Full-time sword repair

Chapter 871 I'll Pay for the Medical Expenses

"Brother Lin, can you... lend me some money?"

Lin Jichen didn't expect that this little guy came back to ask him for money.

Immediately thought that the child was greedy and wanted to buy snacks.

&n...the more the merrier. "

Lin Jichen laughed immediately, and said, "What delicious food do you want to buy for so much money?"

Niu Naitang shook his head, sadly said: "Tangtang is not for buying food, but for donating money."

"Donate money?"

"Well, I have a classmate who is my good friend. She had a car accident and her family had no money, so the teacher made a donation. I came back to ask my aunt for money."

Lin Jichen suddenly realized, and asked seriously: "So that's the case, how much does your classmate need for medical treatment?"

"do not know..."

After hearing this, Lin Jichen said, "Wait for me."

After speaking, he turned and went back to the house, and found out all the cash, a total of more than 1 yuan.

"Take it and donate it to your classmates."

Niu Naitang was also very happy to see so much money, so he quickly nodded and collected the money, ready to go back.

Lin Jichen was worried that it would not be safe for a child to bring so much money, so he thought for a while and said, "I'll go with you."

"Hmm, I want to visit my classmate in the hospital."

"Okay, wait a minute."

Lin Jichen was about to go out, but for the sake of safety, he still used the game ring to connect with Tang Ning and asked her if she was busy.

To be on the safe side, it's better to take Tang Ning with you when you go out.

Who knows if there are any killers waiting for him.

Generally, those killers are very patient. In order to assassinate a person, they can wait even months, let alone a few days.

Lin Jichen didn't want the gutter to capsize, he could rest assured only with Tang Ning around.

After receiving the news, Tang Ning happened to have nothing to do, so she quit the game and went out with Lin Jichen.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qiuxue just came out too.

When they heard this, they decided to go out together.

When he came to the hospital, after questioning, Lin Jichen found Niu Naitang's location, but she was pushed into the operating room and was being rescued.

Outside the rescue room, there was only one old man crying, and Yan Ruyu was comforting him.

"Teacher, is Xiao Tiantian alright?"

Yan Ruyu didn't expect Niu Naitang to bring Lin Jichen and the others over.

"The doctor is saving her, trust the teacher, Tian Tian will be fine."

Yan Ruyu's eyes were red as she spoke, her heart ached as her student had an accident.

At this time, a nurse came up to kindly remind: "The patient's family members need to pay the fee."

"How much?" The old man raised his head and asked tremblingly.

"Now the child's lung lobe has been smashed, his hand is also comminuted, and he is bleeding heavily in the chest cavity. He needs a lot of medical expenses. It is estimated to cost 50 yuan. You need to pay for it first, and you may have to pay later."


This fee was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for the old man. She cried and said, "Our family...don't have that much money..."

"Grandma, you can notify the parents of the child." The nurse kindly reminded.

The old man smiled bitterly, and said: "The child's parents have divorced a long time ago, and they don't want the child to go out of town. They haven't been able to contact them for many years. I brought up this child by myself. I really can't make up so much money." ..."

As he spoke, the old man showed despair.

Yan Ruyu hurriedly comforted her: "Grandma, don't worry, I've asked the school to organize donations, there should be quite a few, I still have tens of thousands of yuan here, you take it first, if it's not enough, we'll figure out a solution slowly."

The old man was very grateful and knelt down for Yan Ruyu on the spot, but luckily he was stopped in time.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qiuxue and Tang Ning couldn't bear it.

Tang Ning quickly touched her pocket and took out her salary card: "I also have some money here, take it."

Gu Qiuxue looked up at Lin Jichen, Lin Jichen understood and walked forward.

"Ms. Yan, grandma, don't worry, I will cover the child's medical expenses."

Everyone raised their heads immediately, surprised at each other's magnanimity, the nurse beside him stared at him, did not expect this handsome young man to be a rich second generation?

Yan Ruyu declined politely: "Mr. Lin, that's too much, it's better if you don't want it."

Lin Jichen waved his hands with a smile, and said, "It's okay, Mr. Yan, you also know that my income is not bad, it's not bad, so treat it as my donation, and other donations should be reserved for grandma's later rehabilitation expenses after she becomes a child. "

"That...that's fine..." Yan Ruyu had no choice but to agree.

Hearing Lin Jichen's generosity, the old man hurriedly knelt down to thank him, and Lin Jichen hurriedly grabbed Haosheng to persuade him before giving up.

Now that the medical expenses have been settled, everyone is relieved, and now they are waiting for the emergency room.

Yan Ruyu was worried that Tangtang would skip class, so she sent her back first.

Gu Qiuxue and Tang Ning felt sorry for the old grandma, fearing that if she was alone in the hospital, she would not understand anything, so they stayed with her.

Lin Jichen was naturally staying here too, since it's fine anyway, just wait here.

Lin Jichen took a look at this hospital, and suddenly remembered that Xu Ziyu seemed to be in this hospital too, so he asked a nurse about the situation.

"You mean the patient who was shot? He has been in the hospital for several months."

"Is he still okay?"

"He recovered early last month. He just didn't want to be discharged from the hospital. He stayed there all the time, saying that he was still hurting here and there. In fact, he was comfortable in the hospital. He was taken care of every day and compensated for damages. The police watched him. I don't want to leave."

The nurse said with disgust, she looked down on patients like Xu Ziqi very much.

"Okay, thanks nurse."

After Lin Jichen heard the news, he didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't intend to visit Xu Ziyi.

However, he didn't want Xu Ziyu to live so comfortably.

If Xu Ziyi was comfortable, he would be uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen silently took out his mobile phone, sent a message, and then went back to the emergency room as if nothing happened.

And Xu Ziyu, who was in the VIP ward on the top floor, was lying leisurely on the bed, enjoying the hospital's VIP package and playing mobile games.

During the time in the hospital, he was so happy.

Beautiful nurses are on hand 24 hours a day, and there are policemen on duty outside the door in turn.

Don't worry about safety issues, and you can get subsidies every day.

Xu Ziyi felt that this was heaven, he didn't want to leave, he just wanted to stay here and be his young master.

However, just now, while he was playing a game, he received a text message from his boss.

"I heard that you were on the mend a month ago. How long has it been since you went to work? Do you still want this job? If you don't want it, just quit. I'll hire someone else. Also, the subsidy will stop from today."

Seeing the news, Xu Ziyi first cursed Lin Jichen, and then hurried back to message, saying that he would be discharged from the hospital tomorrow and continue to work.

There is no way, the subsidy is gone, there is no point for him to stay in the hospital, there is no money to get it.

Moreover, Lin Jichen's job has such a good salary, and he has a car and a house, so how could he be willing to give it up.

If he lost this job, with his diploma and ability, he could only go back to the auto repair shop to do odd jobs.

He doesn't want to do that kind of job with a monthly salary of only two or three thousand!

Xu Ziyi immediately decided to leave the hospital today!


Two more~

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