Full-time sword repair

Chapter 896 Walking with Chu Tianhan?

"Uncle Tianjian, I heard that two disciples, Jichen and Tianhan, broke through the Nascent Soul almost at the same time."

In the main hall, Leng Feiyan asked Elder Tianjian again.

The Great Elder Tianjian was feeling depressed that the leader was working overtime for him, and thought that he was going to add tasks to him in a disguised form, so he quickly replied: "This...I don't know much about it."

Leng Feiyan smiled, and said: "Secret Boss, there is no need to misunderstand. All the disciples in the inner hall of our sect who break through the Nascent Soul Realm must go down the mountain to practice. I think Tianhan and Jichen both broke through at the same time this time. Why don't we let them go together?" , so that the two of them can also rely on each other, and if they perform well, I think both of their original positions will be restored."

The Great Elder Tianjian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was also relieved.

"I also agree with the suggestion of the head, let these two juniors cooperate once."

Leng Feiyan nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Lin Jichen and Chu Tianhan at the same time: "After the meeting, you two, go to Tianque Shibo to pick up the task. Remember, you must work together for this experience."

After speaking, Leng Feiyan said to Lin Jichen: "Disciple, Tianhan is your senior brother, you must listen carefully to what your senior brother said during this trip, you know?"

Lin Jichen didn't expect that Leng Feiyan would arrange such an errand for him, asking him to do the task with Chu Tianhan?

I drop mom!

Leng Feiyan just wanted to take this opportunity to restore the posts that both of them had been dismissed from, and also to give a favor to Elder Tianjian.

By the way, these two most promising talented disciples of Jianzong can work together to cultivate a tacit understanding, and together they will support the lintel of Jianzong.

But Leng Feiyan didn't know Chu Tianhan's secret, nor did he know that Lin Jichen and Chu Tianhan had enmity for a long time.

Letting myself act together with Chu Tianhan, wouldn't it be the same as seeking skin from a tiger?Not sure how this kid will sell himself.

Lin Jichen wanted to refuse, but Chu Tianhan had already stood up and agreed.

"Don't worry, Sect Leader, I will take good care of Junior Brother Lin and ensure that the task is successfully completed."

"That's good." Leng Feiyan smiled and nodded.

Lin Jichen opened his mouth to speak, but the matter had already been decided, so he could only be forced to agree.

After the meeting, everyone dispersed.

Leng Feiyan left Lin Jichen alone.

"Disciple, this time, you have to get along well with senior brother, you know."

Lin Jichen asked with a wry smile: "Master, why do you insist on me going with Senior Brother? In fact, I can do it alone..."

Leng Feiyan rolled his eyes at him, and said: "What do you mean, it's not that you were befriending the demon cultivator and was discovered by the Heavenly Sword Master. Now that I have left the customs and haven't given a perfect explanation, it is inevitable that Master Tianjian will have resentment."

"I understand Master, and I will follow suit."

Lin Jichen immediately understood what Leng Feiyan meant, knowing that she was doing it for his own good, so he didn't refuse again.

Seeing this, Leng Feiyan nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly pointed her jade finger, and a burst of spiritual power flew into Lin Jichen's body.

On Lin Jichen's arm, a mark appeared.

Lin Jichen looked at the imprint, and was immediately elated.

Leng Feiyan said in a slightly arrogant tone: "This is the imprint of the spirit and soul that my teacher gave you. You don't need to ask the head of Gu for it anymore."

Lin Jichen chuckled and said, "Thank you, Master!"

Leng Feiyan warned: "Disciple, remember, don't use this imprint of the soul if you can use it. What a real strong person needs is the epiphany and growth between life and death. As a teacher, I don't want you to rely too much on the power of the sect and the power of the sect." External forces, because that will only hinder your Dao Heart."

Lin Jichen said seriously when he heard the words: "Master, don't worry, disciple understands."

He actually doesn't want to rely on his thighs, but the problem is... his enemies are too strong...

The ghost clan, the demon clan, the demon sect... He has provoked them all.

They all provoked big bosses, the kind who could crush him to death with a single finger.

He didn't dare to go anywhere without a thigh hug, and he would die if he was caught.

Unless Lin Jichen is content with the status quo and devotes himself to cultivating in the sect.

But practicing in the sect, the growth is too slow, Lin Jichen doesn't want to be a bastard.

Lin Jichen generally wouldn't use this imprint of the soul unless he met someone of the level of General Chen Yinggou.

"It's good that you understand, then go to Tianque Shibo to pick up the task, remember to go early and return early, don't mess around outside again, if you are discovered by your teacher, hehe."

Leng Feiyan never forgot to threaten Lin Jichen, acting like a strict wife.

Lin Jichen couldn't help laughing at Leng Feiyan's appearance, the master's appearance is really cute.

So he boldly stepped forward and approached Leng Feiyan who was sitting on the chief seat step by step.

Seeing him coming, Leng Feiyan immediately guessed what this bad boy was thinking, her pretty face flushed, and she said shyly, "You still don't want to go, what are you doing here?"

Lin Jichen grinned and said, "Master, we are finally reunited and we have to separate. This disciple is reluctant to part with you, and wants to say goodbye to Master before leaving."

Leng Feiyan blushed and said, "Farewell...you don't need to come over here, this is the main hall, no nonsense is allowed...wait...you are not allowed to stinky...uh~"

A few minutes later, Lin Jichen left Jiangong Mountain happily, with the sweet fragrance of his precious master still on his lips.

Although there was a bruise on the waist, it was another dishonest punishment from his hands.

But if he can take advantage of the master, what is the flesh wound on his waist, as long as the waist is fine!

He ran all the way to Lingqi Mountain, and met the Great Elder Tianque.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tianhan was already waiting here.

In addition, Li Mu was also beside him.

"Boy Lin is here, just in time, the three of you should set off together. Remember, you brothers should work together and listen to the words of the senior brother Tianhan. Go!"

Elder Tianque shook his hand, then left gracefully.

Lin Jichen was stunned for a moment before he opened his mouth and said, "Three???"

Li Mu stepped forward with a smile and explained: "Brother Lin, brother, I am also a Nascent Soul who broke through a few days ago. Before I had time to go down the mountain, my master asked the three of us to walk together."

Hearing that Li Mu was going too, Lin Jichen felt more at ease.

If it was just him and Chu Tianhan going there, he would think it was very dangerous. God knows whether Chu Tianhan, the sixth son, would stab a knife in the back.

But now that there are more than one Li Mu, it's safer, and Chu Tianhan doesn't dare to mess around in front of him.

"That's fine, then what is our training task?" Lin Jichen asked.

Li Mu replied with a smile: "The task of the three of us this time is to go to the Rakshasa Sea to kill a water-eyed green toad beast in the late stage of Nascent Soul. If you get its demon pill, it will be considered a success. The task is not difficult. If the three of us work together It's not difficult at all, junior brother can rest assured."

Lin Jichen smiled wryly, this task is not difficult, but the Rakshasa Sea is extremely dangerous...


One more~

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