Full-time sword repair

Chapter 882 So You Are Here!

Wait for the crowd to disperse.

Lin Jichen clasped his fists towards Gu Qingcheng and said, "Thank you, Master Gu, for your rescue, I will remember this kindness!"

Gu Qingcheng waved his jade hand lightly, and said with a nonchalant expression: "This is what I promised you, and I just fulfilled the promise. It belongs to mutual mutual debt, so there is no need to thank you."

Lin Jichen smiled and said: "Master Gu is too polite, my busyness can't compare to your life-saving grace. If you need Lin in the future, just ask."

Gu Qingcheng just wanted to refuse, but seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up and said: "Really?"

Lin Jichen nodded: "Really!"

"Okay, when I need to find you in the future, I won't be polite."

Gu Qingcheng agreed, and added: "If I want to go out to play in the future, you have to be on call, come and help me act."

Lin Jichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only nod his head.

Gu Qingcheng became curious again, and asked: "The generals of the ghost clan and Yinggou, why are you looking for you? What did you take from them?"

Lin Jichen was dumb for a moment, but when he was thinking about how to get away with it, Gu Qingcheng expressed it generously.

"Forget it, don't ask if you don't want to say I'm the master, but you should stop visiting this kind of place in the future. This place is so close to the ghost world. I can save you once, but I can't save you a second time."

"Understood, thank you, Master Gu, for your teaching."

Gu Qingcheng said: "I just don't want my Han'er to be sad for you. I'm just this precious son. If he is sad, my head will be sad too."

As he said that, Gu Qingcheng joked to Lin Jichen: "The suggestion I told you before, do you want to think about it again?"

【Ding!Trigger the only hidden mission, the road to son-in-law!Task requirements: agree to Gu Qingcheng's invitation, marry her as his wife, abandon the sword and follow the law, and belong to the Yuanji Dharma School from now on, are you willing? 】

Lin Jichen was speechless for a while, good guy, come again?

"That... Headmaster Gu, except for this, I can promise you, I really will not leave Jianzong, let alone abandon the sword and follow the law."

Lin Jichen had no choice but to reject this huge pie again.

He could see that Gu Qingcheng's affection for him was only five, but he could trigger this outrageous task.

There is only one reason, and that is...to get rid of Gu Zihan is to get his mother...

Sure enough, facing Lin Jichen's refusal, Gu Qingcheng's face remained calm, and he just teased:

"I can't see that your Dao heart is so firm. It's really rare to have such concentration at such a young age."

"That's natural! My master said that the heart is broken when the sword bends, and the broken sword is about to collapse! If a person's heart is not firm, he will never become a great weapon."

Lin Jichen said proudly.

At this moment, a female ghost woke up from a coma, and the moaning sound attracted the attention of the two.

The female ghost just fainted from the sound of winning the hook.

Just after waking up, she saw Lin Jichen, still in shock, she subconsciously ran behind Lin Jichen and hid.

Gu Qingcheng immediately cast a strange look, and said, "So you like this? Is this what you said about Dao Xin?"

Lin Jichen quickly explained: "Master Gu, you misunderstood, it's not what you think."

"Hehe, it's no wonder I believe you. No wonder you don't even like the head of the house. So you like ghosts. You shouldn't deal with Han'er in the future. I'm afraid you will spoil him."

Gu Qingcheng rolled her eyes, and took two steps back to stay away from him.

Lin Jichen was about to speak, but there was movement behind him.

A Nascent Soul Realm cultivator fled in their direction dragging his seriously injured body, followed by a Transformation God Realm ghost chasing after him.

"Jie Jie, Gao Quansheng, you old tortoise, you still have today. If you dare to delay my good deeds, I will make you pay the price!"

At this moment, Gao Quansheng turned around and threw the talisman while vomiting blood, trying to stop the old ghost Heimu.

However, the old ghost Heimu was like a gangrene attached to his bones, and he couldn't get rid of it at all, but got closer and closer.

Gao Quansheng coughed up a big mouthful of blood again, and sighed in his heart, it seems that this time he really has to explain it here.

But his eyes suddenly widened, and he looked forward, as if he saw an incredible picture.

In the next second, Gao Quansheng turned from surprise to eagerness, and he yelled: "Hurry up and run!"

After that, he stopped, turned around to face the old ghost Heimu, and wanted to delay the time and give Lin Jichen and Xiaoqian a chance to escape.

"Boy, remember! Help me take care of my Xiaoqian! My wife, you raise her! Go!"

Gao Quansheng left his last words and was ready to sacrifice himself.

"Quack! So you're here, old ghost Heimu, I'm really lucky today, none of you can escape today!"

The old ghost Heimu laughed wildly when he saw Lin Jichen, thinking he was sure of winning.


A ray of rays of light carried terrifying energy, instantly piercing through the chest of Old Ghost Heimu.


In an instant, the body of Heimu old ghost was ignited with raging flames.

The old Heimu ghost who didn't understand what happened subconsciously opened his mouth to scream, but the terrible flame burned him up in an instant!

In an instant, the old ghost Heimu... turned into flying ash...

Gao Quansheng didn't understand what was going on, so he stood there in a daze for a long time.

Until the sound of communication came from behind.

"Thank you, Master Gu, for your help again."

"Forget it, it's nothing more than a little effort."

Gao Quansheng turned his head in disbelief, and looked at the woman in red, who was as beautiful as a fairy, who knew that the moment her eyes fell, he trembled with fright, and quickly lowered his head.

Fortunately, Lin Jichen stood up and said with a smile, "Old Gao, it's okay, you can take care of Xiaoqian by yourself."

No matter how stupid Gao Quansheng was, he understood what was going on, and hurriedly knelt down and said to Gu Gu: "Senior, you are so kind and virtuous, I will never forget it."

"You don't need to thank me, I was only entrusted by this kid to save you."

Gu Qingcheng didn't even want to look at Gao Quansheng.

At this time, Xiaoqian, the female ghost behind Lin Jichen, ran over excitedly after seeing Gao Quansheng: "Master~ are you okay, woo woo woo, Xiaoqian thought you didn't want me anymore..."

Gao Quansheng finally showed a smile when he saw Xiaoqian, and said affectionately: "I'm fine, as long as I can get you out."

A master and a servant immediately hugged each other.

As the audience, Lin Jichen and Gu Qingcheng watched this scene silently.

"So this ghost belongs to him?" Gu Qingcheng realized later.

"Yes." Lin Jichen nodded.

Gu Qingcheng smiled embarrassedly, and said: "I almost misunderstood you just now, I thought you were the kind of stinky man who likes to play with female ghosts."

"Ahem...how can it be, Master Gu really misunderstood me." Lin Jichen coughed dryly twice to cover up his embarrassment.

Seeing Gao Quansheng and Xiaoqian lovingly embracing in front of him, Gu Qingcheng suddenly changed his attitude, seeming a little envious.

"Can humans and ghosts also have love?"

Lin Jichen replied casually: "Love can transcend race, and the love between humans and ghosts is endless."

Gu Qingcheng was thoughtful, then curled his lips and whispered: "I don't know when the love of the head will come..."


I was quarantined...the hotel doesn't even have a computer, I'm really stuck!Words coded by mobile phone...

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