"Not good! Help!" The firefighters screamed when they saw it, and flew over to rescue them.

Just before Guo Jie fell, a firefighter rushed over in time and grabbed her by the hand.

But because of his inertia, he was taken away from the roof by Guo Jie's gravity and fell down.

Seeing this, the remaining team members also bravely flew over to save people.

But because of the sudden incident, several firefighters were in different locations, so the arrival time could not be consistent.

After a firefighter caught someone, he was dragged by gravity and fell down before he could stand still.

Then another firefighter arrived just in time, only to catch the previous man's foot again.

In this way, each of them pulled one.

Although they knew it was useless, their sense of mission still drove them to do it subconsciously.

In order to save people, they desperately tried to drag people back.

However, it ignores that as the number of people increases, the required strength also doubles, and it is difficult for one person to support it.

In this way, a total of five firefighters were all taken out of the roof and fell downstairs.

What is even more desperate is that because the roof of the teaching building does not even have guardrails, several firefighters did not even tie safety ropes.

If this falls, something big will happen.

Seeing that all six people fell from the building, everyone on the scene made a sound of panic.

The fire chief's eyes were full of tears. He didn't expect that a simple rescue would turn into a disaster.

He could only pray that the air mattress below would save them.

But as an experienced captain, he knew better than anyone else that the air cushion was only useful for the lower floors, and this teaching building was tens of meters high.

Besides, there were still six people, and the air cushion couldn't bear the fall.

Just when the disaster was about to happen, a figure appeared on the edge of the roof like lightning, grabbing the ankle of the last firefighter with one hand!

It was Lin Jichen!

The fire chief was in a hurry. Didn't this gourd baby save grandpa? The five people in front couldn't catch him.

It is even more impossible to go up later, unless there are many people working together, it is still possible to pull up.

But on the rooftop, there were only Lin Jichen and Ren Mu.

Mother Ren obviously hasn't reacted yet, and Lin Jichen is still a college student who looks weak.

How could he pull the terrifying gravity generated by the falling of the six people?

The fire chief was desperate, and tragedy was still about to happen.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Jichen would also be dragged down, a miracle happened.

Not only did Lin Jichen not fall, but he firmly controlled the six people and stopped in mid-air.

As for himself, half of his body has already protruded from the edge of the roof, and there is no one behind him to help.

In other words, with only one hand, he grabbed all six of them!

The captain was dumbfounded, but he didn't have time to think about how the other party did it. He hurriedly directed his subordinates to go upstairs to save people, and at the same time raised his head and shouted: "Hold on! Hold on!"

At this time, Guo Jie, who was at the bottom, woke up from a coma. When she opened her eyes, she realized the situation she was in. Her face turned pale with fright, and she began to scream for help.

"Save me, save me up, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, woo woo woo..."

The terrified Guo Jie pissed her pants, and a puddle of yellow liquid flowed out of her pants.

But because it was upside down, all the liquid flowed into her face and mouth.

Even so, Guo Jie didn't realize it, and kept yelling for help, like crazy, scared to death.

The captain was afraid that she would do something out of the ordinary in fear, so he hurriedly encouraged Lin Jichen: "Young man, you hold on, you must hold on!"

Unexpectedly, while grabbing the six people, Lin Jichen was leisurely and elegant, and made an 'ok' gesture to him with the other hand.

The captain was in a panic, and he said anxiously and angrily: "You go to the other hand! Don't compare it to ok, brother."

But in the next second, a scene that subverted his worldview happened.

After Lin Jichen compared the gestures, he didn't use that hand to grab the person, but started to pull back with the hand just now.

Seeing that he was relaxed, he picked up six people and dragged them back to the roof one by one...

The captain stared blankly at all this, and rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was hallucinating.

But the fact is that the six people were all dragged back by Lin Jichen with one hand, and successfully dragged back to the rooftop.

Only then did the other firefighters arrive, and they also looked at Lin Jichen in shock.

Fortunately, everyone went to check first that there were no casualties, except Guo Jie's face was full of urine...

The firefighters who came back to their senses all circled around Lin Jichen.

"I rely on buddy, how strong are you?"

"Could you be Xiang Yu's reincarnation?"

"I'm convinced, buddy, I'm convinced you!"

"It feels like the Li Wang in our team is not your opponent at all."

"Six people can be pulled back, brother, are you a close expert who secretly protects the school belle at school?"


Faced with their curiosity, Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to find a reason to prevaricate.

Then he hurried away.

When the fire chief wanted to express his gratitude to Lin Jichen, this guy had already slipped away.

The scared Guo Jie also forgot to continue looking for Lin Jichen, and was taken to the hospital for further examination. I heard that he really went for a brain test to see if he was mentally ill...

Mother Ren was afraid that this woman would do this again, so she called Guo Jie's parents that night and asked them to take her back.

After returning home, Lin Jichen didn't disturb anyone, and went back to the room to lie down silently. He raised his arm and recalled the scene just happened, which was also a little incredible.

Without the support of any spiritual power, he somehow possessed such a powerful force, and when he just pulled someone, Lin Jichen felt very relaxed.

That's right, it's easy.

He even felt that if a few more people came, he could easily pull them back.

From the beginning of the increase in strength, it has become more and more perverted now, and even has the ability to heal itself.

All these phenomena made Lin Jichen start to wonder whether it was due to the artifact jade pendant?

When he broke through to Yuanying, he did see the jade pendant, but it disappeared again later.

At that time, Lin Jichen thought it was an illusion.

But now it seems that whether it is possible that the effect of Pisces Pendant...

It's just that there is no way to study this matter for the time being, so we can only take one step at a time.

Moreover, Lin Jichen had a feeling that his body might be more than just this little change and improvement.

"Although I don't know the reason yet, the more such body changes, the better. I won't have to worry about self-protection ability in the future. Even if the world merges in the future, I'm afraid I will be the one who will receive all the strength the fastest, hehe"

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen closed his eyes in a good mood, and fell asleep for a long time.

When I woke up the next day, nothing seemed to happen.

Lin Jichen also kept silent about what happened yesterday, so as not to spoil everyone's mood.

two more

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