Someone asked, why didn't Lin Jichen take action, and just watched this cruel and inhuman scene happen?

It's not that he's cold-blooded, but that he can't change any facts even if he makes a move.

This is a dream, an endless dreamland belonging to the mourners.

If he is a novice player, it is estimated that he has been reminded that the secret clearance has failed by this time.

It is because it is a dream that you must be a bystander.

In the memory of the other party, look for clues and find the final boss.

The reason why Wan'er persisted and did not collapse and commit suicide is because she always wanted to escape, and she was reluctant to part with her husband.

Relying on this belief, she lasted for a year.

But under the torment of the one-eyed man, Wan'er finally lost her mind and became a lunatic.

Everyone also began to lose interest in her, and the care of her became lax.

But when everyone relaxed their vigilance, Wan'er twisted the hatchet and chopped off all the limbs of One Eye while One Eye was sleeping at night.

One-eyed screams resounded throughout the night.

Everyone was alarmed, and when they arrived, Cyclops had already been made into a pig and put into a wine jar.

This move completely angered the mayor and his party, they would never allow women who dared to resist to exist.

If they are not severely punished, I am afraid that other submissive women will all start to resist.

Therefore, the mayor ordered Wan'er's limbs to be chopped off as well.

After knowing that she was doomed to die, Wan'er didn't care about anything, but swallowed a ring into her belly, and waited for death calmly.

In the end, Wan'er's limbs were cut off, and the mayor invited another demon cultivator to seal and suppress her three souls and seven souls forever with a vicious secret method, and buried her deeply in the ground.

I thought this matter was over like this, but who knew that Wan'er's soul was full of resentment, and she kept growing in the seal, breaking through the seal every day.

Strange things start happening in the town.

Every night, a man would have his limbs chopped off and die tragically on his bedside.

At first, they thought that some women followed Wan'er.

They didn't know that it was Wan'er who came back to seek revenge until the mayor was also killed in this way!

In an instant, the men in the town panicked, and they called for the former Moxiu.

But Moxiu found that he couldn't do anything about Wan'er's wronged soul, so he could only give them an idea.

It is necessary to chop off the limbs of several men every year and throw them into the memorial ceremony, so that Wan'er's resentment can be appeased.

As a result, men from the town began to be elected every year, and their hands and feet were chopped off. Sure enough, no accidents occurred in the town.

Although a person without hands and feet is not dead, he has to rely on others to take care of him for the rest of his life, and life is worse than death.

The method of sacrificing hands and feet can only be temporarily suppressed. As time goes by, more and more hands and feet are needed every year.

The men in the town began to plan to flee for their lives and move, but as long as they went out of the town, they would die a miserable death.

They can only come back and continue to sacrifice hands and feet.

As more and more men have their limbs cut off, all the men in the town have become human sticks.

But this still didn't satisfy Wan'er's innocent soul. Finally, after no sacrifice, she broke through the seal and began to take revenge on the men in the town.

All the men were tortured to death, the revenge was avenged, and the plot seemed to be over.

But when the scene turned, it returned to the starting point again, when Wan'er's carriage first came to town.

Lin Jichen, who knows the plot well, knows that this is an endless nightmare, and he is in Wan'er's dream.

Only by finding the most critical clue can she exit her dreamland, kill Wan'er who has become the boss villain, and clear this secret realm.

This is why so many players said that even if they found the final boss, they would not be able to do it.

In the past, Lin Jichen couldn't bear to do the same. He felt that this woman was really pitiful, even if she turned into a demon, it was justifiable.

Many players even choose to give up this task.

But more players later interpreted the best ending of this secret realm, which is to kill Wan'er and let her soul return to the underworld.

Otherwise, it would be even more cruel for her to continue to survive, because she was still in her own memories every day.

For Lin Jichen now, all he needs to do is find clues to break the dream.

He came to the place where Wan'er's bones were buried, and found the key clue to breaking the dream at a glance.

It was that ring.

It was Wan'er's husband's token of love for her, and it was also the spiritual sustenance that she persisted in.

Of course, to find the ring, you have to face Wan'er in the end, even if the players behind know the strategy.

Moreover, the boss Wan'er is extremely powerful, especially in hell.

The moment Lin Jichen found the ring, the dream really disappeared.

The scene of the town was pulled from heaven to hell in an instant, with corpses all over the ground and blood flowing like rivers.

There is no sunshine, only dark clouds cover the sun, dilapidated.


The ground suddenly began to tremble, and a sound like giant footsteps reached Lin Jichen's ears.

Looking up, I saw a huge humanoid spider appearing above the town, it was covered with arms, legs and feet.

There are thousands of them, densely packed, like human hair.

There are no facial features on the face, only a big bloody mouth, which divides the head into two, and there are thousands of fangs inside.

Moreover, each fang reflected a man's expression of fear and despair, some with one-eyed eyes, some with the mayor, and...all the townspeople of this town!

Such a frightening creature is enough to make people shudder.

This is the final boss of the Nightmare Secret Realm, Xiaowan's innocent soul.

It no longer belongs to ghosts and monsters, Xiaowan's ghost is dead, and the one who survives is the 魙!

People die as ghosts, ghosts die as ghosts!

Pi is a hundred times more terrifying than ghosts.

People are afraid of ghosts, just like ghosts are afraid of ghosts.

Xiaowan's incarnation, Pi, had already spotted Lin Jichen, and it slowly crawled towards Lin Jichen.

Every time she took a step, some hands and feet fell from it, she didn't care, she just picked them up, threw them back into her mouth, and chewed.

The blood flowed down from the mouth like a spring, mixed with screams, dripping, forming a blood path.

Lin Jichen sighed, he still couldn't bear to encounter this dungeon again.

On the one hand, he feels that the men in this town deserve what he deserves, and on the other hand, he feels that this woman Xiao Wan is really pitiful.

But he also believes that getting rid of the 魙 is the best relief for Xiao Wan.

"I'm sorry, I sympathize with what happened to you, but I hope you, let go of the past, all your enemies are dead, stop living in pain."

Lin Jichen said this to it seriously, then his eyes flickered slightly, and his body moved suddenly.

This time he spawned monsters, he didn't taunt and sneer like usual, deliberately provoking the other party.

On the contrary, Lin Jichen was very silent this time, let alone trying to provoke it.


One more~

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