Although there are 1 reluctances in my heart, I can't stand the cooking addiction of the head of Leng.

I saw her plunge into the back kitchen and start to tumbling.

Lin Jichen stayed outside without love, and soon smelled the burnt smell wafting from inside, feeling ashamed.

"Master, that... I'm actually not hungry."

Lin Jichen pinched his nose and stuck his head in, trying to make a final resistance.

However, Leng Fei said without turning back his cigarette butt: "No, I think you are hungry, Master."

Lin Jichen completely gave up, forget it, just eat it.

I'm already in the Nascent Soul Realm, with 40 blood bars, can't I still not be able to handle a meal from the master?Not rich!

Since he couldn't escape, Lin Jichen didn't bother to resist anymore, so he simply walked into the kitchen and hugged Leng Feiyan from behind, enjoying himself first.

"Student, don't make trouble, you go out first, let's talk after cooking for the master."

Chef Leng started to chase people away.

But Lin Jichen was relentless, and he refused to let go of Leng Feiyan's willow waist.

"Master, it's fine if you want me to go out, you have to kiss me first."

"No, didn't you kiss me just now?" Master Leng gave him a blank look.

"Then I won't leave. Master, you don't want to be disturbed by me while cooking, so you should obey me obediently, hehe."

Leng Feiyan had no choice but to turn around with a blushing face, and gave Lin Jichen a kiss and bribe to drive away the bad apprentice who disturbed her from showing her superb cooking skills.

Not long after Lin Jichen enjoyed Master's kiss, his 'reward' came.

Looking at the table full of 'delicacy from mountains and seas', Lin Jichen shed tears of happiness while eating.

"Eating a lot of refined salt by mistake! Blow! -8000!"

"Eating a lot of hemp vines by mistake! Paralysis! -5000!"

"Eating a lot of hot peppers by mistake! It's super spicy! -7000!"

"Eating by mistake..."


After Lin Jichen finished eating the table, he looked at his health bar, and there was only less than [-] left.

Lin Jichen's scalp was numb. Fortunately, he broke through the Nascent Soul this time. Otherwise, if he had a spiritual realm, he would have been...fed...

"Teacher, how is it? Is it delicious?"

Seeing that Lin Jichen ate cleanly, Leng Feiyan was very satisfied, and did not forget to ask Lin Jichen for compliments.

Lin Jichen was in a state of suffering, so he could only praise against his will: "Zhenhaochi!"

"What?" Leng Feiyan didn't understand.

"Wusuo Zhenhaochi! The material in the suit is Zhenhaochi!"

Lin Jichen repeated it again only to realize that he had no sensation in his mouth... he couldn't even speak clearly.

Seeing this, Leng Feiyan asked in surprise, "Teacher, why is your mouth swollen?"

"Phuket Island, Wo can't beat the existence of Wo's mouth..."

"Oh, I seem to have added a little bit more hot pepper for the teacher, and the hot pepper book said that a small spoonful of hot pepper can kill a cow." Leng Feiyan had an epiphany.

"How much did you put in the suit?"

Leng Feiyan lowered her head in embarrassment, and replied, "A pot..."

Lin Jichen: "...."

"It doesn't matter, I will cook you a dish that relieves the spiciness as a teacher. It will definitely be fine."

The enthusiastic Master Leng once again wanted to escape to the kitchen to flex his muscles.

Lin Jichen was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he quickly grabbed his master, saying that he really couldn't eat it anymore, and he would eat it next time.

Seeing this, Leng Feiyan had no choice but to give up resentfully.

"The disciple, you should go back and have a rest first. I have just left customs and have a meeting in the main hall. If you are hungry at night, I will cook for you."

After Leng Feiyan left, Lin Jichen ran back to his living room, looked at the sausage mouth in the mirror, and wanted to cry.

Fortunately, this state will only last for half an hour before it disappears, otherwise Lin Jichen would really be ashamed to go down the mountain.

"Oh, my precious master is good at everything, but why is he addicted to cooking..."

Lin Jichen sighed, and only hoped that Master would stop thinking about cooking during this time, even the Nascent Soul Realm couldn't handle it... Woohoo.

I don’t eat anything at night, but eat Master’s saliva if I want to eat!

Lin Jichen made up his mind before letting go of his heart a little.

Disrupted by his master's sudden appearance, Lin Jichen remembered that after breaking through the Nascent Soul, he forgot something.

With a thought of Lin Jichen, a broken jade slip appeared in his hand.

That's right, this incomplete version of the magical power bought from the Wudu Mountains auction can finally be learned now.

[Heavenly Supernatural Ability Unknown (Incomplete)]: After gaining power for five seconds, a special enchantment with a range of 1000 meters is summoned, and all attributes of enemies in the enchantment are reduced by 20%, and they cannot use any body skills and magical skills. The enchantment lasts for 5 minutes, and when the enchantment is released after 5 minutes, it will cause 50000 skill damage within the range.

Cooldown: 10 days.

Mana Cost: 100000 points.

Requirements: All monks above Nascent Soul Realm can learn.


Lin Jichen spent 300 million spirit stones to photograph this Tianpin supernatural secret technique.

Although it is a broken version, it is definitely worth the money.

The incomplete version is so perverted, it's hard to imagine how powerful the full version is.

If only I could find the remaining half later.

Lin Jichen stopped hesitating immediately and learned it on the spot.

But at this time, the game prompt sounded.

【Ding!An unknown skill is detected, you can name it freely, please name it! 】

Lin Jichen began to think about what name to give this supernatural power.

As a name-naming genius, Lin Jichen felt that he had to choose a reputable name.

Just as he was thinking, a beautiful figure sneaked up behind him, and then a pair of cool little hands covered his eyes.

Lin Jichen subconsciously blurted out: "What are you doing?"

But because the mouth was swollen and numb, the words became: Li Zaigan God and Demon?

At this time, the game prompt sounded again!

【Ding!Named successfully!Tianpin Supernatural Powers Incomplete Edition Li Zaigan God and Devil!Done! 】

When Lin Jichen came to his senses, it was too late to change.

Sure enough, there is an extra supernatural skill in his skill bar, the name is Li Zaigan God and Demon...

Looking at the name of this skill, Lin Jichen was deeply speechless.

In the next second, he was annoyed and turned his head to see who was responsible, but what he saw were Nangong Yue's bright eyes.

The anger dissipated immediately, forget it, it's just a name, you can call it whatever you want.

In fact, he originally wanted to get a 'Batian God of War Barrier', but it was a pity that it was changed to 'Li Zaigan God and Demon'.

Although the name didn't come true, forget it, let's take it again when I have a chance.

In case you find an unnamed skill again, just use it yourself.

"Little sister, why are you swollen?" Lin Jichen put on a smile and asked the other party.

Nan Gongyue looked at Lin Jichen who had turned his head, and after being stunned for two seconds, she burst out laughing.

Then the room echoed with her unstoppable laughter.

"Little Junior Brother... You laughed me to death... What's wrong with your mouth?? Giggle..."

Nan Gongyue laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist.

Lin Jichen rolled his eyes helplessly, can he say that he became like this because he ate a feast of love from Master...


Two more~

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