the sky!

The sword-testing stone was hurt and vibrated violently, a sword mark more than two feet deep was left on it, almost cutting off the entire sword-testing stone at the waist.

"-43000! Trigger internal injury, paralysis, and armor-piercing effects."


Everyone gasped, [-] damage...my mother...

A Xuanpin martial skill that hits [-] damage is simply a fantasy!

All the disciples couldn't help showing admiration and admiration. Is this the elder brother?Take it.

Elder Tianjian smiled, but he didn't praise him. He thought that the parents would only smile knowingly when their child achieved such a result, which was enough to prove their pride.

Chu Tianhan calmly returned to his position, Lin Jichen couldn't help complaining: "It's the finale, why are you putting so much pressure on me, wouldn't it be embarrassing if I was lower than you, senior brother, you are so out of control. "

Chu Tianhan was speechless and could only give him a blank stare.

In everyone's eyes, Lin Jichen was the last to play.

Everyone's expectation of him is no less than that of the elder brother, after all, Lin Jichen is the head of the sect, and he is also the leader of the Immortal Ascension Conference.

Who is better, Lin Jichen or the elder brother?There is still no conclusion yet.


One more~

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