Full-time sword repair

Chapter 965: A Love Rival Appears!

All the people in the square dispersed, and the night market was about to close.

The master and apprentice left hand in hand, and walked towards the entrance of the city without haste.

When passing by a theater, there was a nice music sound from it.

Lin Jichen wanted to play with Leng Feiyan for a while longer, so he suggested, "Master, let's go to a play together?"

Leng Feiyan thought for a while and did not refuse.

The two entered the theater, and Lin Jichen was full of wealth, so he booked the most luxurious private room and brought his master to sit and watch the play.

On the stage, a scene of lovers who love each other in order to avoid the pursuit of their enemies, parting with life and death, many audiences were quite moved.

Lin Jichen thought that Leng Feiyan would be moved too, but he didn't expect that there would be no emotion on her face.

"Master, isn't this show good?"

Leng Feiyan said, "It's pretty good."

"Uh, then why didn't you react at all?" Lin Jichen asked suspiciously.

Leng Feiyan smiled, and replied: "I just feel that this kind of drama is too far away from being a teacher. If a teacher has no enemies, he would have died long ago."

Lin Jichen was stunned for a second, then the corner of his mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

Is this the self-confidence of the number one powerhouse in the Eight Desolation... I love it, I love it...

This scene is over, and soon the second scene will be staged.

The second scene is a scene in which a woman bids farewell to her husband who is going to Beijing for an exam, and stays alone in her boudoir.

The girl who acted was very vivid and had outstanding acting skills, which made everyone into the play very quickly.

In the end, the woman played the piano alone in the courtyard, expressing her thoughts to the withered and yellow leaves all over the ground, and there was only an autumn moon by her side.

The lonely sound of the song, coupled with the ending scene, made all the audience feel a little chilled and sighed in melancholy.

Even Leng Feiyan couldn't help feeling a little absent-minded.

She thought of the old days when she was alone.

Practice swords, watch snow, practice swords, watch the moon, practice swords...

Day after day, Leng Feiyan experienced countless years.

And these days are so long, but she hardly has any memories, and she doesn't have any memories worth remembering.

On the contrary, since Lin Jichen appeared, there are too many images and sounds that she will remember.

Before getting acquainted with Lin Jichen, Leng Feiyan felt that it was natural for him to practice swordsmanship.

But now, she felt that those days were simply boring and terrible.

She never wanted to go back to the past when she was alone, and never wanted to have only the sword by her side.

Leng Feiyan turned her head secretly, and seeing Lin Jichen's sharp side face and deep and fascinated eyes, she couldn't help smiling.

She knew the old days were gone forever, never to go back.

"If you can't go back, then you can't go back...this...it's good..."

Leng Feiyan thought to himself.

【Ding!Leng Feiyan's favorability towards you +5, current favorability: 90 points (eachother)]

Lin Jichen was still listening to the music, and he was belated when he heard the game prompt. He turned to look at Leng Feiyan, but the other party pretended to continue watching the play.

90 years old...

Going forward is the highest level of favorability, which will last until death!

At that time, if he wants to do something with Master, Master should not refuse anymore.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen couldn't help but feel heartbroken~

One song is over, the second scene is also over, and the last scene is left.

The last scene is no longer a scene between lovers, but a scene of friendship.

The play is about two girls who meet each other by fate and gradually become sisters who love brothers and sisters, but unexpectedly because of the appearance of a man, the two of them have a estrangement and finally break up.

The plot of this drama is more exciting and rich, mixed with love and hatred, and there are a lot of martial arts scenes, which makes the audience enjoy watching.

Only Leng Feiyan sat blankly in his seat, staring blankly at the scene on stage, as if recalling some bad memories.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen asked softly, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Only then did Leng Feiyan come to his senses, shook his head and said, "I'm fine as a teacher."

"Master, you lied, you must have something to do."

Leng Feiyan smiled helplessly: "I'm really fine as a teacher, I just remembered an old friend."

"Is it the suzerain of the Xuanyi Sect?" Lin Jichen guessed.

Leng Feiyan was a little surprised and said, "How do you know?"

"Guess, Master was good friends with her back then, I still remember what you said when you met her in Shiwan Dashan." Lin Jichen said.

Leng Feiyan was silent for a moment, then sighed, and said, "I do think of her."

Lin Jichen asked cautiously: "Master, what is the reason for the quarrel between you?"

He didn't realize it himself, there seemed to be some jealousy in his tone.

Because he now doubts whether the master and the suzerain Yun Lanyi of the Xuanyi sect also turned against each other because they fell in love with a man at the same time.

Damn, if it was true, he would have to find that love rival to practice and show him his iron fist!

Leng Feiyan didn't notice it, she hesitated for a moment, and replied, "Because of a man."

Lin Jichen's expression froze for a moment, he didn't expect it to be so...

Leng Feiyan didn't pay attention to his expression, but continued: "Many years ago, Yun Lanyi and I met at the Immortal Ascension Conference. We were rivals to each other and cherished each other, so we became friends. Later, our relationship became closer and closer. Better and better, like sisters, until one year, a man appeared."

"Who is this man?"

Lin Jichen's mind quickly flipped through the figures of all the leaders of the Eight Desolation Sect. He guessed that this man should be the suzerain of a certain sect, right?

If this is the case, then my rival in love is a bit stronger, huh, if I want to defeat him, I'm afraid I have to practice for many years.

Leng Feiyan gave him an unexpected answer: "I forgot."

"Huh?" Lin Jichen was confused, Master said he forgot such an important role?

This is too unbelievable, is it because you are afraid that you will be jealous, so you refuse to speak?

This looks very much like those duplicity girls who say they don't remember or remember but secretly contact each other.

Woohoo, green, green in the end...

Seeing Lin Jichen's bitter face, Leng Feiyan couldn't help but chuckled and said, "As a teacher, I really forgot, I just remember that Yun Lanyi likes this man."

"Oh? Then Master, you don't like it?"

Leng Feiyan rolled his eyes at him, and said, "When did the teacher say that I like him?"

"Um...not really." Lin Jichen laughed.

Leng Feiyan continues

Said: "This man is indeed outstanding, with a handsome appearance, excellent talent, and outstanding strength. He was also the leader of the Immortal Ascension Conference back then."

"Hey, leader? Master, aren't you the number one powerhouse in the world?"

Lin Jichen asked in disbelief.

Master didn't get the leader yet?How strong is this man?

Damn, this rival in love is too fierce, wouldn't he be able to pinch himself to death with one finger now?

e... The matter of finding a love rival, or forget it, I can't beat it...


Two more~

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