Full-time sword repair

Chapter 91 The first date with the senior sister!

"How can I do that? Master's gift must be bought. People are scattered because they don't hesitate, and their hearts are cold because they are not true!"

"Disciples should always cherish the days when they have a master. As the saying goes, a disciple with a master is like a treasure, and a disciple without a master is like a grass."

"Unless my disciples are ashes and bones, I will stick to my master for a lifetime without any worries!"

Lin Jichen's every word reveals his true feelings, and his feelings are sincere.

These heartfelt words made Leng Feiyan's heartstrings tremble slightly.

Like the breeze blowing the river willow, like the silver carp jumping out of the water, like the Sanskrit sound paired with the plain piano.

【Ding!Leng Feiyan's favorability towards you +5!Current favorability: 50 points (teacher)]

Leng Feiyan didn't delay any longer and accepted the treasure box.

Curious, she opened the treasure box and found a string of exquisite bracelets lying inside.

This is the most expensive bracelet Lin Jichen picked up in a jewelry store, and it cost him more than 8000 spirit stones.

It's called Ziyuxiang, but it's a treasure, most importantly it's very beautiful, he guessed that Leng Feiyan would definitely like it.

Sure enough, seeing the bracelet, Leng Feiyan smiled and took the bracelet out, just about to put it on.

"Master, would you like me to put it on for you?" Lin Jichen asked tentatively.

He was thinking, with 50 favorability points, he should be able to get closer...

Leng Feiyan had a strange expression, hesitated for a moment, and agreed.

"Then you can put it on for the teacher..."

The voice behind has lost all confidence.

Lin Jichen was ordered, and stepped forward with a smile.

Seeing Lin Jichen getting closer and closer, the expression of Leng Feiyan who was sitting in the head of the door became more and more wrong, and his eyes began to wander.

Lin Jichen took the bracelet from Leng Feiyan's hand, unfastened the clasp, and grabbed Leng Feiyan's jade hand.

The catkins are as soft as satin and fat, cold and smooth, like a baby's skin, which can be broken by blowing and blowing. Once Lin Jichen grasped it, he was reluctant to let go.

At the moment of touching, Leng Feiyan was obviously startled, and her eyelashes trembled slightly.

This was the first time in his life that a man touched his hand.

Still so bold... Grab your hands completely...

She could feel the temperature coming from Lin Jichen's palm, it was as hot as a ball of flame, and the heat was so cold that her white snow-like skin began to feel hot.

Unexpectedly, Lin Jichen let go of her left hand and grabbed her right hand again.

Leng Feiyan couldn't help it, and pretended to be annoyed: "Teacher, what are you doing?"

Lin Jichen said solemnly: "I just want to think how lucky this bracelet is, to be able to wear it on such a beautiful jade hand as Master, this purple feather fragrance must be a great blessing from the previous life, maybe it will save the common people, otherwise I would not be so lucky. "

Leng Feiyan's jade face was reddened by the words, this bad apprentice is really glib!Very bad!

"You are not allowed to joke, just wear your right hand." Leng Feiyan said, raising her right hand voluntarily.

Lin Jichen held it again unceremoniously, and then put the bracelet on slowly and seriously, before releasing it reluctantly.

"It's so beautiful, master, this bracelet really matches you, it really echoes the ancient poem, hibiscus is not as good as beauty makeup, and the wind from the water palace brings the fragrance of pearls and emerald green."

Leng Feiyan was praised so that her cheeks were flushed, and her expression was awkward.

Especially seeing Lin Jichen, who was close at hand, staring at him with burning eyes, it seemed to have a penetrating feeling.

It made her heart beat like a deer, and she was a little at a loss.

"Okay...okay, stop talking nonsense, you...you...you can go back first, I'm a little tired as a teacher, I want to go back and rest."

"Okay, I wish master a good dream." Lin Jichen didn't push himself further, humming a ditty and left gracefully.

Leaving Leng Feiyan sitting on the chair, panting slightly, blushing and heart beating.

"This bad apprentice... is getting more and more unruly..."

With autumn in Leng Feiyan's eyes, he muttered to himself.

But there was no sign of anger on his face, on the contrary, his face was full of embarrassment, joy, and sweetness...

Lin Jichen walked out of the Sword Palace and went straight down the mountain.

Nan Gongyue seemed to know that he was coming, and was already waiting at the foot of the mountain.

"Junior Brother, I just saw a Heavenly Tribulation in the back mountain of Sword Palace, is it your Thunder Tribulation?"

"En." Lin Jichen nodded.

Thinking of this gives me a headache, I won’t have Master to help me when I cross the catastrophe, alas~

"Senior Sister, I have broken through to Foundation Establishment, and I have not forgotten my promise with you, shall we go?"

Lin Jichen said in a low voice, and looked back guiltily.

"Well... But we can't go together, we will be seen, if my father and my grandfather know, they will definitely not let me go out."

Nangong Yue blushed and felt infinitely shy.

"Okay, then let's go separately. I'll go first and wait for you at the east gate of Fengqu City."

Lin Jichen wanted to act separately, Nan Gongyue was afraid of her father, he was afraid of his master~


After the two made an agreement, Lin Jichen left the sword sect first, and not long after that, Nan Gongyue also secretly left the sect.

Outside Fengqu City, Lin Jichen didn't wait long when he saw Nangongyue coming out of the teleportation array.

"Junior brother, where are we... going..." Nangong Yue's face was still blushing.

This was the first date in her life with a man, and she was so nervous that she didn't know what to do.

Lin Jichen was still a little worried and asked, "Is there no one following behind? No one is watching?"

Nan Gongyue thought he was asking her father and grandfather, she shook her head and said, "No, I'm very careful."

"That's good, then let's go to the city. I know there is a theater with superb musicians and opera singers. How about we go there?"

Lin Jichen is very skilled. In his previous life, he was pestered by a woman like Guo Jie to go shopping and date every day, so he has rich experience.

Of course, the experience of digging out the wallet is very rich.

"It's up to you to decide." Nan Gongyue had no idea and agreed immediately.

The two walked together and entered the city.

Walking and stopping all the way, I came to an elegant ancient garden, which is the theater building.

The two went upstairs, booked a private room on the second floor, sat down, and began to listen to the opera and music downstairs.

Nan Gongyue also seemed to be immersed in the opera very quickly, appreciating it seriously.

Until she realized that Lin Jichen was looking at her all the time, she blushed a lot.

"Little brother... why are you looking at me? Don't you want to watch a play?"

Lin Jichen grinned, and said, "How can a senior sister watch a play well? Senior sister, you don't have to worry about me. You watch your play, and I watch my senior sister."

Nan Gongyue's face was blushing, her eyebrows were downcast, her head was buried in the bulging hills in front of her chest, she didn't dare to raise her eyes to meet Lin Jichen's gaze.

After watching the opera, the two left together.

Nan Gongyue didn't even bother to listen to the later scenes, and Lin Jichen reminded her twice before she reacted when she went out.

Leaving the theater building, Nangong Yue thought the date was over, but Lin Jichen brought her to a library building.

"Shopkeeper, the romance book I ordered from you a few days ago is here?"

"When it arrives, it's all prepared for the immortal."

"Thank you."

Lin Jichen paid the money and had several extra books in his hand.

He handed these books to Nan Gongyue, and said with a smile: "I specially prepared these books for Senior Sister, I don't know if you have read them."

Nan Gongyue didn't expect that Lin Jichen would give her a romance book, so she looked through it, but she still didn't read it.

Nangongyue's smile bloomed, and she couldn't help holding these books in her arms, as happy as a child.


One more~

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