Full-time sword repair

Chapter 867 Are You Two Playing Relay?

Baili Canfeng's support saved Lin Jichen from disaster.

Otherwise, his embarrassment of clearing his defenses might easily fall into Zhao Laojiu's hands.

"You hold on for a while."

Lin Jichen put down these words and stepped back.

"Hey, I'm a Dharma cultivator..."

Baili Canfeng looked resentful, but when Zhao Laojiu attacked, he still bit the bullet and pushed forward.

"Hell magic chain!"

Baili Canfeng raised his staff, trying to block Zhao Laojiu.

Zhao Laojiu was entangled and trapped by the magic chain, but he was extremely resilient, and he broke free in the next second.

Baili Canfeng had a bitter expression on his face. Almost all of his skills were cooling down in a battle just now, and now he has to face a close Zhao Laojiu alone.


Zhao Laojiu, who had completely moved to kill, showed his true strength. With just one move, Baili Canfeng vomited blood and flew out.

"Go to hell! You little bitch!"

Zhao Laojiu raises his finger to kill!

He hated it because of love, and now he just wants to kill these two little bastards who ruined his mansion, killed his subordinates and stabbed his ass hair!

Baili Canfeng watched Zhao Laojiu pointing helplessly, but he had no chance to escape.

At this moment, a pair of big golden hands stood in front of him.

Baili Canfeng raised his head, subconsciously said: "Fuck, Buddhism?"

Zhao Laojiu also followed the sound and saw a huge Buddha standing in front of him.

In the next second, a big golden slap came from the sky!

Zhao Laojiu dodged in a narrow escape.

"Isn't this... the skill of the bald donkey Shengyuan from Tianyin Temple? Brother Lin, you dare to learn this even secretly?? Are you afraid that people from Tianyin Temple will trouble you?"

Baili Canfeng complained.

"Stop talking nonsense, hide behind and heal your injuries."

Lin Jichen didn't have time to chat with him, and he turned into a Buddha in the form of an enemy, attacking Zhao Laojiu crazily.

Although Zhao Laojiu tried his best to dodge, he was still hit, and was slapped back to the ruins under his feet.

Lin Jichen didn't want to give him a chance to breathe, so he threw his cloak at the ruins!

The huge destructive force caused the entire mountain to collapse and split, shaking the ground.

Even though Zhao Laojiu's defense was amazing, he couldn't stop the bombardment, and was beaten until he vomited blood.


Zhao Laojiu saw the Buddha's palm fall again, he saw the timing, and managed to escape with his body skills.

However, as soon as he jumped out, Lin Jichen precisely grabbed his feet.

"Hey, want to run? There's no door!"

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he turned his opponent's feet and swung towards the mountain wall!


The mountain wall was directly smashed to pieces.


Zhao Laojiu spit out a mouthful of old blood again, but he didn't just catch it. He had an extra talisman in his hand, and he quickly recited a curse, and the talisman burned instantly.

Suddenly dark clouds covered the sun in the sky, and thunder and lightning flashed.

"Crazy Thunder Blocking Talisman!"

Whoops!Boom boom boom!

Dozens of bolts of lightning fell at the same time, densely packed.

Lin Jichen's Bodhidharma image was completely charged, and the huge amount of damage made the image unable to hold on, and began to fall apart.

Zhao Laojiu threw out a talisman again.

This time, Lin Jichen's Dharma image couldn't hold on any longer, and it shattered and disappeared.

Lin Jichen fell from the void.

Zhao Laojiu smiled ferociously, and pointed a fatal finger at Lin Jichen!

But the good things were interrupted again.

He saw Baili Remnant Wind floating on his side, his sleeves fluttering, and he closed his eyes and chanted a mantra. When the mantra was finished, he raised his staff high.

"Heavenly Demon Transformation into the Rainbow Art!"

The next moment, countless strands of black mist swept out from behind him, weaving like a torrent, and flew towards Zhao Laojiu in unison.

Zhao Laojiu's finger force was also directly swallowed by the black mist, and he himself became the target of the black mist.

what! ! !

Zhao Laojiu let out a piercing scream, obviously the black mist caused him great pain.

Before the black mist ended, a hundred-foot sword aura descended!

"Taiyi lightsaber!"

Zhao Laojiu felt as if he had been hit hard, and his whole body was sluggish and bleeding profusely.

The fuck are these two guys doing a stunt relay?After one is finished and the other is played?

Zhao Laojiu woke up from the severe pain and forced himself to calm down.

"Enough playing, enough playing, it's my turn!"

Zhao Laojiu's gaze calmed down as he spoke, and the blood-bale aura that pervaded his body was boundless and immeasurable, changing the color of the world.

Soon, Zhao Laojiu pointed parallel to the sword, and calmly pointed at Lin Jichen slowly.

Suddenly, in the sky above his head, a terrifying fingerprint slowly landed. At this moment, the world trembled, and the mountain under his feet completely collapsed!

"Supernatural Powers - Fingers Breaking the Sky!"

Zhao Laojiu used his killer move, and the terrifying fingerprints with the power to crush everything, enveloped Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng at the same time.

Although the speed of the fingerprint falling was slow, it had already locked onto the target, and there was nowhere to hide.

Lin Jichen gave up resistance very happily, and calmly said to Baili Canfeng: "Why are you still standing there, take out your self-defense treasure."

Baili Canfeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he offered a small black bell without hesitation.

The little clock flew out of his palm, and then quickly expanded to become a huge ancient clock, covering Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen was inside, seeing that Baili Canfeng was still outside, he said speechlessly, "Why are you still standing there, come in!"

Only then did Baili Canfeng realize that he was still outside, his expression changed, and he hurriedly flew over.

At the very moment, Lin Jichen grabbed his hand and led him into the ancient clock.

Zhao Laojiu's supernatural power just fell, and the ancient clock trembled violently, and even the wall of the clock began to crack.

The surrounding space was chaotic and violent, and the two hid inside, but they were safe and sound.

"I knew you kid had something good." Lin Jichen heaved a sigh of relief.

If Baili Canfeng didn't have a treasure, he could only activate the spirit imprint on his arm.

But Lin Jichen didn't want to use this only life-saving method so easily, unless it was absolutely necessary.

But Baili Canfeng said with a distressed face: "This day's magic clock is a magic weapon given to me by my teacher, and it cannot be repaired. If it is broken, my teacher will be angry."

Lin Jichen smirked and said, "Care so much about your mistress? Tell me, are you a Cao thief? Have a crush on your mistress?"

"You fart!" Baili Canfeng spat with a red face.

The two talked hard, but Zhao Laojiu outside was so angry that his seven orifices were smoking.

I thought I had used all my supernatural powers, these two guys should be damned.

I didn't expect the other party to have a heavenly treasure!

This also made Zhao Laojiu completely murderous, and it was enough for him to give up these two top-grade magic weapons just for this celestial magic weapon.

Beautiful men are everywhere, but Tianbao is different.

He, a Nascent Soul cultivator, has never touched a heavenly treasure in his life.

I didn't expect these two juniors to have a heavenly quality.

Moreover, Zhao Laojiu always felt that many of the skills these two guys displayed had the aura of heaven.

Now in Zhao Laojiu's eyes, beauty is second to none, what he wants more is the storage ring for the two of them!Definitely something good!

As for beauty?snort!He Zhao Laojiu has never been a person who is greedy for beauty!

Of course, he only lusts after men...


One more~

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